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RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Randvek, you are not alone. The mighty Pa, General of the Northern legions, Prophet of Gromulos, and long-time member of the Hall of Fame, succumbed to disease (no doubt picked up from a camp follower on Pangea's extensive spy network payroll) before we could get him our Chalice miracle cure.
He was renknowned for his +10 heroic reinvigoration, no doubt also developed with the assistance of that same camp follower. |
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
wow these soft-kill tactics are impressive, i've never thought of them. i'm glad you guys are all such good players, i get to learn so much.
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
When I turned in Turn 57, I got a confirmation for Turn 56. I forget: did this happen last time, or is this another potential problem?
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
I went to the Alexandria page on llamaserver.net and requested a resend of my current turn. It was labelled "56" this time, rather than 57. Perhaps to be safe, I will hit resend for everyone.
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Yeah from the email that llamabeast sent to us, he implied that we should not play turn 57, but rather request a resend of 56 and then play that.
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
hello everyone.
I've found a sub. his name is Valerius. if he wants, he may peek in here for a hello. he should only have to do one turn for me (I wouldn't put anybody through any more than that). be nice to him http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Ooof! Tough turn for you sansanjuan. Guessed where your raiding party was moving two turns in a row now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
my trip was delayed, so I don't need a sub now. In fact, I will be able to make it without a sub if we delay the hosting of the _next_ turn (not this one) by a day.
Is this OK with all? |
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
On a lighter note the wife gave me an ok to get thrashed in the mega-game (if a spot is still there). I think "EA-Wet tissues" Nation is still available. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif -SSJ edit typo |
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
alas, argatha is really enjoying the cold weather; we're hoping it would stay. The Cave Drakes don't like it too much, but the aged Necromancers insist that it keeps their skin's 'youthful pallor', and the Tomb Oracles have always enjoyed the frigid weather. Plus, anything that slows down Hydras is a good thing. How many do you have there, Pythium? About a hundred? The Hydras grow like their heads, for every one we manage to slay, two more show up.
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Are we moving to 72 hours? I think this turn is only giving us 48 hours (rec'd Mon morn / due Wed morn - west coast).
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Im fine with whatever people want for timing - 48 or 72.
Randvek, it really does look like you have a lot of Hydras. I finally got a scout up to your area and I can see one prov with this big smear of hydras on it. Really impressive, actually. |
Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
I would have swore I had changed it ... well, it's on 72hrs now. Thanks for the heads up.
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
Wow, spacht -- looks we are in the classic Chess bind of both queens in danger of being captures. To retreat or to capture, hum ....
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] Hey has anyone looked at the current turn? I'm at work now so I cant but I was curiuos about the results of the Deathmatch! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img]
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
Atlantis took the deathmatch. You took Utgard however.... very nice battle. I actually thought Utgard might win the day for the first 5 minutes.... No charge from my flank units however.. <sigh> Nice work. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif -SSJ |
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
Go Go AI! I didn't know Atlantis is still alive. Maybe I shouldn't have sent them so much gold http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
Awwww, poor Mischief. He was so hopeful when I talked to him about possibly competing in the Deathmatch. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Pungent Spongy Stuff
Pangean Shrooms
Accidentally ordered one of the Celestial Masters to pillage my capital. Argh…massive unrest and income drop.
I guess he just went ballistic, staring a little too much at the stars. Or it was another one of Pan’s infiltration moves…dropped some strange mushrooms in Li Poo’s tea or something. |
Re: Pangean Shrooms
Hahaha, nice DC. I bet you that it was Pan - that is thier version of "insanity dominion"!
Re: New semi-newbie game!
We certainly won't deny that we've got the mushrooms on the payroll, along with the bok choi, okra, and 3 varieties of thyme.
However, upon review of Li Poo's dossier, we have to conclude that - as expected - he was simply performing a heroic act of civil disobedience against an oppressive bureaucracy. No tanks to stand in front of, so he decided to go on a maniacal killing spree. It happens. I'll bet Little Grom wishes he'd exercised a bit of civil disobedience of his own and ducked that draft... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Oppressive? Hmm…perhaps. We will send that to the Ministry of Self Reflection for analysis.
After all Li Poo was last seen running naked through the Imperial Administrative Offices shouting “Fook da Man!” with a couple of Grateful Dead maenads in each arm. Btw, the death of Little Grom (son of Gromulos) was particularly sad – watching a decked out golem being smited to death is not cool. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
I am happy to report that the fortress of Utgard has indeed fallen. Seeing his inevitable demise, the false god of Utgard drew down a curse on all the souls in that battle, but it did little good. The brave troops of Mictlan soldiered on, hacking thier way through giants and skeletons alike.
Unfortunately, the cost for taking that fortress was high. The corpses of many bone fiends and jaguar demons are piled up against the walls of the fort. My priests tell me that it will take almost a week to clear them all away. However, its not really all that bad, because I would have executed all the jaguar demons for thier failure to fly over the wall during the battle, anyway. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Strange - I was looking at the Llamaserver status page and thought it said turns were due in about 15 min (14:15 GMT). Then I hit refresh and now it say 20:15 GMT?
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Omni is getting back from a trip today. I extended the deadline to let him get his turn in.
Re: New semi-newbie game!
i did my turn in, like, 30 minutes. I gotta get to work, but didn't want you guys waiting on me anymore. 30 min is the quickest I've done a turn this late in the game, but I don't *gulp* have any big battles _planned_; so I didn't need time to do a bunch of scripting. Pythium might be thinking otherwise for this turn however.
This is quite an interesting game given its turn 59 and seems there are still a large number of superpowers.
I just looked up the the details on the globals, and its a bit frightening the gem income that is being produced these days. I expect some spectacular end game clashes are in store. Speaking of epic battles, the Utgard-Mictlan showdown was pretty spectacular. Sifyka put together quite the demonic horde for master Ironhawk. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Intermission
Yeah, given the low magic site setting, nations who have gem-generators up have a significant advantage. I have yet to see any big battles tho, other than my own at Utgard. Tho that was more fiasco than fantastic http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Hahahah, agreed. I continually marvel at the sheer number of units Sifyka (that was the last player?) produced. Sadly they are all Bone Fiends. Not what I would call an efficient use of blood slaves. |
Re: Intermission
Hey would anyone mind my using email to contact them? I know you all mostly use forums PMs in this game but I just cant stand the interface for it.
Re: Intermission
Fine with me.
Re: Intermission
dom3cleveland [at] gmail [dot] com --------- In other news... I hate to ask this, but could we please delay hosting until Saturday? I ask because I'm taking a potentially life-changing exam on Friday, and really should be studying, not dicking around with Dom3. It'd be a one-time thing, and I'd really appreciate it. Any objections? |
Re: Intermission
I support pan's postponement move.
Re: Intermission
But how is Atlantis doing?
Re: Intermission
no problem cleveland
Re: Intermission
Cleveland... I'm very troubled that you would not put Dom3 ahead of your personal life! You must get your priorities straight, I think. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Hehehe, j/k. No worries on the wait, tho I admit it will be saddening to wait that long. Good luck on your exam! |
Re: Intermission
Thanks for the encouragement & support. BUT, I got an email from llamaserver that Alexandria is still due shortly. Has the deadline been extended? If not, I'll definitely have to stale, as I'm at work right now. |
Re: Intermission
the deadline didn't get extended. i got in late last nite and was just going to go to bed, then thought "i better check out dom3 first, just in case no extension." sure enough, there was none.
i think it is a good thing to stale once or twice because you decided to see to RL first. I wouldn't worry about it, and one stale isn't a huge deal. |
Re: Intermission
Err...I seemed to have stalled as well thinking the turn had been pushed back...dang.
Re: Intermission
I wont look at my turn until we resolve in case there is a chance to re-host. Would rather not see anyone stale.
Re: Intermission
You know that llamabeast no longer rehosts unless it is real emergency. And here it isn't.
Re: Intermission
Yeah I was surprised to see a turn in my inbox this morning. Thats a real kick in the pants given that there was support for delaying. I got my turn in, but mine isnt one that matters since I'm not currently at war tho. Being in a major war and staling a turn tho can be crippling.
Re: Intermission
I had a bad feeling last night, so i did a minimal turn and sent it in. But i don't blame our admin for not delaying. You just don't visit the forum every day.
Re: Intermission
well I will wait to hear from FW before I look at my turn. If it does end as a stale, the one good thing is all those gems to play with. I find it hard to save gems otherwise.
Re: Intermission
Apologies everyone. I was late at getting my own turn in myself and did not check the forum right away until tonight.
EDIT: Now, I went back and looked at the thread. For some reason I completely overlooked Pan's request for the postponement! It must have looked like a sig line to me at the time. Ugh. (In the future, hitting me on the head with a PM or email is probably best -- I randomly get overly busy myself.) |
Re: Intermission
I will PM llamabeast and see if we can get the turn rolled back.
Re: Intermission
I would greatly prefer not to rollback unless it's really messed someone's game up. I mean, if you just staled the turn where a huge and crucial fight was happening then maybe*. But generally I am against rollbacks as they cause confusion, they are a little messy to do, and you have the hanging question of whether players might, even unintentionally, use their knowledge of "the future" when taking the rolled-back turn.
* - Though this is actually a case where it's especially dodgy, as you've got to see your opponents entire battle set up. Please PM me again if you decide a rollback is very much needed, in case I forget to check back here. |
Re: Intermission
Cleveland, you were prob the most impacted - your call. I don't think this was a particularly impactful turn for TC, but will wait to see your thoughts on whether to try and roll back or carry on.
And more importantly, best of luck on the possible life changing test. Sounds promising... - DC |
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