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Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Done my turn, new turn up.
Dagan was a priority for Astral, I'm recruiting Mictlan indy mages in my second castle hoping to get the 10% +1 Astral or +1 Fire types. If I get the Astral I'll let Dagan go without any fuss. Of course you could try and outbid me on him, not much I can do about that ;) Niefelheim is sieging an indy castle at 77. At turn 12 I'm at 9 provinces (including starting province). I was blocked from going towards Tien Chi by tough indies, now I see there is a port route from 130 to 159. I'll go that way. Research-wise, I've done Alt 1 and Evo 1 and 2. I've found a 20% bonus Conj site for future summons. My pretender has just awakened. All is good. |
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Turn 13 done. Posted turn 14.
Sigh kinda hemmed in by Niefel and tough indies. I have to choose between the dragon and his lackluster minions and a devils/scorpionman/chaff indie to attack all out. Dragon indie would allow me a narrow expansion area until Niefel hems me in...he's focusing very heavily along the south from what little i can see...50 unit expansion squad. couldn't scout it. I'll post exact numbers on the two indies next turn doing the retreat scout thing again to get the comparison. I've not taken a province in two turns and its starting to get worrisome. Have researched con3 though. YAY dwarven hammers..now if i just had the earth gems and not still using my pretender to expand/search. I was reading the stickie thread regarding how to combat Niefel, and a specific mention of C'tis using Darkness and skellispam was mentioned. Was gonna focus on con6 and then Thaum7 for charm but now thinking I should go straight to Darkness. On a side note i saw mention of an amulet that was referred to as the skellispam amulet. Is it that week little one that only cast animate skeleton for one skellie? Is it even worth the waste of the gems? All my sauromancers can cast animate skeletons and that just seems to be a better way to go by far. But i could field some indie commanders with the amulets if they were considered to be helpful. |
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I'm sending socuts, and I think Tien Chi is moving toward Tir, not me. I don't see them expanding my direction yet.
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I am just slowly expanding in my own little world up here to the NE. My Caelum has a little slower expansion method but then it gets rolling. Right now I am probably at about 9 provinces.
My pretender has awoken and I saw immediately that I utilized version 1.0 of pretender design. Currently my Caelum design is up to 2.0 which will be a set-back but should be fine. (1.0 is the mage-on-a-horse who does not have any boot wearing feet to speak of - this puts a damper on my +E boot strategy. 2.0 uses the crone who is slower... but she gets there on her own two feet. I have a second method but it just takes a little bit of time. Luckily due to my starting location it looks like I have that.) Also - now that my initial expansion armies are built up I am able to start my research spam - which is essentially Eagle Kings (with the occasional...uh.. guy I can'r recall but only costs 80 gold.. for when I need to bolster a few more troops). Looking fwd: to how this plays out. |
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Tien Chi is in 108 and surrounds but not on 101 (a port to cross to the southern lands).
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
No worries on Dagan, Doo. You outbid me fair and square. I was just looking for more research, but there are better long term solutions (more forts!). I actually have lots of access to astral with the monkeys, so you can probably put Dagan to better use than I could. For some reason I thought he had some air. I think I was confusing him with Obscuro.
You found some indie mages! Nice! Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, since you're trying to crack into astral, but I have crystal sorceresses right outside my capital. Only just conquered that province, and discovered I can recruit them. They're a1s1. :D Interesting intel on TC surrounding 101. Hopefully Niefel keeps possession of 77 for the time being, so we don't have to worry about TC crossing over to the southern continent and helping Niefel against C'Tis. Endo, I've never given any of my guys skull talismans, but it looks like you get a single skeleton to start, and the ability to cast animate skeleton for a single additional skeleton per cast. That spell takes 30 fatigue, so on a non-deathmage commander who has no re-invig, you'll probably get 4 castings before he stops, so that's 5 skellies per commander w/ a skull talisman. Doesn't sound overwhelming. I guess if you have a large death gem income having 10 indie commanders with these (for 30 death gems, if you're using hammers) for 50 extra skeletons per fight could make a difference in some fights. I would think you'd still want some death mages along to cast the better skelliespam spells to fill out the ranks, but maybe the talismans mean you can leave one or two of the mages you would've brought at home so they can continue researching..? I've never played C'tis or tried the skelliespam thing, so this is all just me thinking out loud about something I have no experience in. :) Atlantis attacked Niefelheim in prov 60. Niefel is laying siege to an indie fort there, and I guess Atlantis wants it too. Atlantis sent a pitifully small force though (4 coral guards & 3 deep one spearmen, backed up by 6 indie archers), given the Niefelheim force (a baker's dozen of living pillars, a gygja, and a niefel jarl). The living pillars are sz3 sacred amphibious units, decent armor and shields, and they seem to do well with Niefel's bless (a4f4d9e9n4), but then who wouldn't? Niefelheim won that fight easily. In any case, it looks like those 2 have started irritating each other. Which is good, IMO, because Niefelheim is actually pretty big. He still hasn't linked his 2 starting forts, but regardless, looks like his total province count is in the 15-16 area. And between his native jotun skinshifters and these sacred amphibious troops, he's got some buff guys stomping around. Abysia's southern fort continues to wallow - no expansion. I have a scout pushing north to investigate how well he's expanding up by his northern fort. On the monkey home front, my 1st fort is up, 2nd & 3rd building. My research is starting to suck less thanks to my pretender who is now awake and the new fort(s). I'm mobilizing for war with Niefelheim. |
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I'm finally going after those trolls. Wish me luck. Only 20 soldiers going in, bu more than half are Fomorian Giants, and the rest are unmarked. Prophet to bless, Giant King and Nemedian Sorceress to cast Aim and lightning bolt spam. Hope it works.
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Done my turn, new turn up. Good luck with the trolls :)
I have Dagan, then remembered my pretender has 4S magic, still he has better stuff to do than spam Pendants of Luck. I tried attacking two Sauromancers (with indie chaff) and they Skelli-spammed my army. I'm trying again but with merc archers (in White). With no chaff guard they should go down. |
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
The Trolls kicked my ***!
Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Game summary for Tir na n'Og from turn 1 to turn 16:
It begins... http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...n1Itbegins.jpg I'm not going to devote much time on reporting these early turns, here is a brief summary. Basic strategy is to recruit lots of these.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...dhewarrior.jpg led by these.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...hechampion.jpg For research I'm looking to recruit these when I can afford it.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...asorceress.jpg but when low on gold I'll recruit these instead.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...0beansidhe.jpg Expansion occurs, I avoid the tough looking indies, still run into some tougher indie leaders that cause some surprise.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...e/T5battle.jpg To combat these tougher indies I recruit elite mercenaries to support my armies.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...lmercenary.jpg What?!?! At least I only spent 45 gold on this... guy? Lets say goodbye.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...mercleaves.jpg Ha Tien Chi, he's missing seven of his fellow freaks! Site searching we find many goodies including this.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...e/t11site2.jpg Should I rush the Queens of Stone Age? No, Tir na n'Og doesn't have enough Earth access to rock out. Turn 12 arrives and the hero of our game is found.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...hcommander.jpg My first indie stealth commander, oh thank the gods! No wait, thank this guy.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...istheSheep.jpg His back-story: Chris was a wizard who longed to be a sheep. Being a wizard is fraught with danger, you get sent into battles to be mere communion slaves. I have yet to see a single sheep in battle in the Dominions universe. Thus the desire to be a sheep. Unfortunately Chris was not of Mictalan, but he was no turkey when it came to the magical arts and was able to transform himself into a lich. His next transformation will be to a lich sheep, and then to his dream of being a sheep. Also on turn 12 we win a bidding war.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...ganrecruit.jpg and have.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...e/t12dagan.jpg Astral access. I forgot Chris has Astral, but who cares when on his first turn of searching Dagan finds.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...aganscores.jpg Totally worth it! Such heroes attract heroes.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...ugharrives.jpg 10% forge bonus and fire access :) http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...me/t15lugh.jpg We got stomped by two Sauromancers spamming the undead, these ladies are hired to help out.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...cherswhite.jpg Which brings us around to turn 16. Graphs are off so no sneak peaks as to where I am compared with others, instead here is my gem income.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...6gemincome.jpg research.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...16research.jpg and map.. http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/t...ame/t16end.jpg |
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