Potatoman |
December 23rd, 2007 02:41 PM |
Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
Sorry, forgot to include the required graphic. It was 2 am when everything was finished. The graphic is now included in the mod archive.
Here's the combatant list. - Pazuzu, Lord of the Plague Wind, fighting for K.
Equipped with a Crystal Shield, Faithful Sword, Eye of Aiming, and Amulet of Antimagic.
2E 1S 2A, carrying 10E gems.
Scripted to cast Gifts from Heaven x5, Cast Spells.
Summary: A very high precision Gifts from Heaven Sniper with a lot of HP.
- Doombringer, the Tartarian Cyclops, fighting for HandrianII
Equipped with a Shadow Brand, Fire Brand, Jade Armor, Starshine Skullcap, Winged Shoes, Stone Bird, and Ring of Tamed Lightning.
3F 2A, carrying 10 blood slaves.
Scripted to attack large monsters.
Summary: A melee combatant designed to rush casters quickly with the winged shoes and kill them instantly with it's many strong AOE attacks.
- She is Back, the Tartarian Titan, fighting for Nikolai
Equipped with a Rune Smasher, Crystal Shield, Starshine Skullcap, Robe of the Magi, Boots of the Messenger, Ring of Sorcery, and Eye of the Void.
5S, carrying 10 Astral pearls.
Scripted to stand far back, cast Enslave Mindx5, Cast Spells.
Summary: A caster with a very powerful, high rating, enslave mind attack. Virtually powerless against mindless units, but very strong against most others.
- Glass Cannon, the Rudra, fighting for Micah
Equipped with two Shadow Brands, Faithful Sword, Frost Brand, Starshine Skullcap, Rainbow Armor, and Lifelong Protection Contract.
3F 2W. Carrying 10 Fire gems.
Scripted to cast Phoenix Pyre, Quicken Self, attack large monsters.
Summary: A verasatle, flying, four-armed melee combatant with a lot of AOE attacks. Attacks after casting a pair of important self-buffs.
- You Shall Not Pass, the Crone, fighting for NTJedi
Equipped with a Herald Lance, Lucky Coin, Wraith Crown, and 4 Lifelong Protection Contracts.
5D. Carrying 10 Death gems.
Scripted to stand in the far back left corner and cast Raise Skeletons x4, Spirit Curse, Cast Spells.
Summary: A prodigious, but extremely fragile, summoner that produces 20+ minions each round. Few creatures have the capability to beat minions faster than this summoner can create them, and will be infinitely stalled by the tide of imps and skeletons.
- Grazz the Cruel, Tartarian Cyclops, fighting for BigandScary
Equipped with a Shadow Brand, Charcoal Shield, Wraith Crown, Boots of Quickness, Robe of Invulnerability, Amulet of Luck, and Bottle of Living Water.
2E 2N 1S. 7 Nature gems, 3 Astral pearls.
Scripted to cast Resist Magic, Personal Regeneration, attack rearmost.
Summary: A robust melee combatant with extremely tough defenses. Difficult to damage, high HP, and good regen rate all make Grazz very survivable. Luck even provides a chance dodge insta-death spells.
- Sucks to Be You, the Poison Golem, fighting for Baalz
Equipped with a Banner of the Damned, Armor of Souls, Wraith Crown, Boots of Quickness, and 2 Lifetime Protection Contracts.
No magic. Carrying 10 Blood slaves.
Scripted to Cast Spells.
Summary: A lifeless, mindless, combatant that generates a lot of imps and can cast his drain life spell twice each turn. Steals fatigue at a greater rate than he spends it and can force a lot of difficult and painful MR checks. Vulnerable to lifeless enemies, which are immune to his spell.
- The Unfettered, Eater of the Dead, fighting for Cor2
Equipped with a Girdle of Might and Amulet of Resilience.
3F. 10 Fire gems.
Scripted to cast Phoenix Pyre, attack.
Summary: Huge HP, huge regeneration, high reinvigoration, and it comes back to life in blast of fire if it's ever killed. Vulnerable to MR effects and has anemic offense against large opponents, but otherwise very difficult to slay.
- Night Elf Mohawk, the Rudra, fighting for Shovah32
Equipped with 3 Shadow Brands, Faithful Sword, Horned Helm, Robe of Invulnerability, Boots of Quickness, and a Bear Claw Talisman.
5F, 10 Blood slaves.
Scripted to attack large.
Summary: A rushing build designed to slay opponents before they have time to buff or summon a big mess of chaff by flying in and unleashing 10 high-strength attacks (6 with large AOE).
- Robusta, the Void Lord, fighting for Potatoman
Equipped with 2 Blood Thorns, Wraith Crown, Hydra Skin Armor, Boots of Quickness, Ring of Regeneration, and Lifelong Protection Contract.
3F, 2S. 10 Fire gems.
Scripted to cast Phoenix Pyre, Personal Luck, attack large monsters.
Summary: A melee combatant designed to quickly regenerate any wound with it's many life-stealing attacks and high regeneration rate. Should it be slain, it's high reinvigoration through via life-steal will quickly control the fatigue acquired through Phoenix Pyre, allowing it to ressurect without limit.
- Ketlones Masp, the Lich, fighting for Rytek
Equipped with a Staff of Storms, Wraith Crown, Rainbow Armor, Boots of the Messenger, Amulet of Resilience, Lifelong Protection Contract, and Bottle of Living Water.
5D, 10 Death gems.
Scripted to cast Wrath of the Ancestors, Raise Skeletons x4, Cast Spells.
Summary: A summoner that takes advantage of the LA Tien Chi nation spell Wrath of the Ancestors to summon a mess of ethereal chaff at the start of each battle. Uses the Staff of Storms to discourage enemy evocation spells and prevent the Lich from being rushed by flying combatants.
- Rawrku, the Angel of Fury, fighting for DigitalSin
Equipped with 2 Serpent Krysses, Black Steel Helmet, Chain Mail of Displacement, Boots of Quickness, Astral Serpent, and Ring of the Warrior.
3F, 10 Blood slaves.
Scripted to attack rearmost.
Summary: A flying combatant with high defense, poison attacks, and Blood Vengeance. Uses flight to attack opponents on the first turn and hopefully slay them in a single attack.
- Whimsy, the Devourer of Souls, fighting for Wick
Equipped with a Ring of Regeneration and Amulet of Resilience.
3F, 10 Fire gems.
Scripted to cast Phoenix Pyre, Fire Shield, attack large monsters.
Summary: The Devourer of Souls kills anything trapped between its jaws- no save of any kind is allowed. The idea is to persevere long enough via Phoenix Pyre and Regeneration to score just one hit against the enemy- that's all the Devourer needs.
- The Imperious Leader, Mechanical Man, fighting for Pyrostock
Equipped with a Crystal Shield, Rune Smasher, Wraith Crown, Robe of the Magi, Messenger Boots, and 2 Lifelong Protection Contracts.
3D, 10 death gems.
Scripted to cast Wither Bones, Wrath of the Ancestors, Disintegrate x3, Cast Spells.
Summary: A versatile spellcaster that spams, metagames against spamming, and throws out a bunch of nasty save-or-die spells.
- WHO'S YOUR DADDY!?!, the Divine Emperor, fighting for Lolomo
Equipped with Wraith Crown, Robe of the Magi, Eye of Aiming, and 3 Lifelong Protection contracts.
4E, 1S. 10 Earth gems.
Scripted to cast Gifts from Heaven x5, Cast Spells.
Summary: A summoning-evoker that generates a lot of imps and calls down 3 meteors (for 150+ damage) each turn. The Meteors have little accuracy, but the tide of imps ensures that this combatant will get as many shots as he needs.
- Mael Bolgia, the Ettin Mandragora, fighting for Jazzepi
Equipped with Fire Brand, Frost Brand, Scutata Volturnus, Wraith Crown, Starshine Skullcap, Elemental Armor, Boots of Quickness, and Lifelong Protection Contract.
1S 2E, 10 Blood slaves.
Scripted to cast Resist Magic, Iron Will, Personal Luck, attack.
Summary: A melee combatant with high magic resistance, lots of elemental immunities, and many attacks.
- Pillar, the Marble Oracle, fighting for Quantum Mechanic
Equipped with 2 Scutata Volturnus, Skullface, Boots of Quickness, Amulet of Resilience, Robe of the Magi, and Lifelong Protection Contract. No magic, 10 slaves.
Scripted to cast Raise Skeletons x5, Cast.
Summary: A burly summoner who wields two lightning shields that fry nearby enemies.
- The Herald of the Unliving, Mandaha, fighting for Sum1Lost
Equipped with a Faithful Sword, Lantern Shield, Skullface, Rainbow Armor, Boots of Quickness, Lifelong Protection Contract, and a Bottle of Living Water.
5B, 10 Death gems.
Scripted to Cast Spells.
Summary: The Herald is a summoning combatant that's also powerful in melee. The darkness that accompanies Mandahas into combat provides him with a defense against evocations, and other melee attackers who lack darkvision.
- Siege Your ***, the Siege Golem, fighting for Calmon
Equipped with Wraith Crown, Robe of the Magi, Boots of the Messenger, Amulet of Resilience, and Pendant of Luck.
3F, 10 fire gems.
Scripted to cast Phoenix Pyre, Phoenix Power, Heat from Hell, Fire Shield, and attack closest.
Summary: The golem is virtually impervious to imps and skeletons; it uses Heat from Hell to fatigue or kill opponents while it is surrounded by a protective layer of enemy imps.
- Cuisinart, the Ettin Mandragora, fighting for Taqwus
Equipped with a Rat Tail, Faithful Sword, Shield of the Accursed, Horned Helmet, Wraith Crown, Jade Armor, Boots of Stone, and Lifelong Protection Contract.
3D, 10 death gems.
Scripted to cast Soul Vortex and attack.
Summary: A melee combatant that uses Soul Vortex, Shield of Accursed, and Rat Tail to turn enemy chaff against their creator. Soul Vortex allows the Ettin to stay in combat against summoned imps almost indefinitely while they accumulate Horror Marks battering the Shield of the Accursed, attracting hostile horrors to the battlefield. The Rat Tail forces morale checks on the relatively cowardly imps, possibly forcing a rout.
- Very Furious Bastard 2, the Angel of Fury, fighting for vfb
Equipped with a Staff of Storms, Skullface, Elemental Armor, Boots of Quickness, Heart of Life, and Lifelong Protection Contract.
No magic, 10 slaves.
Scripted to Cast Spells
Summary: A durable spamming platform with lots of elemental resistances. Uses the Staff of Storms to prevent being rushed at the beginning of combat by flying opponents.
- Yukulala, the Devata, fighting for Twan
Equipped with a Bow of War, Vision's Foe, Wraith Crown, Robe of Invulnerability, Boots of the Messenger, and Lifelong Protection.
A3 S1 N1, 10 Astral pearls.
Scripted to cast Eagle Eye, fire, cast Blink, fire, cast Blink, fire large monsters.
Summary: A clever dual-wielding bowman that teleports around the battlefield at random to escape enemies.
- Justice, the Arch Angel, fighting for Wraithlord
Equipped with Flambeau, Wraith Crown, Rainbow Armor, Boots of Stone, Amulet of Resilience, and Amulet of Antimagic.
3F, 2N, 10 slaves.
Scripted to cast Phoenix Pyre, Fire Shield, Personal Regeneration, Touch of Madness, and attack rearmost.
Summary: A self-buffing melee combatant that does triple damage to undead or demonic targets. Very powerful if it survives to fire off all of its buff spells and attack.