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jamesmcm December 28th, 2006 04:00 PM

Re: Bug thread
I just updated to latest patch and now whenever i finish my turn (on single-player or multi-player) the game closes down and i get a "nagot gik fel" error message.

Dragonlord December 28th, 2006 05:22 PM

Re: Bug thread
HI, am trying to do same as you mentioned here for the Parganos map, but am new to GIMP. How do i bring up the screen with the levels and alpha stuff ?
Thanks in advance

Hadrian_II December 29th, 2006 10:56 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Sirrush dont get Armor bonus from Earth 9 Bless

Im playing as Arco, and my Sirrushes dont get the +4 armor from the E9 bless as they should. (i dont know if this is already reported, but i had no interest to read 40 pages of bugs :/)

Arralen December 30th, 2006 04:47 AM

Re: Bug thread

Hadrian_II said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Sirrush dont get Armor bonus from Earth 9 Bless
.. my Sirrushes dont get the +4 armor from the E9 bless as they should. (i dont know if this is already reported, but i had no interest to read 40 pages of bugs :/)

You better use the search function next time - E9 bless is supposed to work on armor, not natural protection. As a Sirrush does not wear armor, it does not get a benefit.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me as well - especially, as "Flaming Weapon" works on hooves and claws very well...

GrobRIM December 30th, 2006 10:20 AM

Re: Bug thread
Demons are affected by darkness

Description of spell Darkness says that "Undead, Demons and blind beings are unaffected". http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif
But when storming an Agarthan cave, spell Darkness is up, and my Lanka demons do severely suffer from it.

TruePurple December 30th, 2006 12:03 PM

Demo bug, win98se
Demo issue but I'd thought I'd report it since someone told me the real game only has more, the basic stuff hadn't changed mostly.

When I load up the game and click on anything it minimizes. When ever the game is minimized I have to tell it to maximize via alt tab etc twice. Then when it comes back up the graphics are all screwy and things move slow. So I have to go into options and switch to a different resolution and back to the one I want. Then everything works.

But thats alot of work to load the game (and each action takes some time of waiting for it to process so it takes some time as well) and means I cant switch over from the game and back without even more hassle.

king_of_clouds December 30th, 2006 01:21 PM

Re: Bug thread
Bug: Map displays as white on windows 98
I don't know if this is a bug or just my comp. But in win 98 with voodoo3 display card the whole map displays in white.

LDiCesare December 30th, 2006 07:10 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Bug: Holes in caves spoil fights
As PhilD said above (#480965 - 12/19/06 05:51 PM), but doesn't occur only in DoD map (West Dripping Cavern) but also in Agarthan forts (capital):
5 giants began the battle in a hole (trench) in front of the castle. When all of Niefelheim armies were routed, these 5 stayed there (couldn't move out). This resulted in two unpleasant things:
1) 75 turns of battle that the host had to wait through
2) Collateral damage as melee units neared the trench, couldn't fight the opponents inside and got hurt by blade wind while the regenerating Niefel giant inside was healing every wound he took.
I actually lost far more troops to collateral damage because of that stupid giant stuck in a hole than I did in the actual battle.

1000yd_stare December 30th, 2006 10:46 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Bug: Repeated hanging during the AI thinking phase. After the first time, i took out the .2h and .trn, giving me a stale turn. I gave orders for the next turn, and it hung again.

I strongly believe its because of my imprisoned pretender showing up the turn that it began to hang (ie, it showed up, I gave orders, hit end turn, and it hung.

Late era Ryleh, with Void Lurker (underwater tree).

EDIT: I found another post by someone who said the game hangs when they cast dreams of ryleh at a prov with only undead in it. This sounds like my possible problem as well; i had been trying out that spell vs ermor ai.

Nightblade December 30th, 2006 11:55 PM

Re: Bug thread
Recently i had a game on Silent Seas in the late age with 2 AI (one was Atlantis and i don't remember the other) and me being R'lyeh with the Void Lord as a pretender.
To get more room to breath as i am not very experienced yet, i set all independants power to 8.

After lots of turns, as the 2nd AI was eliminated by Atlantis, i decided, after mastering the seas, to invade the main land with my troops.

After some turns i think it was touching the end as i was cornering Atlantis, suddenly the game hang during a battle resolution calculation during the turn loading (no idea if it was a battle between my troops and Atlantis and some independants agaisnt Atlantis or me), i had killed the sdl_app process to exit.

Before this turn i didn't bought anything different in my armies, so i really don't know why the game hanged there and not before.

Very often the prophet was renamed, as there were a lot of insane commanders in my citadels (as insane units often select a command randomly instead of always doing what i set them to, i noticed a lot of them , when uncontrollable had the "Call God" command)

EDIT : i forgot to add that after killing the hanging application , i was able to restart Dominions 3 and load the last turn i was playing with that specific setup, and despite doing exactly the same moves and battles in that turn it played normally and i was able to finish the game lot of turns after this.

That's why i was a bit puzzled , as the game freezing problem during the battle resolution between the turns was not reproduced.

GrobRIM January 2nd, 2007 07:00 AM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Shift-click for selecting multiple units doesn't work when army setup screen is called up using 'y' rather than 't'.

GrobRIM January 2nd, 2007 08:08 AM

Re: Bug thread

GrobRIM said:
Demons are affected by darkness

More info about it:

First, I know that the problem is considered as fixed by the devs in patch 3.04 (seen in fixes on 24th of November on ulm.illwinter.com), but nevertheless...

During battle replay, if I click on a Palankasha demon to display its stats, I will see that Attack and Defense are reduced by 1/2, from Attack 13 to Attack 6, and from Defence 11 to Defence 5: when I click on these stats to get the details, it will show "Darkness: -6" (for basic Attack 13) or "Darkness: -5" (for basic Defence 11). However, when I watch the replay, it doesn't look like the demons are faring worse than usual, which means that maybe only the *displayed* stats do not take demons imperviousness to darkness into account.

What backs up that feeling is that there is a big discrepancy in Precision: if I have a look at Precision, it will display "Darkness: -6" for a Palankasha with basic Precision 9 (that's minus 2/3), which should yield a Precision of 3, but the stat remains unchanged: "Precision: 9"!

So, to sum it up:
- The Darkness penalty should not be displayed in Attack, Defence and Precision details;
- The Darkness penalty should not be included in the computation of displayed Attack and Defence.

All the above problems only occur with demons; everything looks okay with undead and blind units.

Edi January 2nd, 2007 10:20 AM

Re: Bug thread
Nightblade, not a bug then but a temporary glitch. Please don't clutter up this thread with such posts.


FaceLess January 3rd, 2007 06:17 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Second time I noticed that the picture for Pedoseion changed into a regular Troll. Both times I used items to increase the magic power and possible the high earth magic is causing it. Picture and saved file available but have to find out how to attach them to a reply:). See Validor (489). Or is this maybe related to the armor (crown)?

FaceLess January 3rd, 2007 06:20 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)

Endoperez January 3rd, 2007 06:47 PM

Re: Bug thread

FaceLess said:
Second time I noticed that the picture for Pedoseion changed into a regular Troll. Both times I used items to increase the magic power and possible the high earth magic is causing it. Picture and saved file available but have to find out how to attach them to a reply:). See Validor (489). Or is this maybe related to the armor (crown)?

I think it's related to the armor, but not the crown. The manual mentions that Pebble Skin Suit has a chance of transforming the wearer into a troll, and I guess the in-game description also warns of this.

Like non-unique Lychanthropos' Amulet, currently items that have a chance of transofrming their wearers are just a liability on units that are stronger than the creatures they would change to. This includes uniques (like Pedoseion) but also some national commanders of some non-human races (especially Jotunheim).

FaceLess January 4th, 2007 05:06 AM

Re: Bug thread
I see, that makes sense. guess I should read the spell description a bit more carefull. Thanks for the help

Wish January 4th, 2007 04:13 PM

Re: Bug thread
Bug: Leviathin counts as a normal unit, instead of an undead unit - despite the fact that it is undead.

Tals January 4th, 2007 08:16 PM

Re: Bug thread
Bug: In the tutorial at the beginning the druid has 8 research points available when you recruit him. However the druid has been recruited he has 9 research points.

I can recreate this for the tutorial but not if I create the race from scratch.


Hadrian_II January 4th, 2007 08:35 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Game crashing after someone casts relieve

I just had a bug, that after my enemy casted relief, first all the sprites changed to white or light green squares and after that my game crashed.

Im playing the linux version.

Here is the console output:
N�got gick fel!
spritewidth: unfetched spr
N�got gick fel!
spritewidth: unfetched spr
N�got gick fel +2 ()!

I hope the host of the game will add the necesarry files, so that you can test this bug. (i asked him to do so)

Endoperez January 5th, 2007 06:33 AM

Re: Bug thread
A dragon changing from human shape into dragon shape keeps helmet and any equipped misc items. Dragon changing from Dragon shape to human keeps misc items but loses the helmet!

ologm January 7th, 2007 09:38 AM

Re: Bug thread
I think there is something wron with LA mictlan hero Cimmeru. He appears as the other mictlan hero Quetzalcoatl without magic.

ologm January 7th, 2007 11:57 AM

Re: Bug thread
LA Mictlan national summon Tzitzimitl works as a normal unit for leadership, while it is a demon.

FrankTrollman January 8th, 2007 03:01 AM

Re: Bug thread

normalphil January 9th, 2007 04:18 AM

Re: Bug thread

Ighalli said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Bug: The battle AI will cast raise dead when there are no corpses. Nothing is animated at all.

Reiterated. To the point that 8 Ermoran Spectators and a Dusk elder will line up and cast turn after turn of 'Raise Dead' in a corpseless battlefield, thus enabling a small force of Arssartuts to capture The Unholy Sepulchre.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] [b]Bug: Bakemo hero "The Heart Hider" has no description. This isn't fixed.[b]

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] [b] Bug?: LE Atlantean character unit Tungalik doesn't have cold resistance. Not a particularly old unit, not sure if it predates the 2nd Fall of Atlantis (like the Mournful do). [b]

Borya January 9th, 2007 05:05 PM

Re: Bug thread
Bug: Captured blood slaves sometimes dont't appear anywhere.

My mage ("heroic" Jotun Skratti) was hunting blood slaves for several turns. Each turns i received a message "4-9 blood slave were captured...", however they didn't appear in hero's inventory. They weren't placed in the laboratory as well, so they just didn't appear.

During the same turns my second Jotun Skratti was capturing slaves successfully in another province.

NTJedi January 9th, 2007 08:34 PM

Re: Bug thread

Borya... the devs need your saved game file and the map files to investigate the issue you reported.
ANYONE reporting an issue which only 'sometimes' or 'rarely' happening needs to include the saved game file and the map files as evidence because the devs don't have time to try and reproduce a 'sometime' issue.

If the province they are blood hunting is attacked the blood slaves could be used in battle and thus may never be seen.

Borya January 9th, 2007 09:13 PM

Re: Bug thread
I think slaves didn't appear even when there was peace in the province.

Could you please tell me how the savegame files are called and where I should send them?

Blofeld January 11th, 2007 07:27 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Lost an arm affliction caused a unit to lose protection from helmet

My Bane lord lost an arm on his first raid. He returned to base, I took wrath sword of him, equipped him with 1h weapon and saw that he no longer has default full helmet listed in armor or protection pop-up. When I put a starshine skullcap in his head slot, he got the MR bonus, but not head armor bonus.
Perhaps it's related to the fact that he had 2h magic weapon when wounded (the weapon didn't disappear).

ologm January 13th, 2007 06:14 PM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Pressing end turn in the attached savegame will cause an endless number of battles to be resolved. This means you can't continue the game.

normalphil January 16th, 2007 01:35 AM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:
Nearly all Flagellants from event come with afflictions.

34/39 units, 40+/50 units, etc.

In addition, the same applies for Flagellants recruited by Marignon.

Edi January 16th, 2007 02:06 AM

Re: Bug thread
The flagellant issue could be and probably is a feature. These are, after all, religious fanatics who are more than likely drawn from the ranks of the destitute who suffer from all sorts of ailments and injuries. Being a flagellant probably beats starving to death in a gutter and the shared religious fervor and promises of rewards in teh afterlife would give their life (short as it may be) meaning. That's how I see it anyway. At least it is a logical explanation.


NTJedi January 16th, 2007 04:44 AM

Re: Bug thread
Yes the flagellants are probably suppose to arrive with afflictions yet unfortunately since 92% have afflictions this means extra micromanagement and these average units are now less than average.

Agrajag January 16th, 2007 06:15 AM

Re: Bug thread
I thought flagellants came afflicted because they... Flog themselves with their weapons, like the description says.
I'm thinking, you beat yourself to a pulp enough times, you're bound to atleast lose an eye ("Don't play with that! Somebody could lose an eye!").

normalphil January 17th, 2007 02:58 AM

Re: Bug thread
The ME Ermor Praetorian unit has that feature, and it says it has that feature, complete with affliction marker when you check out the unit in the recruitment window. No such thing for recruiting flagellants; more along the lines of an unnanounced surprise making the horde of religious fanatics you paid for a bunch of shell-shocked cripples.

TwoBits January 17th, 2007 10:59 AM

Re: Bug thread
Might make a pretender able to cast Gift of Health something to consider...

Ewierl January 17th, 2007 06:43 PM

"Created" monsters have high/nonzero age stats.

This makes no sense: didn't you just build that golem, rather than conjure it up from elsewhere?

There may be no practical difference, since lifeless things don't decay (and may not suffer age penalties at all), but it does look very odd to construct something and have it immediately register as being decades or centuries old.

Actuarian January 18th, 2007 12:59 AM

Re: In-game Typo
Attentive Statue description: It should be standing a vigil, not standing a vigour.

Ewierl January 18th, 2007 02:08 PM

Re: In-game Typo
1 Attachment(s)
Crash during turn resolution in SP game.

Nothing obvious/interesting done during turn; early game, so no global enchantments active. I haven't a clue what could've elicited this.

It is reproducible! Just end the turn, and D3 crashes during the "AI thinking" phase.

RamsHead January 18th, 2007 06:53 PM

Nothing Big
I noticed that the Jotun Wolf form of the transforming Niefelheim mages retains the size 4 that the other forms have.

Edi January 19th, 2007 10:59 AM

Re: Nothing Big

Actuarian said:
Attentive Statue description: It should be standing a vigil, not standing a vigour.


RamsHead said:
I noticed that the Jotun Wolf form of the transforming Niefelheim mages retains the size 4 that the other forms have.

WHY are these in the bug thread?

The first instance is not a bug, but a typo. We have a thread for those, though it has dropped from the first page.

I have asked before to have that thread stickied, and it was precisely to avoid having this thread cluttered up anymore than it already is.

The second bit is NOT a bug. A human skinshifter turns into a human-sized werewolf, so why the hell would a giant skinshifter or giant mage with an alternate werewolf form turn into anything other than a giant-sized werewolf?

Please, THINK before you post.


Jurri January 19th, 2007 01:00 PM

Re: Nothing Big
Umm, you do know that the Niefel mages have three forms, do you? (Indeed, the wolf-form should probably be the same size as a dire wolf, nice catch!)

Also, why should anyone be aware of the existence of your typo-thread? This bug-thread can certainly accommodate any and all stuff including typos as long as it has no moderation or other means of culling useless posts like this one and the one I'm responding to.

So... Take a chill pill, won't ya?

Taqwus January 19th, 2007 03:17 PM

Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge orders
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] AE Ermor: Landlubber Censors should not be spawned underwater.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Changing forge orders: The routine that checks whether you have the gems to build an item does not take into account the resources that you wouldn't be using forging your previous choice.

Possible [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img], definite weirdness Dead mercenary Hall-of-Famers returned as mummies retain mercenary behavior in terms of item stickiness.

NTJedi January 19th, 2007 03:26 PM

Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge orders

Taqwus said:
Possible [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img], definite weirdness Dead mercenary Hall-of-Famers returned as mummies retain mercenary behavior in terms of item stickiness.

That's not the only trait they maintain... such as retreating from the battlefield will kill them.
Another trait they maintain is that you cannot give them troops.

Jack_Trowell January 19th, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge orders
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] the war shamblers for a mercenary group are described as having a shark skin armor (and the sprite seems inded to wear something), but the War shamblers have no armor.

Wish January 21st, 2007 01:23 AM

Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge ord
bug: when you wish for a lady of fortune, you get the dom 2 fair skinned version instead of the dom 3 blue skinned version.

Edi January 21st, 2007 05:58 AM

Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge ord
That's probably because there is more than one monster with the same name and it picks the one with the lowest ID number from the list. The same thing used to happen with assigning magic sites by name to a map in Dom2 so that you could only assign the Fire Academy of High Magics, never Air, Water or Earth.

Just try wishing for Heavy Infantry or Infantry of Ulm or Light Infantry and I'm certain that you're going to get #38 for HI, #28 for LI and #67 for IoU, instead of #40, #29 or #71 respectively.

So it's not a bug per se. The game just doesn't know which one of the different options you want, so it provides the first one that fits the name.

Now, wishing for "monster <id#>" might work, but somebody needs to test it first...


Wish January 21st, 2007 03:43 PM

Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge ord
I guess what I meant was, why is the old version still in the game? does any nation have the option of selecting lady of fortune, but in her anglo-saxon version?

Edi January 21st, 2007 06:49 PM

Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge ord
No, it's not available. The Dom2 Lady is one of the obsoleted units, very much like the old legionnaires and Old Standard, which are the DomPPP era Pythium units. They are still in the game and can be put into map files as monsters guarding some province, but not available for recruitment or through events. Easier to just leave them than to hunt the individual units down and eliminate them from the list, I guess, plus that way nothing gets broken.

Besides, anybody wanting to wish a misfortune prevention unit would be better off with a Great Seer of the Deeps. 75% chance of preventing any given bad event in the province he is in is nothing to sneeze at...

Don't worry, it'll be in the DB, though. They all will. As of now, units 0-302 are all done as is everything that can be recruited or assigned as a pretender and it's just a few hundred more summons, heroes etc. to go and it'll be ready.

I'm also going to have a metric crap-ton of bugs, typos and other assorted things to list after I'm done...


Ewierl January 23rd, 2007 10:56 PM

Man temples
Despite the occasional between-turn hint, Man's temples (both MA and LA) cost the full 400g.

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