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-   -   Utility: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34826)

Panpiper June 19th, 2008 01:23 AM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Ballbarian said:
I know that I would appreciate someone taking something like that upon themselves.

Not that I am begging or anything.

(<font color="red">Please, oh please won't somebody save me!!!</font>)

Heh, not just save you, but save the rest of us as well. (Ok, maybe just me.)

I fear I remain utterly clueless. I have tried exactly the same as yourself, removing all changes made by the program then running it again.

"I suspect that you have 'Desired Num Players' value on the 'Starts' tab..."

Oh boy. Er... There's a tab? When I run SemiRandom I get a DOS sceen that requests that I input a filename. If I try to run the RanDom program, I get an error message saying it can't find SemiRandom.cfg even though it's sitting right where the extraction put it, in the SemiRandom folder right above the RanDom program. The documentation (which is for version 0.80 by the way) describes the first 8 or 9 entries in the .cfg file, but the rest are undefined, so I have no way of knowing what to hack. The SemiRandom.cfg file looks like this:

F:\Program Files (x86)\dominions3\SemiRandom
255 205 000 225

Or maybe I should just ask you to post that modified Faerun file? ;-)

Ballbarian June 19th, 2008 01:58 AM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
I will attach the modified Faerun file to this post. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

For what it is worth, the following is from the SemiRandom 107 code and may give you a fair idea of what the additional values are associated with:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
line input #1 path$
line input #1 fiddleXP REM &lt;=0 means block #xp lines to keep Hall of Fame clear of Independents. 1 to allow.
line input #1 fiddlePercent
line input #1 fiddleName
line input #1 showNeed
line input #1 hotPercent
line input #1 colPercent
line input #1 cldband1 REM -1 means realworld climate bands not defined
line input #1 tmpband1 REM otherwise the values are prov# ranges.
line input #1 hotband
line input #1 tmpband2
line input #1 cldband2
line input #1 numPlayers REM -1 means use DEFAULT_PROVPERPLAYER or provPerPlayer (0=NO START PLACEMENTS)
line input #1 aiLandPlayers REM 0=NO AI LAND PLAYER PLACEMENTS
line input #1 aiSeaPlayers REM 0=NO AI SEA PLAYER PLACEMENTS
line input #1 aiDifficulty REM 1 to 5 (2=standard)
line input #1 selectedEra$ REM values= EA, MA, LA
line input #1 provPerPlayer REM -1 means use DEFAULT_PROVPERPLAYER or numPlayers
line input #1 minNeighCount REM -1 means use DEFAULT_MINNEIGHCOUNT
line input #1 maxSeaStarts REM -1 means use default of 3.
line input #1 enforcedSpace REM -1 means no space enforcement, otherwise value entered enforced.
line input #1 mapTextColor$ REM -1 means don't set, otherwise = Red Green Blue Alpha (000-255)
line input #1 map$
</pre><hr />

I will try figure out what is going on with your error message (with RanDom) after a good nights sleep! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Ming June 19th, 2008 07:06 AM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Thanks for the explanation. A follow-up question: if I just want to give the AI better Pretender/scale settings I don't have to worry about GAN files, right?

I'll start to play around with RanDom and see if I can get it to work. Thanks for drawing this excellent program to my attention (and thanks to Ballbarian for writing it and Gandalf for the idea).

Ballbarian June 19th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
Right. Custom Pretenders and scale settings are stored in 'god' files. These can be created by hand with a text editor or via the "God Editor" (link in my sig).

Panpiper June 19th, 2008 11:15 AM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
From the readme files included in the zip:
Ok, here is a line by line map of the SemiRandom.cfg:
1. Path$ &gt; Path used by SR to find your gan &amp; data files.
2. fiddlePercent &gt; Percent of provinces in the selected map file to attempt to modify.

This is what messed me up. Your posting of those lines from the SemiRandom 107 code did the trick. The above would indicate that the second line in the .cfg file defines the percentage of provinces modified. In fact it is the third line. I shall now be able to hack, thank you.

(And I really mean it with a big thank you. The work some people have done to make my life happier really astounds me sometimes.)

Ballbarian June 20th, 2008 12:43 AM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
Ugh! Just realized that my attachment of the modified Faerun file didn't take, or I completely forgot to attach it. If it turns out that you end up needing it Panpiper, let me know and I will get it to you. It sounds like you have everything under control. Great news!

(Oh, and thanks for the thanks! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif )

PvK June 20th, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
OMG I hadn't studied this before and it is insanely cool!


Ballbarian July 30th, 2008 11:11 PM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
1 Attachment(s)
Attached to this post are 14 new GAN province files in zip format submitted by <font color="green">Gandalf</font>. Some of them are his own inventions and others include contributions from <font color="green">Jutetrea</font> and <font color="green">quantum_mechani</font>.

<font color="red">GandalfContributions1.zip</font>

To apply:
Paste the 14 ".gan" files into your SemiRandom/GAN_BIN directory and add the following lines to GanList.txt (located in your SemiRandom/LIST_CRATE directory):


These are new and were not included in RanDom version 203.

Great additions from Gandalf, Jutetrea and quantum_mechani for the library. Thanks!

Ballbarian July 30th, 2008 11:28 PM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
How did I miss your post?!?
Thanks PVK! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Gandalf Parker July 30th, 2008 11:32 PM

Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd
Anyone whose post I typed into a file is invited to check it and make changes of course. Its still your province design. Feel free to update it as you see fit.

My one stuff will not tend to be hard-to-beat surprises. More along the line of interesting change-of-pace filler stuff.

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