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Baalz March 7th, 2010 11:58 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Zeldor, your arrogance is almost beyond belief. I am, as always, playing for a win and there is a lot of stuff going on which you are obviously unaware. There's also almost certainly plenty of stuff that I'm unaware of but from what I've pieced together this looks a whole lot like you couldn't get everyone to join the dogpile that you wanted so you're taking your ball and going home. That's exactly what happened in Art of War. "Newbs don't know how to play" is apparently Zeldor-speak for "I couldn't convince half a dozen people to all stop what they're doing and attack the guy I decided needs to go down". It'd be one thing if you only mouthed off like a jackass, but you then combine it with actions that materially derail the game. It boggles my mind that you can in any way believe that you're on the moral high ground and doing this "for our own good".

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 12:04 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
If playing kingmaker is against the pledge then the pledge is designed as junk, there many circumstances in which the liklihood of victory is extremely small.

If I ever played a two player and lost 3 early expansion armies, as I did, in this game, I would yield to my opponent. I lost with them. In MP, I might have just a slightly better chance of victory, but to assert that victory is 'possible' is pretty ridiculous... Unless you jsut give me Pythium, then I might be able to win!

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 12:15 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I have to say that, 'so you're taking your ball and going home' is exactly how I would describe Zeldors attitude and actions. His I am just spicing the game up is a load of rubbish, more like I can't win now and I don't fancy turns and turns of fighting Baalz so I will take the easy way out and go AI.

Also, I am playing to win, Baalz is, I am sure Hinnom, Arco, Lanka and Ermor are too. Well everyone else is fighting on and quite rightly too. We all join to fight other people cause its more fun, not the AI which we can do anytime. Very, very disappointing Zeldor, you would be annoyed if you felt you had a potientially winning position and then someone just bailed and handed there empire over without a fight, completely swinging the balance of power.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 12:17 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Zeldor should have said:

Formoria, your foolish move will cost you dearly. You have attacked the sole possible ally in the struggle against Hinnon. I will destroy you. As for the rest of these pitiful pretenders, they can feast upon our corpse when you find your destruction.

That is actually the angle I would take in defending myself too.

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I suppose we only have 2 options now:-

1) Continue with MA Pythium AI.

2) Try to find a sub for MA Pythium who is willing to put up a fight and rollback the turn. I believe only the new MA Pythium player would need to redo there turn.

What does everyone think and does anyone know a player who wants some battle practice?

anonymity March 7th, 2010 04:48 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I don't see what's wrong with what happened.

a) Fomoria believes he can improve his position so that it's more likely to win. He invades Pythium
b) Pythium believes that neither he nor Fomoria can win. He sets himself AI

I don't really understand what's wrong with what's happened here. You pick on the weak and the busy, and quietly build up advantages in research and gem income. If diplo and war doesn't go someone's way, they are well within their rights to set themselves AI. Nothing wrong with either action. Let's keep playing.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 05:06 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by anonymity (Post 734487)
I don't see what's wrong with what happened.

a) Fomoria believes he can improve his position so that it's more likely to win. He invades Pythium
b) Pythium believes that neither he nor Fomoria can win. He sets himself AI

I don't really understand what's wrong with what's happened here. You pick on the weak and the busy, and quietly build up advantages in research and gem income. If diplo and war doesn't go someone's way, they are well within their rights to set themselves AI. Nothing wrong with either action. Let's keep playing.

(you lose the value of role playing... the disconnection with actual losing and the greater importance of having fun, and thus, we are lead to believe, once again, that only crappy players lose... for instance, with his good player pledge, I can't tell if Baalz/Zeldor (which is which again?) are actually that conceited... RAWR!!!)

Even now the other nations of the world salivate over our smouldering ashes!


militarist March 7th, 2010 05:37 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Putting game on hold and rollback would be good. It's a good idea to do it now.

Finding sub would be good, I'll ask Wrana. If he will reject, it is not bad idea to set game for hold till found.

Torin March 7th, 2010 06:20 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I would declare militarist the winner myself.

Many were... uncomitted to fight him. And he is leading by a good margin.

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 07:43 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Yea, I'd go with declaring militarist the winner too, Zeldor's going AI spoilt the game, so lets call it.

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