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-   -   Balance Mod Available for SE:V (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=30863)

Captain Kwok February 20th, 2008 09:15 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Version v1.14 is now available for download:

This version has a few fixes and tweaks, along with a bunch of AI improvements. You'll see the AI using a variety of ship sizes, some new designs, and even do some rudimentary enemy design analysis.

It's compatible with all v1.10+ savegames.

Next up is v1.15, which will be a save game breaker and probably the last update of the mod for now.

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Version 1.14 (20 February 2008)

1. Fixed - Error in description for Starbase's life support and crew quarter requirements
2. Changed - Minor change to tech level requirements for Small Organic Armor and Small Crystalline Armor
3. Changed - Increased structure for Small Organic Armor and Small Crystalline Armors
4. Changed - Small increase to supply depletion amount of Power Lampreys and Power Leech Beams
5. Fixed - Error in damage amount for Heavy Ship Mount
6. Added - Extra design types with size suffixes to match new AI design types
7. Changed - Increased the structure amounts for some seeker weapons
8. Changed - Small tweaks to cost and storage amounts of Ordnance Vat and Small Ordnance Vat
9. Fixed - Error in cost increase for Large Ship Mount
10. Changed - Individualized each AI's distribution of ship sizes in their empires
11. Changed - Revised AI purchase system for wanted design types
12. Changed - The AI's weapon choices are now individualized to specific vehicle types
13. Fixed - Error in Default Aggressive AI that caused them to build multiple Spaceports in a system
14. Added - The AI will perform a rudimentary analysis on known enemy designs
15. Added - AIs will make small adjustments based on what components their enemies might be using
16. Fixed - AI fleets were sometimes stacking attack orders in locations too far apart to manage effectively
17. Changed - Re-activated Minister - Cargo Transports to ferry Weapon Platforms to defense systems with Cargo Transports
18. Added - The AI will sometimes scrap non-resource facilities to build resource facilities if urgently needed
19. Fixed - Error that sometimes prevented the AI from building Weapon Platforms when they cost more than the queue's usage rate
20. Changed - Lots of little tweaks and improvements to the AI's designs
21. Fixed - Ships in fleets were not being added to the desired task force
22. Changed - Small improvements to the AI's distribution of minor colony types
23. Changed - Made some enhancements to how the AI determines its maximum maintenance amount
24. Fixed - AI was not always despersing Life Support and Crew Quarters between inner and outer slots
25. Fixed - Sometimes the AI would send treaty requests with no elements
26. Added - Updated AI Scripts
</pre><hr />

Captain Kwok February 25th, 2008 09:51 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Any feedback on the AI's performance in v1.14?

Sardia February 26th, 2008 01:16 AM

Re: Balance Mod
Some fighter bombers early game don't have weapons.

Captain Kwok February 26th, 2008 01:33 AM

Re: Balance Mod
Which race?

Sardia February 26th, 2008 04:06 AM

Re: Balance Mod
Phong, so far. And, sometimes the treaty states that you have trade up to 50% but the treaties are limited to 30%. Which one is it suppose to be?

Captain Kwok February 26th, 2008 08:14 AM

Re: Balance Mod
It should be 30%, but every so often for some odd reason it exceeds that value. No idea why or how it happens.

Suicide Junkie February 26th, 2008 11:33 AM

Re: Balance Mod
Oddly enough, I've seen this too...

In GGmod, I have the trade limited to 2%, but it comes out as 22%.
It might be adding to the stock values.

Ed Kolis February 26th, 2008 10:09 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Trade modifier ability?

Suicide Junkie February 26th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: Balance Mod
No, the trade levels in settings.txt

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Treaty Element Maximum Trade Percentage 1 := -10
Treaty Element Maximum Trade Percentage 2 := 2
Treaty Element Maximum Trade Percentage 3 := 4
Treaty Element Maximum Trade Percentage 4 := 6
Treaty Element Maximum Trade Percentage 5 := 8
Treaty Element Maximum Trade Percentage 6 := 10</pre><hr />

mrscrogg February 27th, 2008 09:50 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Mr Kwok , I am playing SE5 , version 1.66 ,Balance Mod 1.13 and just now reseaching Heavy Cruisers so if you have already done this please disregard question. Do you have any thoughts of incorporating a " Minator " class ship , massive , heavily armed , shielded and armored , and expensive but can only move at the most 4-6 spots at a time so you would have to think long and hard about including it in a fleet , yet as a stand alone still could be overwhelmed by a large enemy force ? Thank you for your thoughts and a great mod

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