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Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I actually thought that you staled, I checked game status just before hosting. But LA Mari as armageddon bringer really may make more sense. With LA Caelum attacking him with all that low-HP flying thingies... P.S. You should have said you have upkeep problems. I would be able to cheaply resolve that... |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hah, there were no upkeep problems until someone tore the world asunder and ruined my crops and villages. :p Cash flow was meager, but I had plans to rectify that..... that is, until two (-totally- unrelated, I am sure) nations declared war on me at the same time.
And yeah, I posted my turn 2 minutes before hosting. >.> Helheim was a disorganized mess when I took over, and I'm barely now getting it totally under control, in time for Tir's first strikes, but not in time for it matter much. ;) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Bandar Log doesn't mind a small earthquake every now and then - everyone important just reincarnates. Karma's my female dog. :p
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I should have checked the message boards sooner, I could have saved everyone a lot of speculation.
The Council of Marignon knows who cast Armageddon. And no, it is not one of the blood nations o_0. One of the provinces taken from us in our ill-fated war with LA Arco contained a site that gives a 20% discount on Alteration spells. The LA Arcolians are doubtless using this site and their natural Astral power to cast Wish. We are sure that they are both clamming and wishing for gems. Even more, with the site discount, they can just alchemize gems to pearls, and then Wish for more gems in order to get a net profit for each A9 caster they have. This Armageddon is just their first step in the creation of a new and nightmarish world, a world where Blood Slaves do not even exist! Normally, the Council would ask all nations to concentrate on the threat that LA Arco poses to them. However, we feel that right now Megablob and his endless Beast Bats are possibly an even larger danger, so we are not sure who to ask you to attack. Truly, these are difficult times. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
20 percent alteration bonus?
LA Arcos? I guess I have been sleep walking this game because if I own a 20 percent alteration site that is news to me. The Council of Marignon must have a good memory if they can recall any provinces they took from ruin, because they were held for a fleeting moment in time.:D:D:D. What you are likely thinking, and have your wirses crossed, is the 20 percent ENCHANTMENT site that Bandar Log took from me, that niefelheim took from BL, and which I reclaimed. Regrettably, a 20 percent enchantment site is not of great value, and as Atul can attest i not only did not build a fort on the province, i did not build a lab either. If I had a 20 percent ALTERATION site, it would have had a fort and a lab on it, meaning the Council of Marignon would never have known about it because LA Arcos has never had a fort taken from it in Kingmaker. Though LA Marignon did breach the walls on a couple, and saw the insides(briefly) of one, so that counts for something I guess. In any event if I cast Armageddon I certainly would not deny it. If for some reason I did not want it disclosed that I had cast it, I would just not post anything. I am more than happy to have Llamabeast look at my last turn file and verify my wish was not for Armageddon. Admiralzhao knows what my wish was for! And Judgment will be passed upon him! |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Oh no not Judgement again. :P
I think MA Arco cast Armageddon before he went AI this turn? He has the research, gems and caster so he might have just wanted to cause a stir before he went down. It makes sense because he was attacking EA Mictlan who has lots of slaves. Baalz was the player right? |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
yes, Judgment has been reborn, and is almost as powerful as he was in Fallacy!
Admiralzhao has already seen the "weaker" version, if you want to call him that. On a sad note, Baalz, your brother race LA Arcos could have used those s gems! We hope you did not "waste" them on a spell that caused the death of 179 LA Arcos soldiers at arms and citizens. On a funny note, Admiralzhao has a spy causing unrest on a waste province I own that generates 13 income. I guess that is one way to safely cause me some gold loss as I likely will not waste the 2 s gems it requires to end this spy's career over a few gold per turn. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Oh I did not spot Ma Arco going AI, thanks for the info!
Yes, that explains alot, it will have 100% been Ma Arco who cast Armegeddon, as a last act of vengenance. Indeed to do it, he will have had to alchemy other gems into pearls, as the lands of Ma Arco are not blessed with many s gem sites. Also, it explains why La Agartha is trying to bully me out of my rightful conquest by saying he intends to just march in and take the Ea Marverni capital. This is very much the La Agarthian way...letting others do the hard fighting, then stealing the loot. I am going to speak to my meaner, nastier and very terrible blood brother, Ea Lanka who has slaughtered anyone foolish enough to go against him. Think you can stand a determined assault by Ea Mictlan/Ea Helheim/Ea Lanka, Agarthians?!? Lets see... |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hey! I feel discriminated, neglected, and left out! Are you not aware of the valiant struggle of LA Pangaea, who have been at war with Agartha far longer than any of the nations you mentioned? (Which would be a couple of turns)
While I will admit that we didn't really cause much damage to the Agarthan juggernaut yet, we also didn't commit any significant forces either, and we still fully intend to add a few tartarian scalps to our trophy pool. (However, despite stocking up a little cash reserve before hostilities broke out we are now running out of cash supplies to pay our armies. While having a few unprincipled cowards desert our ranks wouldn't quite be the end of the world, anyone sympathising with our plight, and hoping to counteract Agarthan world domination, could probably do far worse from a resources invested/damage caused point of view than sending a few bucks our way to keep our army intact. ) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You are overdemonizing Agartha. Well, you are the one with demons marching in your armies :) I am also surprised with Arco player's decision. But you must admit that you didn't have any great victories over Arco, and most of his real armies are still alive [killing a Gargoyle while it's owner was staling does not count much :P]. Arco AI decided to launch multiple attacks on me that turn. And I am simply taking actions that will prevent that. And I am sure that I wrote about honouring and rewarding your war efforts :) Amhazair: Yeah, I wonder why your troops are still there :) Overtaxing is not cool! You did one really bad mistake that turn though, you will see it next turn :) P.S. I got information from reliable sources that points to Niefel as Armageddon bringer. Any comments? |
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