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-   -   MP: Tiny Crowded World - EA - Ctis - Bullock Winner ! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47680)

Samhain November 28th, 2011 10:46 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Yeah, that was quite an ambush waiting for me in there. I seem to have a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by going in light on the final attack. I should have issued a lot more fire gems. I certainly have them to spare.

Though, losing a bunch of those F2 mages was part of the plan. I am done with research and am getting tired of paying so many. I sure didn't expect to lose Pedoseion though, or the battle for that matter.

Samhain November 29th, 2011 01:51 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Wow, nice second ambush. I would never have guessed you had the gems left for a Sea King's Court, especially after all the water gear I pulled off your Kings in the early stages of the war. I also learned a valuable lesson, that non 0 Enc commanders with Boots of Quickness need extra reinvigoration. Poor heliophogus :(

Anyway, thanks again Ossa for subbing in for us. That was much more satisfying than taking out an AI opponent.

Bullock November 30th, 2011 04:10 AM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Thx Ossa for this great subbing ! Too bad i wasn't able to see those 2 fights :(

Bullock December 5th, 2011 04:07 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Well i think this "gentle-men's war" is coming to an end.
Thx Samhain for keeping your word 'til the Caelum fall as promised.
and Thx Anaconda for keeping and honoring the nap 'til the end.
Also a special Thx to horrorfend for subbing a big nation such as Caelum with lot of micro.

It's now time for the ultimate battle between Fire and Necromancy !

How do you feel it Samhain ?

Samhain December 5th, 2011 10:07 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
You will be scorched mercilessly, or not. It would really help if a certain pair of Ember Lords would move from where I last put them, however.

Bullock December 9th, 2011 09:57 AM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Lol very nice turn to watch :)
However in our fight land 30 my grendelkin Qesban did an excellent fight but in my report he seems to be dead and i looted all his stuff ... wth ??

Samhain December 9th, 2011 12:42 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
That was quite a turn, I believe the largest turn file I've ever had.

It didn't go too badly for me. But, unless you can put the game on a hiatus for a couple of weeks, I'm going to have to bow out and respectfully declare you the winner. You certainly deserve it. That was quite a blitz.

With more time, I should be able to put up a good fight. I'm confident at least in the near term I can advance in a few areas of the map though while losing in a couple of others. But, with work trips the next two weeks and both my son's birthday and holiday events on the weekends, I won't have the opportunity for a while.

Bullock December 9th, 2011 06:55 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Sure np, it s going to be a very nice war i don't want to miss that !
Anyway i'll need a break for Christmas either.

I'll put a huge timer, send turns when you can and we try to get back to the normal pace in january, is that good for you ?

@anaconda don't bother more yourself with this game, turn AI i won't blame you.

Samhain December 9th, 2011 11:05 PM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
That certainly works for me. Thank you, Bullock. I'll try to make the delay worthwhile.

Anaconda December 10th, 2011 08:04 AM

Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
Well, if I turn AI it will be a hassle...

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