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Dragar March 4th, 2009 01:20 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
To put it another way, if pan's neighbours wait for Carrion Woods to deplete its population, there will be little left worth conquering. An early attack is the only way to ensure maximum spoils. Every turn the return keeps dropping..

Scarlioni March 4th, 2009 03:34 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
A few questions.

What was meant by pre research the spell? Isn't a level 0 spell in this mod? Or do you mean he had his pretender pre configured for it?

He must of been site searching and alchmizing to produce the needed 50+ gems?

It's death scale that improves the result of this spell? From the text of the spell itself it sounds like +growth dominion improves the effects.

Tune of Dancing death 31+stun dmage aoe 25.
Guys that just seems wrong to me some how. What are the counters to this? Anti magic, archers and ranged damage... What else?

JimMorrison March 4th, 2009 07:02 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Scarlioni (Post 678057)
What was meant by pre research the spell? Isn't a level 0 spell in this mod? Or do you mean he had his pretender pre configured for it?

Level 0, so he can cast it from turn 1, and yes he'd need to design his pretender specifically for that purpose.


Originally Posted by Scarlioni (Post 678057)
Tune of Dancing death 31+stun dmage aoe 25.
Guys that just seems wrong to me some how. What are the counters to this? Anti magic, archers and ranged damage... What else?

It's Point Blank AOE. So, beating on the caster with sticks, is one effective counter. :p

rtyffg March 4th, 2009 08:13 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Scarlioni (Post 678057)
It's death scale that improves the result of this spell? From the text of the spell itself it sounds like +growth dominion improves the effects.

1) Tried some tests, and it seems, +growth increases chaff numbers, nothing seems to increase gem output from it.


Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 678072)

Originally Posted by Scarlioni (Post 678057)
What was meant by pre research the spell? Isn't a level 0 spell in this mod? Or do you mean he had his pretender pre configured for it?

Level 0, so he can cast it from turn 1, and yes he'd need to design his pretender specifically for that purpose.


Originally Posted by Scarlioni (Post 678057)
Tune of Dancing death 31+stun dmage aoe 25.
Guys that just seems wrong to me some how. What are the counters to this? Anti magic, archers and ranged damage... What else?

It's Point Blank AOE. So, beating on the caster with sticks, is one effective counter. :p

1) 1-st turn cast does not seem possible. Site searching is helpful, but MA PAN have a 5N income, alloving to cast it on turn 10 without search (most Early possible cast is at turn 7 without gem events)

2) Tune of Dancing death - it is not reliable enough, if an enemy is in range for it, then mage is probably doomed already.

chrispedersen March 4th, 2009 09:13 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Tune of Dancing death - it is not reliable enough, if an enemy is in range for it, then mage is probably doomed already.
That is not true, at all. Pan probably has a carrion dragon; he will be trying to fight within his dominion. In that case he will have between 240 and 320 hp around now.

Even without an undead priests healing him (an excellent tactic courtesy of cleveland) a carrion dragon may have awe, and will have significant fear.

Personally, I prefer tune of growth over tune of death - especially with an obscene fear aura - but either works. And the carrion dragon has recuperation to take care of any afflictions that occur.

Combine that with a centaur reanimated priest or prophet casting pangeas buffs - very potent indeed.

rtyffg March 4th, 2009 10:44 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Hmm, carrion dragon with awe, and carrion woods tends to eat up too much design points, at least when trying to make it awakened.

JimMorrison March 4th, 2009 06:40 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I would think that the most efficient design would be Dormant, with the exact paths needed to cast Carrion Woods, and with a Dominion around 7. You only -need- the Awe for solo work, but with Carrion Woods you will have readily available chaff to help screen the dragon..... If you have any buffers to assist, then it becomes a force that is almost invincible throughout the second year.

The question is, can the slow-ish first year expansion, and the Carrion spawn from that small amount of territories, be made up for with a second year rush, and is there a neighbor near enough who is grabbing their ankles in anticipation of the coming of the dragon? ;) (of course, graphs show Pan above the middle of the pack, so expansion has been adequate thus far, anyways)

chrispedersen March 4th, 2009 06:58 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I was not meaning to say that I thought Pan had awe; I was trying to say that by no means is tune of dancing death or tune of growth unworkable.

Done correctly, Gorgons, Pans, Dryads, and Carrion Dragons can make effective use of these spells, right off the top of my head. So can the harpy queen hero.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As for design choices: T3S3HXG3L3M1 leaves lots of points....

JimMorrison March 4th, 2009 08:13 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I would imagine that spell in particular, is aimed precisely at Dryads who can safely hide tucked within size 2 line troops, and can avert most attacks that are directed at them, with their own Awe.

Stretch March 6th, 2009 01:37 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I did not receive any turn updates after I sent in turn 13... is it a problem with my email or with the server? I've received everything else fine until now!

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