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Mauxe February 15th, 2011 06:03 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Darn... I think my peaceful life might now be shattered...
I took a province the same turn that Abysia did and ended up spanking them.
Don't think the AI is going to take kindly to that.
Will the AI accept gems or something as a gesture of peace?

Hrum February 15th, 2011 06:38 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Sorry to hear about the unsuccessful sally against the trolls, Thanatus. :( I think you said early on that there's about 50 of them, is that count accurate? What's the breakdown (How many Moosen? War trolls? Trolls?)?


Originally Posted by Mauxe (Post 771206)
Darn... I think my peaceful life might now be shattered...
I took a province the same turn that Abysia did and ended up spanking them.
Don't think the AI is going to take kindly to that.
Will the AI accept gems or something as a gesture of peace?

No idea. Once things spark off, it may be impossible to dissuade the AI from waging war. If you send him gems, he may well use those gems against you.

In any case, if you're capable of spanking his troops, why not continue doing so?

FYI, he isn't doing anything currently with his southern fort. Doesn't appear to have been very successful in linking the two - the southern fort that he started with has to date done no expansion whatsoever. So you're basically just dealing with the northern instance of Abysia. Kick his butt.

How's your evo research looking? What's your army composed of?

Hrum February 15th, 2011 09:24 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Turn 17 is up.

AI news: The war between Niefel and Atlantis rages! Atlantis has kicked Niefel off of the siege of the indie for in 77, and is now sieging that fort (no intel on force composition at this time). Atlantis has also moved in behind Niefel's line of advance along the coast, and now surrounds Niefel's army which continues to siege the indie fort in 60.

The PD in Abysia's southern province finally noticed my scout and put an end to him. I am sending a new scout to keep an eye on them.

Kailasa update: I continue to prepare for war with Niefel. My army is forming up, and once my border fort is complete I intend to attack. I'm thinking that while Niefel's northern presence is being harrassed by Atlantis, his southern holdings are vulnerable and (hopefully) forfeit. I'm not particularly eager to take his norther stuff yet though, since I like having him (and those tougher indie provs) as a buffer between me and Atlantis.

Unfortunately, in my home province a foolish young monkey played with alchemical reagents he should not have and burned down my lab. The lab is being rebuilt, but this will prove an annoying delay in my research, which wasn't looking to set any records as it was.

endomorphious February 16th, 2011 08:46 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Turn 17 done Turn 18 posted.

Lost my prophet :{ But took a tough devil/scorpion beast province. Turn 18 saw me crank out 7 skulls and Im gonna rush madly to Darkness for some skellispam against Niefel. Hmmm just had a thought on how to solve a problem with my northern fort. Niefel is massing right next to my border. Fortunately I have strong heat scales, hadn't really considered a DOM push but now that I realize our heat scales are diametrically opposed I shall give it a definite go. I have strong H3,although expensive, they should do me a good turn preaching.

I've got a few spare fire, water, earth gems for trade/sale also if anyone has a dire need.

Thanatus del Dragos February 16th, 2011 10:17 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I'm low on man power, lost some troops fighting an indie that surprised me with some winter wolves. Atlantis is moving north on land, but I'm, not too worried. Third fort being built. I'm not in a lot of danger from the AIs as of yet.

Doo February 16th, 2011 03:56 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running

Originally Posted by endomorphious (Post 771235)
Turn 17 done Turn 18 posted.

Lost my prophet :{ But took a tough devil/scorpion beast province. Turn 18 saw me crank out 7 skulls and Im gonna rush madly to Darkness for some skellispam against Niefel. Hmmm just had a thought on how to solve a problem with my northern fort. Niefel is massing right next to my border. Fortunately I have strong heat scales, hadn't really considered a DOM push but now that I realize our heat scales are diametrically opposed I shall give it a definite go. I have strong H3,although expensive, they should do me a good turn preaching.

I've got a few spare fire, water, earth gems for trade/sale also if anyone has a dire need.

Let us know how you go, I kinda feel that for some of us its getting to an exciting point in the game. Have you researched Skelli-spam yet?


Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos (Post 771244)
I'm low on man power, lost some troops fighting an indie that surprised me with some winter wolves. Atlantis is moving north on land, but I'm, not too worried. Third fort being built. I'm not in a lot of danger from the AIs as of yet.

I am on your side of the map now and will be ready to help against Tien Chi when the time comes.

Hrum February 16th, 2011 11:46 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Turn 19 is up.

Turn 18 AI info:

Atlantis' bless:
f9 (att +4, flaming weap)
w9 (def +4, quickness)
e10 (reinvig +5, prot +4)
b9 (str +4, death curse)

War between Niefelheim and Atlantis continues. Atlantis took another coastal province from Niefel with the following raid force:

Atlantis Raiders (defeated weak Niefel PD + 2x Hvy Cav)
16x Ichtyid Warrior
10x Deep One Spearmen
3x Coral Guard

Atlantis also repelled a Niefel attack on 77 (the indie fort that Niefel had been sieging before Atlantis killed the siegers last turn). TC is in on the action as well, attacked that same prov 77 from the dock prov 101 right after Niefel, but failed to defeat Atlantis who continues the siege. The forces were:

Atlantis Siegers (victorious / continues siege)
12x Living Pillar
1x Coral Pr
1x Mother of the Deep
1x Basalt King

Niefel (defeated / repulsed)
7x Huskarl
2x Hirdman
7x Wolf Tr Archers
led by 1x Gode & 1x Skratti

TC (defeated / repulsed)
28x Horse Brother
21x Hvy Foot (Glaive)
6x Foot (Glaive)
6x TC Archers
10x Indie Archers
10x Jag Tr Warr
led by Indie Cmdr & Noble Cmdr (chariot)

Those living pillars are buff! They pick up fatigue at a crazy rate (10 enc in melee), but the high earth bless mitigates that a bit (half thanks to reinvig 5). They also have a crappy MR of 8, but after that it all looks good. Their prot is really high - prot 23, 26 w/ bless & decent shields, they have 2 attacks (bite, plus magic basalt spear), Str 18, Sz 3, 31 HP, morale 16 base (all these guys had experience). All that in a sacred amphib unit, w/ castle def, darkvision and cold & fire resist 50. Dag, that's some good troop. And apparently there's an indie province w/ them somewhere around here, because Niefel was fielding some of these earlier.

Kind of crazy, but the TC Noble Cmdr w/ his chariot killed a group of 3 Living Pillars via trample off in a corner while the main group was destroying his army - I wonder how he would've fared against the main group instead of that undersized squad of outliers. They probably would've torn him to ribbons. Amusing to watch the weak size 4 trampler take out 3 buff size 3 heavy sacreds. :)

Turn 19 AI info:

And so now Atlantis has taken 101 from TC, and defeated the TC attack on 77 (meaning the TC army of a dozen or so Horse Brothers and small handful of infantry was destroyed when it routed for lack of a place to rout to).

Atlantis attacked Niefel at the indie fort in 60 again.

Atlantis (defeated)
16x Reef Dwellers
19x Deep One Spearmen
5x Coral Guards
handful of Indie Lt Inf & Archers
led by Mage of the Deep, Mthr of the Deep, 2x Coral Priests & 2x Shambler Chiefs

Niefel (continues siege)
13x Living Pillars
4x Skinshifters
1x Niefel Giant
1x Coral Guard
led by a Gygja & a Niefel Jarl (who is now blind)

At the start of the fight in 60 Niefel's Skinshifters rushed in with the Niefel Giant (unblessed) and the Niefel Jarl while Niefel's Living Pillars waited to receive blessing. While the Skinshifters started killing, the Atlantis Mage spammed blindness until he scored on the Niefel Jarl (ouch!). Then the Living Pillars arrived to claim victory. 2/3 of the Atlantis army was destroyed. On Niefel's side, only one Skinshifter survived, and his Niefel Jarl is now blind; otherwise a clean victory.

All these fights are proving that in brief fights at least these Living Pillars really do some good work. But aren't those native Atlantis troops? Where did Niefel get them from?

Abysia scouting up in the NE - my scout can see Caelum territory on the border w/ Abysia. Abysia really is small - he has only the provinces surrounding his fort in the north; has yet to cross the river next to his capital in 99. When last seen, the southern fort still wasn't expanding. Confirmation will be had in the next turn or two as the new scout arrives.

Atlantis has likely made landfall on those eastern shores, but no confirmation of that.

Niefelheim has shown up on my NW border by defeating one of the 2 tough indie provs there (the 2x basilisks w/ 5x fossilized warriors plus small horde of undead chaff). I haven't begun my war with Niefelheim yet - will he preempt me?

Doo February 17th, 2011 05:50 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I've yet to see Atlantis on land south of me.

Interesting Abysia is doing little.

Thanatus del Dragos February 17th, 2011 10:45 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Tien Chi is moving toward me on my eastern front. They are one turn ahead of my expected schedule and might cause a disruption in my plans. A disruption!

Atlantis is moving north on land, still not worried, they will just make my expansion south easier I think.

Mauxe February 17th, 2011 01:30 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I am pushing south into Abysia now. My expansion army should make short work of the provinces I can currently see - and it sounds liek there isn't much more to worry about. (I don't have a good scouting network with Caelum).

I lost two back to back battles with some indies with my northern expansion army - along with my commander. I whittled them down to just one wraith lord (I think) - but I need to mount another force there soon.

I am in a nice spot in the NE where there are enough rivers and mountains blocking passage that my entire stretch of provinces only has 3 access points.

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