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Joku August 25th, 2011 04:08 PM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki

Originally Posted by lch (Post 781628)
The Dom3 Wiki has been unreachable for some time in the past, it is offline right now as well. This is because it is hosted behind a DSL line with a failing router which is finally showing his age, sorry for that. I plan to replace the unit during the start of next week, then the connectivity should be much better. Thanks for your patience.

Btw, I could host the wiki or a mirror on my NAS box which is behind a 100M/100M connection if you are interested.

lch October 7th, 2011 01:54 PM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
Thanks a lot for the very generous offer to host the Wiki, I would definitely have been glad about this when I no longer was able to use my office as server storage. But even though hosting it from home might be sub-optimal and the server might be sluggish or unresponsive at times, I don't have the time that it would take to transfer the Wiki and prepare the software and the databases someplace else right now. Another thing which has become quite important to me and which I don't want to lose anymore is to have physical access to the server in case something happens.

I apologize again about the Dom3Wiki being unreachable over extended periods of time in the past. It turned out that the router that I had wasn't dying, in fact, but was configured to not hold and re-initiate the connection to the Internet in case it got lost, but to go to sleep in case there was no traffic for a while. Since my line was in use pretty much 24/7 before, this didn't become apparent before, but since I am now no longer using it during much of the day, the router would just shut down the Internet connection. I have since used a Host tracking software to keep track of my uptime, and I will share the findings that I got from it with you here:


Dom3 Wiki - August
    Total uptime:84.69% Downtime:2 day(s) 15 hour(s)
        Monthly uptime:84.69% Downtime:2 day(s) 15 hour(s)
            Day 2011-08-31 Uptime:99.97% Downtime:22 sec(s)
            Day 2011-08-30 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-29 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-28 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-27 Uptime:99.91% Downtime:57 sec(s)
            Day 2011-08-26 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-25 Uptime:20.43% Downtime:11 hour(s) 48 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-24 Uptime:0.00% Downtime:13 hour(s) 35 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-23 Uptime:9.83% Downtime:16 hour(s) 10 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-22 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-21 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-20 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-19 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-18 Uptime:99.94% Downtime:55 sec(s)
            Day 2011-08-17 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-08-16 Uptime:55.83% Downtime:6 hour(s) 16 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-15 Uptime:90.82% Downtime:2 hour(s) 12 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-14 Uptime:78.65% Downtime:4 hour(s) 19 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-13 Uptime:60.75% Downtime:8 hour(s) 42 min(s)
            Day 2011-08-12 Uptime:97.57% Downtime:35 min(s) 2 sec(s


Dom3 Wiki - September
    Total uptime:91.78% Downtime:3 day(s) 16 hour(s)
        Monthly uptime:96.28% Downtime:1 day(s) 21 min(s)
            Day 2011-09-30 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-29 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-28 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-27 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-26 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-25 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-24 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-23 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-22 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-21 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-20 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-19 Uptime:97.82% Downtime:30 min(s) 50 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-18 Uptime:57.69% Downtime:10 hour(s) 9 min(s)
            Day 2011-09-17 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-16 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-15 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-14 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-13 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-12 Uptime:50.58% Downtime:8 hour(s) 59 min(s)
            Day 2011-09-11 Uptime:86.71% Downtime:3 hour(s) 11 min(s)
            Day 2011-09-10 Uptime:97.65% Downtime:32 min(s) 11 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-09 Uptime:99.93% Downtime:60 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-08 Uptime:99.94% Downtime:50 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-07 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-06 Uptime:96.50% Downtime:50 min(s) 20 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-05 Uptime:99.97% Downtime:29 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-04 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-03 Uptime:99.83% Downtime:2 min(s) 10 sec(s)
            Day 2011-09-02 Uptime:100.00%
            Day 2011-09-01 Uptime:99.81% Downtime:2 min(s) 47 sec(s

The downtime in August is mainly because of the misconfigration of the router that I wrote about before. The longer downtime in September is due to a power failure that we had. Apart from those two incidents, I think the uptime is not too bad and I hope that you can live with it, too.

Last but not least I want to give my sincere thanks to those folks that still update the Dom3Wiki these days, new users and old Wiki veterans alike. Although I'm mostly absent from the forums and from the games and I can't spend much time on improving the Wiki much further, I look over what's going on with the Wiki edits from time to time and enjoy seeing that you continue to use it that much. Although there definitely is a lot of room for improvements, I hope that the Wiki is of some help to you.

kernel October 9th, 2011 05:39 AM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
just caught up with this - great site Ich :)

Chazar October 10th, 2011 03:14 AM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
I consider the wiki to be essential, especially since I am jumping into multiplayer with little time to experiment around in singleplayer. So thanks a lot for the wiki!

Dom3 has lots of things to explore, but in order to be competitive in multiplayer, it is good to look ahead how things really work underneath. The wiki is excellent for that!

lch April 14th, 2012 03:20 AM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
The Dominions 3 Wiki is undergoing updates and has to be offline for some time. After upgrading, a very old bug in the MediaWiki software persistently denies all attempts to fix it. I did manage to circumvent it the past two years by keeping upgrades to the PHP version back and not updating it anymore, which is no ideal solution anyway. Now that those packages have been officially removed, I'll try to upgrade everything to the newest version and to have the Wiki running with that. Sorry for the downtime.

brxbrx April 14th, 2012 09:43 AM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki

Originally Posted by lch (Post 801615)
The Dominions 3 Wiki is undergoing updates and has to be offline for some time. After upgrading, a very old bug in the MediaWiki software persistently denies all attempts to fix it. I did manage to circumvent it the past two years by keeping upgrades to the PHP version back and not updating it anymore, which is no ideal solution anyway. Now that those packages have been officially removed, I'll try to upgrade everything to the newest version and to have the Wiki running with that. Sorry for the downtime.

I'd thank your post too because it was very useful and very gracious of you to inform us of this, but I don't want to be a part of the herd.

momfreeek April 14th, 2012 10:48 AM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
Yah, thx lch for the wiki. I can't imagine playing dom3 without it.. I'd be totally lost ^^.

The archives on waybackmachine still seem fairly usable as a reference:


Calahan April 14th, 2012 02:46 PM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
I'll add to the eulogising of Lch while I here. It took me a while to get used to using the Wiki, mainly due to getting used to the fact a useful and accurate Wiki existed, but I find it a great reference source now, and often saves me having to sift through my notes or DB when looking for fine details.

So thanks Lch for all the work you did putting it together in the first place, and thanks for maintaining it like you do for all the community (that'd you've been too rare a guest of in recent times :()

Rick L April 19th, 2012 03:35 PM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki
I have been a reader and contributor to the Wiki for some time, but for the last few days I get a page not found error when I try to go there. Anyone know what's up?

legowarrior April 19th, 2012 04:01 PM

Re: Official release of the unofficial Dominions 3 Wiki

Originally Posted by lch (Post 801615)
The Dominions 3 Wiki is undergoing updates and has to be offline for some time. After upgrading, a very old bug in the MediaWiki software persistently denies all attempts to fix it. I did manage to circumvent it the past two years by keeping upgrades to the PHP version back and not updating it anymore, which is no ideal solution anyway. Now that those packages have been officially removed, I'll try to upgrade everything to the newest version and to have the Wiki running with that. Sorry for the downtime.

I think this answers your question. It is 5 posts above what you wrote.

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