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pyg April 1st, 2009 11:15 AM

Re: Modding shortlist

Originally Posted by lch (Post 681636)

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 681630)
So I've tried to implement overwriting national spells without success perhaps due to not knowing enough about modding. Anyway I tried #selectspell 109 followed by #clear followed by the content of the new spell to #end. I get a name2spell crash every time. Any tips?

You have to select them by name, not number. Which is a problem, because there may be more than one spell by the same name. Spells are being references by name, not number, everywhere, in the unit and item data as well. On the other hand, in your specific case, they should probably have the same restrictions, so if you chose to overwrite one of them, you'll probably want to overwrite all of them, and you should be able to do that if you change their names while doing so.

So that nice list of national spell numbers doesn't really help me as I need a nice list of national spell names right?

Endoperez April 1st, 2009 12:31 PM

Re: Modding shortlist
Which spell gave you that message? If the game crashes because something tries to use the spell that doesn't exist any more, you might get by by changing whatever it is that causes the message. Unless you used Holy Pyre it can't be an item IIRC, ritual summon spells can't be #onebattlespells and probably won't be referenced by units, and if it's the nation itself that's calling the spell, it might go away by #selectnation, #clear.

I hope it's that easy. You have interesting projects, and it'd be a pity if you couldn't complete them.

Stavis_L October 12th, 2009 04:40 PM

Re: Modding shortlist
Hope this thread's still monitored...

Anyway, Ich reported in this thread http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44045

...that the "parser" can handle 2500 char descriptions for nations and units. However, the actual in-game limit for mod #descr values appears to be 999 chars (some in-game nations, e.g. LA Caelum exceed this, presumably because they are not read in like mods.) It would be nice to allow the full available length for descriptive text.

Burnsaber October 13th, 2009 12:33 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
I think that the two most critical (for me) aspects that are missing are:

1) Fort modding. Like:

#newfort "number"
#name, #pic, #admin, #gcost, #def, #supply, #buildtime, #battleground (this would state which vanilla fort battleground will the modded fort use), #uw

It'd be nice if I could make Dwarves have especially good castles or Bretonnia to get regular castles cheaper (just for example!)

2) UW/coast/land recruitrosters, like this:




-The things I could do with those commands! I could expand UWGIM with all sorts of nice stuff. How about some black plated shambler infantry for Ulm in UW forts? Besides, the current ways to edit these rosters are pretty non-excistent. I managed to somewhat edit them for UWGIM, but it was work-intesive and I was heavily limited in what I could do. The "hackish" ways I had to usee also made the mod quite MP-unfriendly and complicated.

Stavis_L October 13th, 2009 08:46 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
BTW, the shortlist is in need of update. The following wished-for features have been granted over the various patches by the kindly devs:


* #landshape [monster nbr]
* #watershape [monster nbr]
* #forestshape [monster nbr]
* #plainshape [monster nbr]
* #heat [value]
* #cold [value]
* #stormimmune
* #unique
* #beckon [value]
* #affliction [bitmask] [chance] --> implemented as #startaff [percent]
* #stonebeing
* #bloodvengeance [strength]
* #leper


* #range (suggestion for negatives to indicate strength based is implemented)
* #mrnegates
* #mrnegateseasily
* #dt_small
* #dt_large
* #dt_construct --> not implemented, but can be simulated with #secondaryeffect and #dt_constructonly
* #dt_magic
* #dt_demononly
* #dt_constructonly
* #mind
* #dt_raise


* #undeadnation --> implemented as #autoundead, #zombiereanim, #horsereanim, #manikinreanim, #tombwyrmreanim, and #wightreanim
* #addpretender [monster nbr] --> implemented as #restrictedgod [nation nbr] in monster modding
* #killingdominion [multiplier] --> implemented as #domkill [value]
* #templecost [value]
* #labcost


* #mon [monster nbr]
* #com [monster nbr]
* #increase_[scale] [+/-1] --> implemented as #incscale [scale] / #decscale [scale]

Sombre October 13th, 2009 10:58 AM

Re: Modding shortlist

Originally Posted by Stavis_L (Post 714515)

* #affliction [bitmask] [chance] --> implemented as #startaff [percent]
* #mrnegates
* #mrnegateseasily
* #dt_construct --> not implemented, but can be simulated with #secondaryeffect and #dt_constructonly
* #dt_magic
* #dt_demononly
* #mind


* #addpretender [monster nbr] --> implemented as #restrictedgod [nation nbr] in monster modding

The above, at least, should still be on the shortlist as they are not truly implemented afaik. I don't have the mod manual in front of me right now though.

Stavis_L October 13th, 2009 01:41 PM

Re: Modding shortlist

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 714538)

Originally Posted by Stavis_L (Post 714515)

* #affliction [bitmask] [chance] --> implemented as #startaff [percent]
* #mrnegates
* #mrnegateseasily
* #dt_construct --> not implemented, but can be simulated with #secondaryeffect and #dt_constructonly
* #dt_magic
* #dt_demononly
* #mind


* #addpretender [monster nbr] --> implemented as #restrictedgod [nation nbr] in monster modding

The above, at least, should still be on the shortlist as they are not truly implemented afaik. I don't have the mod manual in front of me right now though.

Hrm...I was going by the documentation in the modding manual that comes with the 3.23b patch, on the presumption that anything documented there would no longer be a wish-list item, but rather a bug-fix request if it's not working. I have not personally tried all of the above commands. Where the (documented) implementation deviates from the request, I've indicated (but perhaps you're right, and those should be left as reminders; I'm thinking that they're a lot less likely to get attention if they've already been visited once and not fully implemented, though.)

HoneyBadger October 13th, 2009 04:05 PM

Re: Modding shortlist
I'd like to see #wasteshape for wastelands, #desertshape for deserts, #swampshape for swamps, #caveshape for caves, and #mountainshape for mountains. A #cityshape might be interesting, too, for when a unit is inside a Fortress.

Possibly also a #seigeshape/#wallshape, that would only occur in battle, when the unit is either storming, or defending, a seiged castle, respectively.

I'd also like to see a Stronger in Caves ability. Speaking of caves, it would be nice if there were such things as magma caves and ice caves, as occur in nature, and if they had some kind of special identity/ability as such.

Also, a Stronger Enspelled/Weaker Enspelled ability, that would cause a unit to become stronger or weaker while under the influence of an enhancement spell, such as Air Shield etc.

I'd like the ability to make forgings unique--so that we can make new artifacts, in other words. Not sure if it's been added to this list yet.

Something else that I'm not sure has been listed is adding the ability to swallow victims. I think the monster fish does that... Other units may also.

I also would very much like the ability to mod/add to the gems.

How about a special touch/bite attack that turns defeated enemies into mannikins, zombies, vine-creatures, various forms of undead, etc?

Or one that has a slight chance to cause a non-commander enemy unit to transform into an assassin-type unit, later on. Like a bite attack that did the same as a lycanthrope amulet, except it has a chance of turning your unit into a rabid enemy werewolf, who then would attack his commander.

I'd also like something that would be the opposite of Awe, an ability (or weakness, whatever you want to call it), that promotes enemies to continue attacking that creature, to the exclusion of other enemies. You could call it "Revile" or something. It would make for an interesting battlefield mechanic.

Finally, I'd like to see an ability that actually makes a unit stronger, after having been struck by a certain type of magical "damage". Such as a fire elemental getting more HP after being hit by an enemy fireball, or a storm demon getting more HP after being struck by lightning. Something like Lifedrain, but defensive/passive, rather than offensive, and magical damage-based.

And more unit numbers, please!

Swan November 25th, 2009 10:10 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
What i would like is:
1)instead of " the use of ' ; is quicker if you have to write a lot of things
2)instead of #, / for the same reason

Gandalf Parker November 25th, 2009 10:41 AM

Re: Modding shortlist

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 719583)
What i would like is:
1)instead of " the use of ' ; is quicker if you have to write a lot of things
2)instead of #, / for the same reason

You could probably set up one of the programming editors or an external program to allow you to type it in that way then convert it when exported for testing.

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