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AngleWyrm June 30th, 2007 02:57 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, thanks -- I'll redesign my transports to include a sattelite layer, and deploy some warp-point monitors.

Transports Population
I've set them to auto-do-their-thing, but...There's a pack of about half a dozen small transports that keep departing from Bre'el V en route to Taleed Beta system(see attached); they head through a warp point, then decide they are low on fuel and come back. Rinse and repeat.

Perhaps destinations should be checked against fuel supply before deciding to go there.

Arralen July 3rd, 2007 09:23 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Light Ship vs. Normal Ship Shield mounts
Are either still unchanged (I thought you fixed them - for details look ~25 posts back in this thread) or back to the old, wrong values.
Basically they have the same problem as the Base Shield Mounts - light version is preferable to normal one, no matter what.

Large Reactor Mount (Base) range +2 or +5 ?
Text says +2, but info says +5 and it does +5 ...

Large Reactor Mount (Base) does not work on Pirate Weapons/Pirate Race Weapons
Sucks to be a pirate with everyone elses weapon outranging yours ..

Primary/Secondary (Ship) Weapon Mounts and Weapons types are mixed up
Obviously, the "continuous" beam weapons are more suited for firing at small, fast moving targets (+5% to hit), while the pulse variety is more suited to deliver massive damage to easier hit targets (~ +10% damage, -10% to hit).
Yet, beams are restricted to "Ships, Planets", while pulsed weapons can target "Ships\Fighters\Drones\Satellites".
Mounts follow this (IMHO wrong) sheme: Primary Mount works for beam, secondary mount works for pulse weapons .. as if someone would use the primary weapon on a ship to shoot at fighters and satellites and only the secondary to target planets.
The mounts boni should be re-considered as well ..

Atrocities July 3rd, 2007 10:22 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available

AngleWyrm said:
Ok, thanks -- I'll redesign my transports to include a sattelite layer, and deploy some warp-point monitors.

Transports Population
I've set them to auto-do-their-thing, but...There's a pack of about half a dozen small transports that keep departing from Bre'el V en route to Taleed Beta system(see attached); they head through a warp point, then decide they are low on fuel and come back. Rinse and repeat.

Perhaps destinations should be checked against fuel supply before deciding to go there.

The thing is that this is how it is suppose to work. Your ships are designed correctly, and they have sufficient supplies, however those supplies are rapidly depleted when a ship uses its maximum movement each turn. The Bussard collectors replenish supplies over time, and having a resupply base in each system becomes very important to players. Also later on when you research replicators and get more advanced Bussard collectors and ram scoop's the supply issue becomes less of an issue. I alway like to add one or more supply components to my designs in order to increase their overall maximum range. But for the most part I just set transports to auto and let the AI worry about them. I try to put a resupply base on most of my planets, but its a pretty low priority at game start.

Atrocities July 3rd, 2007 10:26 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Thanks Arralen. I have adjusted the ship shield mounts as well to try and off set this. I know we discussed this many many months ago and I too thought we had resolved it.

Thanks for the other info too.

Primary/Secondary (Ship) Weapon Mounts and Weapons types are mixed up
You make a very good point. But to change this system now would require a significant amount of time and re-constructive effort. I will give it some thought and we will see if I am up to the challenge of changing things or not.

Atrocities July 3rd, 2007 10:29 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Here is what I have done so far.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.7.2

1. Changed Players start with Basic Science already completed
2. Fixed Romulans will now research cloaking technology
3. Changed Name of Shield Mount to Enhanced Shield Mount
4. Added Repair Ship to Tech Area file
5. Changed Repair Barge now requires Repair Ship Lv 1
6 Changed Repair Yard Mount now requires Repair Ship Lv 1
7. Changed Increased Shield Percent for Standard Shields (Ship) mount from 100 to 120.
8. Changed Increased Shield Percent for Heavy Shields (Ship) mount from 140 to 150.
9. Changed Reduced Shield Percent for Light Shields (Ship) mount from 80 to 70.
10 Changed Increased Shield Percent for Standard Shields (Base) from 150 to 200.
11. Changed Increased Shield Percent for Heavy Shields (Base) from 200 to 300.
12. Changed Increased Tonnage Structure Percent of Heavy Shield (Base) from 110 to 120.
13. Fixed Description typo in Large Reactor Mount
14. Fixed Description typo in Heavy Reactor Mount
15. Changed Turned Off the "Borg" in Monster Tech for now

16. Added Pirate Colony Tech to Orion General file.

Atrocities July 3rd, 2007 11:29 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Primary/Secondary (Ship) Weapon Mounts and Weapons types are mixed up

I have given due consideration to this issue and while I fully understand your point of view, and agree with it, have decided that it would require to much work and effort to change at this point in time.

I had to go back to my original notes from way way back and in those notes I found that I had chosen to use pulse weapons as secondary weapons because the intermittent beams were used by many sci-fi shows such as BSG, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, and such in an anti-fighter way. Also people wanted pulse weapons and I had to come up with a way to make them useful in the mod. Also sustained beams, in star trek and other shows, have been historically used as the POWER weapon. Since they only fired a single beam, they were not efficient enough to be used for targeting smaller objects.

Atrocities July 3rd, 2007 11:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Here is the latest work I have completed.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.7.2

1. Changed Players start with Basic Science already completed
2. Fixed Romulans will now research cloaking technology
3. Changed Name of Shield Mount to Enhanced Shield Mount
4. Added Repair Ship to Tech Area file
5. Changed Repair Barge now requires Repair Ship Lv 1
6 Changed Repair Yard Mount now requires Repair Ship Lv 1
7. Changed Increased Shield Percent for Standard Shields (Ship) mount from 100 to 120.
8. Changed Increased Shield Percent for Heavy Shields (Ship) mount from 140 to 150.
9. Changed Reduced Shield Percent for Light Shields (Ship) mount from 80 to 70.
10 Changed Increased Shield Percent for Standard Shields (Base) from 150 to 200.
11. Changed Increased Shield Percent for Heavy Shields (Base) from 200 to 300.
12. Changed Increased Tonnage Structure Percent of Heavy Shield (Base) from 110 to 120.
13. Fixed Description typo in Large Reactor Mount
14. Fixed Description typo in Heavy Reactor Mount
15. Changed Turned Off the "Borg" in Monster Tech for now
16. Added Pirate Colony Tech to Orion AI_General file.
17. Changed Physics now requires Basic Science Lv 1 instead of Applied Science
18. Changed Reworked AI_Research files again. (Removed un-needed entries and restructured the file some)
19. Changed Increased range of Massive Reactor Mount from 6 to 10
20. Changed Increased Damage Percent Massive Reactor Mount from 200% to 250%
21. Changed Increased the cost of researching Gas Giant Colonization from 300000 to 600000

After this update is posted, in few days, I will finalize the AST 2.0 Mod and release it.

The AST 2.0 Mod is a considerably different kind of mod from STM. AST has a different racial trait system, some neutral AI's won't colonize, some will, has a more simplified tech tree, with each race having its own individual tech tree, limited number of major players, more neutral players, and a more BOTF feel than STM provides.

Once AST 2.0 is released, I hope to begin work on the Star Wars mod.

AngleWyrm July 4th, 2007 03:33 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available

Atrocities said:

AngleWyrm said:
Transports Population
...There's a pack of about half a dozen small transports that keep departing from Bre'el V en route to Taleed Beta system...Perhaps destinations should be checked against fuel supply before deciding to go there.

The thing is that this is how it is suppose to work...But for the most part I just set transports to auto and let the AI worry about them.

I guess I was unclear: The AI transport minister is sending transports on impossible missions. The entire fleet of transports are stuck in a loop. Each ship gets low on gas, and is told to go home, which was supposed to be how it works.

But while the first ship is returning for gas, another ship is ordered to do the impossible mission. In this way, all the transports have accidentally gathered together to fail at doing the job. It's a hole the fleet falls into, like lemmings jumping off a cliff. Emergent behavior at it's worst.

This probably means that enemy ships are doing the same thing; being ordered to go places they cannot reach.

Arralen July 5th, 2007 03:01 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available
Still, this is WAD .. the problem is within the game logic, not in the mod. Instead of checking first if a ship can reach the destination, one minister sends it out, and the supply minister calls it back halfway through because its running out of supplies ... .

Sort of workaround would be to have ships with fuel gen by bussards nearly equal to the fuel usage at top speed ... .

AngleWyrm July 5th, 2007 04:38 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - New Version Available

Arralen said:
...the problem is within the game logic, not in the mod...

If the problem exists in stock, then it is not the mod. If the problem does not exist in stock, but does exist in the mod, then it is in the mod.

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