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Lazy_Perfectionist August 2nd, 2007 01:00 AM

Re: Declaration of Intent
Darkness.. 51
Wailing Winds... 63
About 5 spare death gems, 15 untouched earth.
Iron Bane (E3 pretender, E3 req), 92 fatigue
Curse of Stones - 200???
Curse of Stones on my units?

I see my mistake. My mage could only use 3 earth gems for Curse of Stones. So he used three. And none were left for fatigue.

I had your pretender under optimal conditions - only 24 hitpoints!!! And didn't get close enough for a single blow.
I'm not happy about losing 15 gems either... but my fault.

At least my combined attack cut off your retreat path. And only about 40 units are left there.

tibbs August 2nd, 2007 12:06 PM

Re: Declaration of Intent
Did curse of stones affect your units? It shouldn't!

Lazy_Perfectionist August 5th, 2007 02:48 PM

Re: Declaration of Intent
Unless they had an indie earth mage I overlooked, it seemed so.

Burnsaber August 8th, 2007 11:05 AM

Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear mortals!
Ermor assaulted us without warning and we don't have the power to stop him. Negotiation is not an option against this foe, as the only thing he wants is your utter destruction. Ally now against the tide of darkness, or perish, like the noble C'tis.

Well, I had fun. Lots of intresting encounters with Atlantis. I probably couldn't have won (I think Atlantis had troops fighting Man and/or panganea), but I'm quite sure I put up a fight. Those tupilaks and assasin made my life difficult. I couldn't script my mages to cast 5x Leeching Darkness in normal battles because they tried to spam it in the assasination battles, sometimes killing their own bodyguards. Ugh, sometimes I wished I could give different scripting to assasiantion fights.

What I learned:
- Reanimate Archers rock. HARD. Just remember to protect them better.
- I hate sailing. Especially when I suddenly forget my enemies having it and fail to take anti-raiding measures in time.
- Shouldn't have made my prophet on turn one. Should have waited until my first Lizard King. Power of the Reborn King is very good.
- When fighting Ermor, Wither Bones and D4 mages are just the thing (just look at the hall of fame to see how much)
- It's impossible to get an enchantress with 2 in single elemental path. It's simply not possible.
- My god sucked. No late-game power whatsoever. I'll make a better one next time.
- Free banes from a death site rule.
- Leprosy is not scary. It sucks.

Heh, at least Ermor's god will now have limp as a present from my Banes. Well, I'll be soon joining the AI horde.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 8th, 2007 11:29 AM

Re: Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear morta
Actually, I thought you were in a bit of a winning position against me, until Ermor stepped in. I was running out of steam.

Leprosy was a problem- but not so scary against my Atlantians. We had extra hit points. But I was saddened to realize that when it was cast, my capital produced troops were all doomed. It made me use those troops more aggressively, not less, since there was no return.

My Tupilaks were becoming less and less useful with a cost of five death gems, and my death gem income cut down to 7. If you invaded further, I couldn't have afforded to cannibalize the necessary gems to cast.

If you scripted say, Raise Skeletons, followed by four leeching darkness, I'd bet my Tupilaks wouldn't have had a chance. They really have no chance to dodge a blow, so they go down quick to melee, despite their cost. I was surprised at how much magic they could shrug off, though.

tibbs August 8th, 2007 01:53 PM

Re: Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear morta

Burnsaber said:
Ermor assaulted us without warning and we don't have the power to stop him. Negotiation is not an option against this foe, as the only thing he wants is your utter destruction. Ally now against the tide of darkness, or perish, like the noble C'tis.

Well, I had fun. Lots of intresting encounters with Atlantis. I probably couldn't have won (I think Atlantis had troops fighting Man and/or panganea), but I'm quite sure I put up a fight. Those tupilaks and assasin made my life difficult. I couldn't script my mages to cast 5x Leeching Darkness in normal battles because they tried to spam it in the assasination battles, sometimes killing their own bodyguards. Ugh, sometimes I wished I could give different scripting to assasiantion fights.

What I learned:
- Reanimate Archers rock. HARD. Just remember to protect them better.
- I hate sailing. Especially when I suddenly forget my enemies having it and fail to take anti-raiding measures in time.
- Shouldn't have made my prophet on turn one. Should have waited until my first Lizard King. Power of the Reborn King is very good.
- When fighting Ermor, Wither Bones and D4 mages are just the thing (just look at the hall of fame to see how much)
- It's impossible to get an enchantress with 2 in single elemental path. It's simply not possible.
- My god sucked. No late-game power whatsoever. I'll make a better one next time.
- Free banes from a death site rule.
- Leprosy is not scary. It sucks.

Heh, at least Ermor's god will now have limp as a present from my Banes. Well, I'll be soon joining the AI horde.

Ha, you think your god sucks. Take a look at mine:

Lazy_Perfectionist August 8th, 2007 02:30 PM

Re: Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear morta
Your god have any magic at all?

For crying out loud, how many times do I have to take out Pan's god before I get an honest dominion kill out of it?

They don't have any provinces, do they? What is it? Stealthed priests? Invisible provinces? How is it he keeps coming back?

And with a small army of Maeneds, as well.

This is at least the fourth time already. Time to temple spam, I guess.

tibbs August 8th, 2007 02:40 PM

Re: Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear morta
Yeah, I've killed their god a few times too.

My god was supposed to be a w9d4 mother of rivers but I didn't have the CB mod turned on when I made her. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I guess this is what you get by default when that happens.

Hullu August 10th, 2007 01:34 AM

Re: Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear morta

- Free banes from a death site rule.

I admit my pretender completely forgot you have those when he was solo fighting. Almost died to them too, was very close.

Pretty damn nice buggers. Now all mine;)

Lazy_Perfectionist August 10th, 2007 11:19 PM

Re: Ermor has revealed itself! Cover in fear morta
Is the server down?

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