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-   -   MP: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46491)

Tryfan December 16th, 2010 01:42 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
You didn't like playing Fomoria?

Kobal2 December 17th, 2010 07:25 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
@FinalGenesis : oh ? Is that not your flag I see flying over the tip of their peninsula ?

@Tryfan: I did, a whole lot. It's a really great nation, albeit having real problems with diversification and needing perhaps a bit too much from their pretender. The lack of Earth in particular crippled me in the long run - of course, not scoring a single S specter out of four or five casts didn't help... And by the time I'd lucked into an E2 Spectre & S wizard indies it was too late to properly scour for sites or exploit those paths.

But other than that, between the truly awesome sacred giants, the great chaff, the rolling thunder and of course the MUAHAHAHA DIEDIEDIE Morrigans, they do have a lot of cool tools in their bag. I probably haven't used it to its full potential and I really squandered my resources, but there's a *lot* of raw power beneath that purple flag.

I was really disappointed by Dance of the Morrigans though. The strat guide here made it sound like it was the second coming of Christ, but it must have been nerfed to hell and back since the guide was written. As it stands, I hadn't tested in in SP and each cast of it turned out to be a real disappointment & a complete waste of death gems (not to mention the gems spent making the staves and helmets to cast it in the first place) which only summoned a piddling trickle of them over the first few turns of the fight, then nothing at all. Large amounts of meh, there. I got much more mileage out of Mists of Deception. We won't get fooled again !

My starting location in this game also screwed me a bit, I think - not just because something like 80% of my real estate was by the shore, but because my cap didn't connect to enough provinces & resources to let me build a full queue of Unmarkeds each turn like I would have needed with the strat I was following. Again, I should have realized this from the get go, adapted around it instead of stubbornly sticking to the initial strategy. Die and learn, I guess.

All of that being said, and since I'm still very much a noobie noob who doesn't have the patience to play long games against the AI to learn the game that way, I don't want to stick with the same nation twice. I need to really explore the deep end of the magic paths more thoroughly to know what to expect from other players, different dynamics and path combinations and so forth.

Finalgenesis December 22nd, 2010 12:54 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
A valiant effort Fomorians! Holding on for so long against the world is no mean feat.

Those morrigans are mean! And of course the giants 1 on 1 beats my king with ease.

Tryfan December 23rd, 2010 07:42 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
I have set this next turn to 96 hours to jump the Christmas weekend. No one should need to be worrying about their turn right now, have a Merry Christmas everyone. ;)

It is, of course, still on fastplay so if we do end up all getting our turns in, it'll still progress (and stay on 96 hours).

Tryfan December 27th, 2010 06:53 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Ready to turn the regular schedule back on yet?

Oh, and would we prefer 24, 36, or 48 now?

Gandalf Parker December 27th, 2010 10:58 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Just a suggestion but setting on 1.5 day or 2.5 is more fair to international communities than forced hosting on 1 day increments.

Finalgenesis December 27th, 2010 12:23 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Vote 48

rotarr December 27th, 2010 01:38 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
I'd prefer 48 too for now.

Finalgenesis January 13th, 2011 03:33 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
It's pretty discouraging to see the stales. I think I've seen enough of them in a row to put my tack aside and just come out and say another game ruined by quitters with the end so close in sight.

I mean, if you feel discouraged (perfectly understandable), how hard is it to take 30 sec to make a post and ask us to find a sub for you? It's douche to do that, but silent quitting and thus causing multi staling in critical points of the game is 10x worst. Seeing the effort it takes to post a do a quick post to notify the remaining players, I must conclude that its intended as a last "FU" ritual cast on the remaining players out of spite.

It's one thing if you're down to your capital and you can't do better then an AI...

Will I ever see a game played to completion?

Shall we look for subs? Or call it draw? Or turn those 2 to AI and duke it out? Bah...

Gandalf Parker January 13th, 2011 04:16 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
1.stats.txt:Caelum didn't play this turn
1.stats.txt:C'tis didn't play this turn
2.stats.txt:Caelum didn't play this turn
2.stats.txt:C'tis didn't play this turn
3.stats.txt:Caelum didn't play this turn
4.stats.txt:Caelum didn't play this turn
6.stats.txt:Caelum didn't play this turn
7.stats.txt:Caelum didn't play this turn

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