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Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Is JimMorrison playing Helheim? He is supposed to be a new perm sub, but staled last turn and didn't submit this turn yet.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hmmm, I wasn't paying much attention. I was waiting for last turn to pass, as I had set Gath to AI, and so couldn't do a turn for Helheim yet (I told Hadrian as much when I sent him my email).
But, I see that the next turn hasn't arrived either. I just requested a resend from Llamaserver, but I don't seem to be getting a response, so there must be a typo. I'll resend my email to Hadrian..... |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'd also like 72 hour turns.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I think hadrian is on European time, so he may not be getting these late replies. There is only 1 more turn until the scheduled 72 hour hosting is supposed to begin. But I have no objection to it starting one turn early.
In fact I asked several turns ago when I was still game admin and only EA Mictlan asked for an earler move to 72 hours. And due to the underwhelming lack of response, i left it alone at 48 hours. With LA man, Niefelheim, EA Mictlan, and LA Marignon all asking for it, that would seem sufficient to me. But it is up to Hadrian. With respect to Helheim, I think Jimmorrison set gath to ai last turn. Game rules forbid a player from playing 2 races on the same turn. So he did the proper thing in letting helheim stale one more turn. I doubt it hurt them any since they are not at war with anyone except Ulm. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
OK, i set the hosting timer to 72h.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Thanks Hadrian!
Ruin's laughter shattered the silence, "Tell me the they did not try that." Head Sibyl:But they did Sire. At least two LA Marignon Mages have been rendered feebleminded. Most likely for life. I guess desperate times calls for desperate tactics Sire. We can assure you that none of our assets will be left vulnerable to mind hunts. Ruin howled with laughter. "But Rocky the Gargoyle is MINDLESS! Do those fools even know you cannot mind hunt a rock with no mind?" Head Sibyl:Obviously Sire, the Council of Marignon's mastery of Arcane Magic leaves much to be desired. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Looks like Ulm is down. In the battle against EA C'tis, we killed 169 troops (Three quarters of the total!) and five commanders, at the cost of every commander in Ulm's possession but Monny himself. All this under a Storm too. Sadly, no Banes were killed. He had five, too! I guess I'll have to be content with clearing a mass of chaff because the stupid Smiths didn't realize that a dead Bane hurts an enemy more then twelve dead longdead raised on the battlefield. A battle report is forthcoming. :)
By the way I was gone for a few days, which is why I haven't replied to the thread (or anything really) in a while. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
We are sure that you are overjoyed that LA Arcos has fought off its aggressors thus far and is going to survive the demise of your Empire. In doing so we even managed to charm a Basalt King, a tartarian cyclops, and demon knights of our enemies. So they now work for us taking former Ulm provinces.
To show your unbridled joy, and as a goodwill token for your own ruthless aggression against our peaceful race, just send your care basket to LA Arcoscephale-care of Ruin. It will be used to crush your enemies and avenge your losses to LA Marignon, another ruthless aggressor. Or you can send your gems/gold to ma man. That is the next best thing to sending the gems to Ruin directly, as he plans to directly take the next arena purse himself. Best Wishes, Ruin, Prince of Peace. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So long, and thanks for all the earth boots!
But what you fail to mention is that I killed FORTY FIVE of your mages. Granted, a couple dozen of them looked a bit peaked to start with... I don't think the storm did diddly. Mr Pennies just likes casting it a lot. So we let him. (Or maybe someone can tell me whether Storm reduces the effectiveness of magma eruption...if it does, then it was *totally* part of my evil plan.) I did feel a twinge of guilt when I saw those eruptions clear out all my chaff, sparing me the upkeep of the "lowborn soldiers" the fates seem dead set on handing me every couple months, while leaving my banelord in the middle standing there looking pretty. (Well, not pretty, he is a banelord after all.) Thanks for a great game Darkwind. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Cast "rain." That increases the fatigue of fire spells and lessens their burning effect. Storm may, but I know rain does. Storm likely does as well unless it is in a cold province and becomes snow. Who can say what a snow storm does to fire magic?
Thematically of course storm should work as well as rain, but if it is not coded like rain, it may not. On a sad note, Darkwind promised me several pairs of Earth boots. Sounds like he went and lost them all(: I guess I will just have to settle for E gems. |
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