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Atrocities February 12th, 2007 05:04 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
I am still working on tracking down the bug here. It seems to be an issue with the multiple colony types for the Gas Native racial trait. At the moment the cause of the problem is escaping me. I have re-ordered the arrangement of components to match the lay out in Adamant, but still the problem persists.

I have even gone so far as to copy the files directly from adamant, make the corrected changes for use with AST 2.0, and still the problem continues to remain. I am about to say to hell with the multi type colony components and just stick with stock.

Atrocities February 12th, 2007 08:32 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
1 Attachment(s)
Star Trek Mod v1.9.6.2 Update

This update will update STM v1.9.6.1 to current.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.6.2

1. Fixed Enhanced Torpedo Weapons are now available for all races.
2. Fixed Warp Weapons are now working
3. Updated STM Basic Tech Tree to include Enhanced Torpedo Weapons.
4. Updated STM Basic Tech Tree to incude Sub Space Beam I - III
5. Changed Monster Racial Trait cost to 5000
6. Changed Borg Monster Racial Trait cost to 5000
7. Fixed Hyper-Tachyon Sensors I now has correct ability type
8. Fixed Warp Overdrive II now gives correct movement bonus
9. Fixed Omniplex Training Matrix will now display correct facility image
10. Fixed Omniplex System Nexus will now display correct facility image
11. Changed Starfleet Command I - II Pic Number from 2 to 576
12. Changed All System Capital facilities Pic Number from 69 to 533.
13. Fixed Warp Overdrive I - III will now only be available for ships.
14. Changed Replaced 8472 Troop Infantry image
15. Changed Replaced many Romulan Ship images
16. Changed Replaced Romulan Design Names file with new one
17. Changed Increased the KT size of Federation Battleship, Dreadnought, and Juggernaut
18. Change Increased the KT size of Romulan Battleship and dreadnought.
19. Changed Juggernought to Juggernaut
20. Changed Replaced Federation (STNG) images.

Ironmanbc February 12th, 2007 08:54 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available

Atrocities said:
I am still working on tracking down the bug here. It seems to be an issue with the multiple colony types for the Gas Native racial trait. At the moment the cause of the problem is escaping me. I have re-ordered the arrangement of components to match the lay out in Adamant, but still the problem persists.

I have even gone so far as to copy the files directly from adamant, make the corrected changes for use with AST 2.0, and still the problem continues to remain. I am about to say to hell with the multi type colony components and just stick with stock.

We can do without multicolony (well i can anyways)

Atrocities February 12th, 2007 09:35 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Its for use with the AST mod, not the STM. I really don't care for it either, but what the hell, if its working now, why not keep it.

Atrocities February 14th, 2007 03:29 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Well I think its safe to say this mod is pretty much dead now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif 5 downloads in 24 hours. I figured more would download the update just to get the new ship images. I guess I was wrong. Oh well, I enjoyed updating the sets.

gregebowman February 14th, 2007 07:55 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Well, count one more download for me. I just hope I can play the sucker soon. Every time I think the guy will get my computer done, there's always some delay. Short of winning the lotter, I guess I'll just have to wait until it's finished and in working order. I'll still have to come to the library to check out the website, however, so don't expect to see me every day. But I can't wait to check out the mod. Hopefully, I'll be able to play SEV also, but I'll have to wait and see if the demo will play on my "new" & improved computer before I go out and buy the game.

aegisx February 14th, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
I think we are all eagerly awaiting it for SEV http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Arralen February 15th, 2007 07:01 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
I have downloaded the patch and am going to try it out.

From the changes list I guess, though, that none of my complaints have been fixed ... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif

Atrocities February 15th, 2007 09:31 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
I lost the complain list a while back and just needed to get a fresh start. I did fix a few things that were not listed in the update history. However if there are still issues please let me know.

Arralen February 17th, 2007 01:49 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
1 Attachment(s)
I have attached the test game saved at turn 125 ...

________________________ TECH TREE ISSUES _______________________________

Remark: Some racial techs are 'hidden' somewhere in the research tree and
not readily appearent for the player. Would be great to get some hints
in the race descriptions about these techs.
Sometimes it looks to me like the AI doesn't know about some of those techs

100) Typos
= "Assault" is spelled "Assualt" all over
= ECM Weapons - "Technology that allows for the creation of EMC weapons.
Expected Results: EM Cannon I" - is it "ECM", "EMC" or "EM" ??

101) racial/special weapon tech should not require "Beam Weapon V"
To have ships more diverse from the beginning, have them branch right a level 1.
That would take away the need to
- have beam weapons tech at a discount price to enable the
- rush to level 5 to open up the racial/special techs
(which is even programmed into the AI research file, see [402].)
This pre-set tech rush makes not only for useless low-level beam tech, but
also for poor, uniform ship design and the necessarity for the old land-speeder-rush
tactics .. (fast unit with big gun to rush the neighbour which cannot be defended
against because at that tech level all defenses are much weaker or non-existant)

102) Mine Sweepers
Take mine sweepers out of the mine branch and put them with sensors/beam weapon.
Would make race possible which do not use mines at all (Klingons?!)
(see [407] as well)

103) 8472 armor missing ?
I wonder if I just didn't find it, or if there is really no bio-armor for the 8472s ??

________________________ COMPONENTS / FACILITIES ISSUES _________________

200) Typos
= "Assault" is spelled "assualt" all over
= ECM Weapons - "Technology that allows for the creation of EMC weapons.
Expected Results: EM Cannon I"

201) Basic armor
.. is pretty useless. Acutally, it doesn't look like high-resistance components are hit first (reliably) any more. Or the armors are simply too week. I would suggest making them size 5kt and resis 25kt+ ...

202) Large Reactor Mount
"Large Reactor Mount" on space stations work on "Lasers", but not "Phased Energy Cannons".

203) Shield Mount Scaling
"Light Shields" are no-brainers:
e.g. Bio-Electric Field II
"light" version is 50% size, but 75% dam res, 80% shielding, same
leakiness and regen, 80% costs.
Should be 80% size as well (20kt => 15kt instead of 10kt), otherwise
I would always prefer 2 light to 1 normal shield
(same space, 150% dam res, 160% shield)

204)Satellite Mounts
.. claim the range advantage does not apply to seeker, yet CapMiss 1 show +1 in the info screen ?!
> "Small Satelite Mount.
> The range modifier doesn't work with seeker
> weapons. That is hard coded into SE 4 and we have asked Aaron to change
> that but he has not as of yet. If the mount is effecting CSM I then that
> might be a bug with SE 4. I will look into this. Good catch."

Looks like it simply works now .. is that a bug if it works?? ;-)
Alas, shouldn't the damage resistance scale as well ... ??? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

205) Capital Ship Missiles
- DON'T DO DAMAGE TO PLANETS (1% to hit, 1 point of damage)
- fit into small hulls by the dozend .. that's not 'capital'; this makes early Small Satellites
very powerful
- suck => Torps are equal, with "Large Reactor Mount" way better
- have same size as beam weapons (20kt), but 3 times the damage
resistance (30 instead of 10)
They shouln't fit into Scouts, Small Sats, etc.
Damage and range should be considerably higher, especially considering the high research cost.
(maybe +50/+75%)

206) Anti-Matter Torpedoes fire rate 1
All torpedoes and even small Anti-Matter Torpedos have fire rate 2 !!

207) Small Rocket Pods I are in every way inferior to Small Torpedos I

208) Small (fighter) weapons should be able to target seekers

209) "Cargo Niche" cost = "Cargo Cargo Bay I"

210) "Bio-reclamation Resource Storage I" stores 20k instead of 10k

211) Repair Yard
Onboard a ship, a Repair Yard is as big a Space Yard.
Yet, it does only repair equal or marginally more components per turn
than a Damage Control ...
"Repair Yard I" : 1 component/turn .. 400kt size in Space Station
"Repair Dome I" : 3 components/turn .. facility
"Construction Dome I" : 1 component/turn .. facility
"Damage Control Center I" : 1 comp./turn .. 5kt size in FF or Space
=> 10+ components/turn for "Repair Yard", or the "Damage Control Center"
shouldn't work on other vehicles (description says it does, and it really

212) Small Mine Size
.. shouldn't be able to hold 2 small warheads.
Where's the point in putting only 1 in?

213) "Slipstream Drive" (Artifact Tech)
Is only a "Warp Overdrive IV", but it's very expensive to research and to use.

214) AI remote miners
> "The AI will not remote mine, that is an SE IV bug. The AI remote mining ships have
> the ability to generate resources via solar power.)

I _haven't_ seen them produce anything when I switched off the AI for some player.

215) 8472 weapon tech
There seems to be some mixup with the allowed targets for beam and pulse beam weapons: The pulsed weapons hit much worse, yet the beams are only allowed to target ships/planets, while the pulsed ones can target sats etc.
Compared with the standard beam weapons, this should be reversed.

216) fuel usage numbers / drive components
AI uses high tech Bussard Collectors, which produce more fuel - up to the point where the ships should have unlimited range.
This does not work out, though: the resupply minister turns them around as soon as they reach the point where they can barely reach the next resupply station which the fuel they have atm, not taking in account any fuel generation.
This especially effects scouts and mine/sat layers which have to run long distances from their starting points.
Supply usage from weapons is too high, too. After every minor battle
ships run for port...

________________________ RACIAL ISSUES ________________________________

301) Space /Borg Monsters are broken
.. no facilities, no research, no ships .. and no space-monster-tech ..
Guess its because the recent changes :
"5. Changed Monster Racial Trait cost to 5000
6. Changed Borg Monster Racial Trait cost to 5000"

302) wrong environmental settings
Some secondary and neutral races have wrong environmental settings (e.g. "Ullians" => Oxygen Gas Giants).
> Atroc.:"I don't see a problem with this but will look into it just to be safe."
Besides the fact that there are no Oxygen Gas Giants in reality, the Ullians are rock dwellers like the Terranians, Andorians and all others... .
While I can understand that this was made to balance/spread out race over the available planet(s) (types) better, most of those race are actually oxgen-breathing rock (or maybe ice) dwellers. There are next to none gas giant dwellers, which is a distinct feature of the Trek Universe.

________________________ AI ISSUES __________________________________

401) AI does not produce any intel
Test game 1:
turn 250, Federation 1 intel center, all others none
Test game 2:
turn 125, no intel centers anywhere (e.g. Ferengi named 1 of 78 colonies "intel compound", but did not build any intel structures because of not having researched "Applied Intellingence" at all)

402) AI uses wrong research priorities (see [102] too)
It researches "Ressource Extraction II" before going for shields/armor.
It speeds for "Beam Weapon V", neglecting missiles, PD and everything else.
Sometimes racial techs (e.g. "Tolian Armor") get neglected too.

403) ship hull usage
Gorn do not design DDs despite having the tech
Tamarians use DD hulls for minelayers/-sweepers, but not for combat ships

404) tech usage
Klingons do not use armor on ships despite having "Armor-III"

405) "Crew Quarters" missing on AI ships
Some "major" AI build follow-up designs without crew compartment.
If you go in and 'copy' that design, it says 'Must have at least 1 Crew Quarter' ... .
Interestingly, it seems those missing "Crew Quarters" let shields fail to work on those AI vessels !!

406) AI has difficulities using Artifact Tech
E.g. Klingons have "Slipstream Drive" found and researched on turn 125 (!!!).
Yet, they aren't able to use it because its a 'emergency movement device' which the AI doesn't know how to use at all (AFAIK). (see [213])

407) Mine Sweeper (Fleets)
> "This I believe is an SE IV bug in general. The AI loves to send one ship at a time through known mined warp points. There really isn't much any one can do about this bug."
Actually, the AI does send out a Sweeper Fleet with several ships. But as it does not include any combat ship, a lonely satellite is enough to keep them from sweeping the field.
Better to include 1-2 sweeping devices in every design from Destroyer upward.

408) Small/Neutral Empire
.. do build masses of colony ships, but no mine/satellite layers?
Makes their system easy prey .. . They DO research mine tech - know
that from the Nausicaans trying to sweep the fields I put on the warp
point leading to my space.
.. seem all to eager to build Space Stations at their homeworld.
On turn 198, they had 26 of about 5 different designs. But only 2
offensive ships, though those might have been killed by the Feds ;-)

409) AI expansion speed
.. contrary to the readme, the AI seem to be very eager to send out single
colony ships and seed small colonies whereever it can (isn't that much
because it has range issues very much like the player)

410) AI anger
Maybe gets angry too much over contested systems, or single scout ships
in claimed systems, or satellites dropped on warp points, maybe: Jumps
from "mood: moderate" to "mood: Murderous" in 1 turn, then slowly climbs
up again .. without every clearing the "war" status, though?!

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