![]() |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Firstly, that fire resistance gear was sold *at cost*, or at a negligible markup.
Secondly, I am a loyal and friendly neighbor to have. I even offered LA Gath an NAP - LA Gath said he planned on invading the person I was invading, and therefore he wouldn't agree to an NAP unless I let him have a share of Agartha, because he was afraid of his other neighbors! Neighbors of LA Gath - LA Gath is scared of you! Like a little girl! And he insists on fighting a war with mighty Niefelheim over posession of Agartha's still-twitching remains. The neighbors of Gath must be fearsome indeed. Should anyone else risk their necks to help a double-bless nation expand? Gath has an F9S9. I'm going to say no - but if you neighbor LA Gath, you should conquer him, or at least peel some provinces off, while he's vulnerable due to an ill-advised war with me. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Someone should do a poll on who will win the game. 15 capitals wins it. So one does not necessarily have to kill off a tough neighbor to win the game.
And at some point, the true contenders will have to concern themselves as much with stopping each other as conquering their neighbors. But that time is not is not yet as astral travel is still far off. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I'm unsure what gave you the impression Gath was afraid of anyone. The only neighbor that makes us "uncomfortable" with their overall strength, is Caelum, and I like to think they and we can coexist. <3 I'm really unsure what part of cowardice involves declining unconditional NAP with Niefelheim, in a situation that seems to predicate war. Seems if there were "fear of neighbors" involved in the decision making process, then accepting the NAP and attacking Bogarus beside the awesome might of Nief would have been the logical course of action. To be fair, Gath is only afraid of Niefelheim, as should everyone be, if Gath faces them alone and falls, as they probably will if they fight alone, due to disparity of national advantages, and leadership experience. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Let me put this all in another perspective though - if you don't plan to actually fight Niefelheim before the eve of their final victory - then do please attack Gath and put me out of my misery, it's not good for my heart to be the only one willing to stand up and fight. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif <3 |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Gath's real problem is that I'm larger than *he is*, and he can't beat me by himself, so he must convince everyone else that I'm the biggest threat in the cosmos. Fortunately, I find it unlikely that any water nations will volunteer for spoiler in a #4 vs #9 fight. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
What what what!?!?
All this talk about Gath's fearsome neighbours, and nobody's mentioning Bandar Log? All the free markatas we've been getting from "lucky" events demand recognition! Monkey PD will eat your remains for such an insult! Mind Burn! In due time! Like, turn 100! |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Unfortunately Utgard is going to have to wait a turn for its 30 pearls. The laboratory of MA Man (the arena prize giver) appears to have burnt down! And they even have luck 3.
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
LA MAn sold gear to Niefel? He is really extremely greedy, selling gear like that to his scariest neighbour...
I am on other continent so I can speak about that stuff, but man, you have some crazy people over there. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Hah! So LA Man is friendly with Nief? Then we ARE all doomed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Portray it as selfish if you like, any fool of a Took can add my income and gem income to your income and gem income, and see that the sum = "OMG not good". http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif You can call yourself 4th, that's fine. But how is Gath 9th? 15th in provinces, but 5th in gem income. Wouldn't that be convenient for everyone if Nief had all those gems to "beneficially trade" to gear out more Jarls, meanwhile buffered on one side by the #3 nation, and advancing on the #2 nation, whom you have claimed to be anticipating fighting, as you already have the gear to handle any units they can throw at you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif And no need to get testy. I tried to keep my scheming to private channels, but all I found were a hesitant Bogarus, and an LA Man who is already corrupted by the dark side. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Doesn't leave a poor guy many options, now does it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif And I've got nothing against Bandar Log! In fact, I am pretty sure that ethereal Markatas are the secret weakness of geared and buffed Niefel Jarls. Quite positive in fact, since according to Dr P's PMs to me, they are impervious to all else. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif <3 |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Isnt't Helheim? Top1 in lands, pretty much top1 in gem income next turn too and stealthy+glamour score graphs so people don't notice him.
And I'd really fear Lolomo on eastern continent. He has proven to be one of the best players around and extremely deadly when it comes to Caelum usage. Even Niefel giants should be afraid http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
What glamour score graph? Glamour units don't show up in scout reports but don't go telling me they don't show in score graph...
By constantly pointing out Helheim and other strong nations it'd seem the player of LA Agartha, the nation in research lead currently, is just trying to draw attention away from himself. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Agartha with hefty research is something to fear, along with all these LA and EA nations we are surrounded. And JM, markatas don't want Niefel military secrets, they demand respect. R35p3c7! They know etherealness is of no use against geared anything, but they promise to climb up to the tallest guy around and excrete all over him! And not in a nice way! |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
My pronostic is a victory of LA Agartha, due to Zeldor's permanent IRCeness ending in complete omniscience, and his superior diplomatic skills triggering frequent gifts of capitols. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
In the bless category, I think the actually powerful nations whose main strength is *capitol only* sacreds will be the first victims of the midgame wars. I bet most will be out (or lose most of their lands at least) before turn 60. Nations with non capitol sacreds or good mages are far superior than the ...heim nations on a big map. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Yeah, I have total of 1 capitols http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Hmm... it's mine http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Anyway, announcement, so I don't forget about it. I am going to travel a bit, spend some time in Shanghai, Hangzhou, far away from internet, wars, bloodshed etc. For next 6-8 turns Micah will be subbing for me, so if you want smth from LA Agartha [nice things only!], contact him. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
There may not be much of an empire left when you return Zeldor, only the Sybils know for sure.
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
That general theory is great in theory. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Doesn't exactly apply to Nief though. 1 Niefel Jarl a turn - strong, capable, self blessing, self buffing SC a turn. That's such a handicap he has to deal with. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Though I like how Dr P sends daggers at me for these posts. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif As if the rest of the world would rather fear me, a guy whose only completed game is about to be an utter annihilation as Bandar Log - a guy who didn't choose Gath, design the pretender, or ever even touch Gath before being plugged into the nation after something like 5 stales. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif I honestly don't think I am very scary offensively. But most people have the wisdom to avoid a snapping turtle, unlike Dr P they realize I am most dangerous whilst defending myself. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I do not think anyone is scared of gath. Likely it is fear of niefel that stays nations hands. Most players know niefel, and lanka's capabilities.
So it may not be that other nations would not like to help-it is that that would prefer else someone do so. heh. On an interesting note, among the 1st wave of dead: KO, Evilhomer, Baalz. Though to be fair EH i believe was triple teamed out of fear, and Baalz graciously agreed to play ma oceania who is not the most powerful nation in the world. So now there are only 4 water nations left. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
What's this? LA Caelum's cute furry huggable mammoths are no threat to anyone. Sure they might be a bit overzealous in their display of affection and flatten a peasant or two, but they are quite meek creatures prefering to run away when the going gets tough.
One Eyed Tin Can though, might be another story =) |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
No one has been begging for help against the mammoths or helheim. The graphs show clearly who the contenders are in the early stages.
Just remember taking a capital from a new player counts the same as taking one from a veteran, and taking one from a weak nation counts just as much as taking one from a strong nation. My prediction is the winner will be the nation who can somehow avoid being tied down in an ugly long brutal war with a wily foe that he may defeat, but takes 40 turns to do it. With 15 capitals as the goal, a long war spanning 40 turns for 1 capital will mean defeat. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I agree with Xietor, which is why I've probably lost already.
Attacking EA Agartha was a *major* mistake. I should've gone south instead, or simply consolidated a bit on my Pythianese holdings, but I didn't want to give Agartha time to prepare a defense. Turned out I was already too late. Kudos to Agartha for putting up such a stiff fight. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
LA Pythium continues to hold on. We still hold our capitol, and can take whichever bordering province we wish to take each turn. Lanka is apparently playing a game of hide and seek now, mostly using their demon thugs to pop in and out, while leaving their main armies just out of reach of our Hydras. Nice strategy, btw, Falkor.
We have given up hope that any of our neighbors will intercede. So it is just a matter of time until LA Pythium is gone. We hope to take a few demons down with us, when we go. My diplomacy skills seem to have atrophied. Might be because I have been playing a RAND game. Oh well, I guess I should have used bribes instead of just cajolery. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Well, I thought Utgard was done for but things are looking up. All forts cleared, thousands of gold in the bank thanks to Two-Eyes, and almost all our land taken back in a rare fortuitous turn of successful werewolf counterinsurgency. The signs should now be obvious to all nations of Kingmaker that Kauthuga is the lord of all sparkly granite kitchen countertops.
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
All the larger, since I wasn't talking from my rear when I told you I had been prepping to attack them already, I honestly was, and it would have been me that took that arrow. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif And then to top it off, diplomacy between grand Niefelheim and (somewhat) humble Gath seems to have failed. I am sure you have tricks left up your sleeve. I sure hope so, because you'll need them soon. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Just so everyone knows - Gath will not hold it against you if you wish to bite off a piece of Niefelheimian lands - but when our armies arrive at their capital, we will be claiming it, regardless of who possesses it when we get there. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
What - did I see someone say MA R'lyeh went AI? No wonder they'd done a few unexpected things in the last turn or two.
More importantly, Holy crap! Firstly the victory at the capital (20 mages, Squiggles and a handful of chaff slew nearly 200 Ryleh and their God). Now my chances of survival have doubled again, they must be, like, 12% now. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I am curious, did ma ryleh go ai because their pretender died or something? Were they losing the war in the water?
If you have a good position but cannot play due to real life circumstances, let me know as a sub may want your position. And it is better to have a sub than a good race set to ai. Jotunheim had 2 stales, and did not respond to my pm, and thus he was set to ai by llamabeast at my request. However, if Bignscary sends in his own turn it will overwrite the ai command and he will remain in control. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
MA R'lyeh were most definitely not losing the war with me. They'd recently suffered that massive defeat, but they were so far ahead by then that they still had the advantage afterwards. I doubt it was to do with the death of his god either, as it was by no means a vital cog in his war machine and he played I think two turns after that.
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Some players, especially players that do mostly sp, view the death of their pretender as unacceptable.
But I do wish I would have had the opportunity to find a sub for MA Ryleh as they were looking good at the time they went AI. Oh well, I am sure Agema is not complaining about having a war against the AI as MA Ryleh can be quite nasty. |
Rest in pieces EA Ulm
Apparently everyone's so horrified about a player going AI while still going strong that this thread has slipped to second page. That cannot be!
Yet farewell EA Ulm, you were a good neighbour, knew when to stay your armies, when to stand and when to fall so that no doubt remains of the manifest destiny. Conquered and divided by many, now only final farewell is left: Rest In Pieces. Hummmmmmmmmm..... |
Re: Rest in pieces EA Ulm
My entry to the Deathmatch was going to be someone named Conan before. Now it definitely will be.
Also, a recent rash of wars seems to have cropped up around me. Are there any new wars in anyone else's neighborhoods? |
Re: Rest in pieces EA Ulm
The imprisioned gods breaking free will herald a time of fierce wars, as nations grow bold by there gods appearence!
Re: Rest in pieces EA Ulm
FYI - my cable modem at home got struck by lightning, so my internet connectivity is spotty. This may delay communications - the anti-gath alliance should procede in my absence.
LA Utgard Theme Song
Knowing the Kingmaker international community has long been concerned over the human rights abuses inflicted upon defenseless giants by the sinister elves of Eriu, including systematic blinding, we are happy to announce a ceasefire was reached. To commemorate our resistance, we have adopted the following song as our national anthem:
Risin' up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a giant and his will to survive So many times, it happens too fast You change your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive It's the [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon10.gif[/img] of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night And he's watchin' us all in the [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon10.gif[/img] of the tiger Face to face, out in the heat Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry They stack the odds 'til we take to the street For we kill with the skill to survive chorus Risin' up, straight to the top Have the guts, got the glory Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop Just a giant and his will to survive |
Re: LA Utgard Theme Song
How interesting that Utgard is no longer at war with Eriu, because Eriu quite recently expressed intentions to attack MA Ulm. Coincidence, or not?
Either way, it seems MA Ulm has found its first real challenge. Can it rise up to the task? EDIT: I just realized that I'm going up against the army that blinded almost every giant in Utgard. This shall be quite a fight. The Black Knights shall prove themselves, or die trying! |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Hmm. Krynos has checked, and yes, he still has his head. It's quite well attached to his body still. All seems well.
And Lanka, with their cowardly ways, has still not advanced on our capitol. So be it.. all the more hydras for us. |
Re: Rest in pieces EA Ulm
Just to remind everyone, my friend's, sister's, boyfriend's, father's, mechanic's, cousin happened to see 2 fully geared Niefel Jarls die on Agartha's capital. That is a rate of attrition that even the most mighty cannot keep up for long - especially not with a horde of faithful Gathites marching through the broken lands. If you've been gritting your teeth over that 3Cold dominion creeping onto your borders, now would be a good time to raze a couple of temples. <3 |
Re: LA Utgard Theme Song
Eriu never had no intention of attacking you. |
Re: LA Utgard Theme Song
Hadrian needs a sub for a month for Kailasa. He is at war with la ctis, and the game is on very hard research, meaning turns do not take too long. We are still in the early midgame.
Someone be a sport and sub for Hadrian for a month? I have no say on who he selects as a sub, so contact him personally if you are interested. However, if no one steps forward to temp sub for a moth, then I will have to find a perm sub. Hadrian, do not set yourself to AI! |
Re: LA Utgard Theme Song
I'll sub for him. It will finally give me an ally against Lanka. I'll probably run his nation into the dust fighting Lanka, but what the heck. I won't be able to start subbing until my nation, LA Pythium, is dead, but that should not be too long now.
Re: LA Utgard Theme Song
Krynos the Mighty is dead. As are all my chances of beating Lanka. You have his head, Lanka. Do with it as you will, and I hope you kill all of the lick-spittle little neighbors of mine. Good riddance.
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Ermor Falls to Just Fires
The Council of Marignon reports that the undead scourge of MA Ermor has been consumed in the pyre of our holy lawful goodness. Our map-move 1 army finally made it to Ermor's dark citadel, and there our mages converted their hanging fire into falling fire, combustizing Ermor's entire skeletal army. Ermor's capitol is now guarded only by an Oracle, who does not even have the staff to clear the falling leaves out of its water. Soon we will bring order and justice to all their remaining lands.
On a sadder note, Dr. Wyrm, our beloved God, died along with his army while trying to defeat some Ermor PD. Seeing as how this is the second unmitigated disaster that Dr. Wyrm has personally led, and given Dr. Wyrm's erratic diplomatic maneuvers, the Council has decided that it will forgo calling Dr. Wyrm back to this world. We will just make do with a prophet and some holy books for now. Please direct all new correspondence to the Council of Marignon. |
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
LA Pythium is now dead in two turns. If anyone wants anything out of LA Pyth, say so now.
Good game to Lanka. We never really had a chance, though we tried. |
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
The nobles of tEfkaTC wish to express their condolonce - Dr. Wyrm has always been held in high regard and has been seen as an example of what you can archieve in life even if you have no arms or legs.
If you wish to pass him a message, we kindly offer the service of our ancient guides, who have been talking to dead people for ages already (free of charge for you). |
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
That was a tough fight. I've learnt something about Hydras. They are incredible! |
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
And now for something completely different, my brother just noticed that my Pretender God's name (Monny) sounds a lot like Monty. As in, Monty Python.
Interestingly, my god was created in part to distill a bit of humor into this usually-so-serious (in my experience) game. |
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
I thought you named your pretender like this because you were planning to end the game casting Burden of Time ^^
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
That would be a neat trick, since the Kingmaker Mod will not permit Burden of Time to be successfully cast. Folks may want to find the original Kingmaker thread I started and read the 1st post to learn exactly what the Kingmaker mod does before casting any game ending globals.
Re: Ermor Falls to Just Fires
Burden of Time = Summon Grigori? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
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