![]() |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
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@ All
New version of the map attached. My happiness level approaching 90%. Change Log - Moved the start at 28 to 25, as 28 was a particularly bad spot. - Moved the start at 210 to 202 and the start at 185 - 175 to accommodate the above change - Moved the forest from 175 to 168 to ensure 175 has decent enough resources. As before I've included a saved game that shows where the starts are. @ Amhazair - I'll upload the map myself in a few hours, as I want to create a dozen+ test games with it first to make sure there are no rouge starts anywhere. And give it a final check over to make sure no other gremlins creep through the net (I'll post when I've uploaded it) ---------- @ Amhazair again - I'll try and check your mod out later if I get chance. Although as far as I know all you need to do is copy and paste the part of the code from each mod into one (which it sounds like what you did). Main issues when conmbining mods that I know of are the id conflicts, which should in theory already have been sorted by the PTB in charge of CBM, Expanded nation pack etc. But I'm sure llama can give it a once over as well. |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
@ Amhazair - Sadly I didn't get a chance to test the map starts or look at your mod in the end today. (had a lot busier evening than I originally planned :(). But I will try and do both tomorrow.
----- @ Dimaz - Will you be posting the rules for the game? As besides the usual turning AI stuff, there's also cheese issues such as attacking with lone commanders to block movement ("I wasn't blocking movement, I was in fact probing his army" "Yeah right of course. Bollox"). Most of the time this is covered in games with "don't be a douche", but I wouldn't mind some clarity from above before we start. (and what punishments are due to rule breakers. As "Oh sorry, I forgot" isn't an acceptable excuse in my books) |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
Well, I think this sort of things is mainly game creator/players responsibility. My job as admin, as I see it, starts with the game itself and ends with it. It includes supporting the game rules and in general supporting the smoothness of the game, but not declaring the rules, as I'm not actually participating in the game. Of course I can do it too, but it will require more time as I didn't think about it so I'm not ready to post such rule list immediately, and it's time to sleep here.
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
1 Attachment(s)
@ All
One tiny tweak to the map (I noticed that 25 didn't have a forest tag). The attached version of the map will be the final one (unless anyone reports any errors). I've started 10 games on the map with the nations in the game, and each time everyone is in one of the designated start locations. So the chances are slim that a rogue starting province got through the net (but I'll be able to tell if anyone starts where they shouldn't by the VP locations once the game starts) ------ @ Amhazair - I've uploaded the map to the llamaserver. It should be at the bottom of the map list. It's named "Riverlands for 13+1 (Andalusian Sun)". I've also quickly looked at your mod, and everything seems fine at first glance (apart from not having an icon image, which makes it harder to know if you've enabled it.) |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, lets try this again. Attached is another final version of the map, as there was still a few connection errors that I somehow missed up until this point.
For clarity, I recommend you delete any previous versions of the map you might have downloaded, as I've had to rename the .map file in order to upload it to the llamaserver. FYI - The image file is the same as before, and has the same name. |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
1 Attachment(s)
@ Amhazair - Found a few errors in your mod relating to the Holy Sites. The basic problem seems to be that each site can only provide 5 "things". With "things" being units, gems, scale shifts etc. So in the mod code for the sites, these "things" appear to be everything between the #rarity and #end commands.
(Edit- The game doesn't crash or anything due to this, it's just that only the first 5 "things" will appear in the site, and anything else is ignored. ie. Basically the gem income you've added to sites which already had 5 "things") I've had a quick look through, and the following have more than 5 (think they all have 6) 849 843 832 829 828 827 Search the mod file for #newsite (number) to find them. I can try and make some suggestions if you like for what to get rid off in each site to bring them down to 5. (I'll try and create a map as well for you to see all the new Holy sites, so that you can see first hand the changes without having to guess/hope the sites are working as planned) -------- Edit #newsite 849 #name "Dvaraka" #path 8 #level 3 #rarity 2 #loc 256 #mon 573 (Amber clan warrior) --- 1 #com 575 (amber clan mage) --- 2 #com 576 (amber clan priest) --- 3 #gems 2 1 --- 4 #gems 4 1 --- 5 #decscale 5 --- 6 ***Problem*** #end #newsite 843 #name "The Cathedral of the Tablet" #path 8 #level 2 #loc 16607 #rarity 1 #com 3489 (HOLY TABLET) #mon 3473 (HIGH GUARD) #com 3475 (MYSTIC) #gems 3 1 #gems 4 1 #decscale 0 #end #newsite 832 #name "Fanatical Congregation" #path 8 #level 0 #loc 81 #rarity 1 #mon 217 (FLAGELLANT) #mon 3465 (FOLLOWER pitchfrok) #mon 3466 (FOLLOWER torch #com 3478 (RABBLE ROUSER) #com 3479 (PREACHER) #gems 0 1 #end #newsite 829 #name "Large Chapterhouse" #path 8 #level 2 #loc 85 #rarity 1 #mon 3452 (CRUSADER) #mon 3453 (TEMPLAR) #mon 3451 (TEMPLAR KNIGHT) #com 3456 (TEMPLAR COMMANDER) #gems 4 1 #res 40 #end #newsite 828 #name "The Destination" #path 8 #level 2 #loc 223 #rarity 1 #mon 3450 (PILGRIMS) #mon 3467 (BATTLE PILGRIMS) #mon 3451 (TEMPLAR KNIGHT) #com 3454 (TEMPLAR MONK) #com 3456 (TEMPLAR COMMANDER) #gems 4 1 #end #newsite 827 #name "Church of the Relic" #path 8 #level 1 #loc 16465 #rarity 0 #mon 3473 (HIGH GUARD) #com 3488 (SAINT RELIC) #com 3487 (PRIEST) #com 241 (HIGH PRIEST) #gems 4 1 #decscale 0 #end The above is the code relating to each site error I listed. ---- Edit 2 Attached is a map and save file that acn be used to see the Holy Sites. If you edit your Andalusian mod, then the cahgnes will appear in the game after a restart. |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
Changed game settings to include the proper map, and turned automatic start back on. We're off as soon as all pretenders are in.
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
I've attached a save game and .map file (Silent Seas map image required) to my above post. With that you can see the sites the mod adds, and use it to see how any changes you make affect the site. (so you can easily see if things are working as planned). (Edit - Select "Man" nation to see them) I think some of the militia type units can be removed from the sites having problems. As I can't see anyone wanting a Militia unit (but it has stick+stones!!!) over gem/gold income. Edit - There's also a naming conflict in the original mod, as there are 2 UW sites called "Laccadive", but I'm pretty sure only one is working, as the code of the first instance is overwriting the code for the second. (So changing the name of one of them should fix it) |
Re: ANDalusian Sun: Anonymous LA Game for experienced players. (Submit Pretenders)
Fixed by removing 3 units, (Follower with torch and pilgrim are quite poor, and provided by other sites too; priestess is nothing special and there's a H2 priest available from the same site) and changing gem income from W1 S1 and E1S1 to W2 and E2. Left the large chapterhouse as the only site without gem income. (Didn't want to break up the "tiered progression" from the site, and the units are quite useful anyway. One unit with no gem income shouldn't be the end of the world.)
Renamed one of the Laccadives to Lacadive. Since I don't know what the word means, misspelling it doesn't offend my sensibilities. :D I'll update the OP in a minute. Edit: Updated. |
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