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chrispedersen September 16th, 2009 12:07 AM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 710393)
Hi, i'm jotunheim. I'm selling my services to the highest bidder.

Have a nation giving yours problems? Need some military muscle a little far afield from your current deployment? Overlords - some normal giving you problems and your pretender has better things to do? We're the giants for the job!

Please PM with your proposal and we can discuss payment options. Cash, gems, and items or combinations thereof are all considered viable methods of payment.

Should we end up at war with someone resulting from something other than contractual engagement, we can be bought off for what we're sure will be a modest fee.

I suspect the fee will be... we won't kill you.

Lingchih September 18th, 2009 02:00 AM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Let's get it started!

Actually, I can't even see why you others are playing against an Ashdod Overlord, but hey, you gotta play if you want to win, eh?

That said, let's get it going. Ashdod is getting hungry.

rdonj September 18th, 2009 02:58 AM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Did thedemon finish the map without telling me? Anyway, the game will begin as soon as I have the map and have time to set things up. So far that has not happened. I've also not had much time to spend on irc as of late so I am a bit out of touch with how the map is coming along. I'll see if I can visit a bit today/tomorrow, depending on how you count.

DrPraetorious September 20th, 2009 10:27 AM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Is it just any random map if suitable size, with five predefined empires for the overlords? Or do you need the start locations spread in some special/interesting way?

rdonj September 20th, 2009 10:42 AM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious (Post 711244)
Is it just any random map if suitable size, with five predefined empires for the overlords? Or do you need the start locations spread in some special/interesting way?

More or less. I need the predefined overlord empires, a lake for the underwater nations to play in, and I wanted all overlords to have at least one normal nation in between them and all other overlords.

namad September 20th, 2009 03:47 PM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
i believe thedemon was planning to use the civ4 map editor to help him make it pretty but he was supposed to do it a week ago and i haven't heard from him at all in a week... but he's been getting his forge turns in....

LupusFatalis September 22nd, 2009 05:31 PM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Vanheim is now considering non-aggression pacts, alliances, trade, and strategic military coordination. PM me with any offers.

Squirrelloid September 22nd, 2009 05:43 PM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
And how will Vanheim view the act of blood sacrificing with respect to treaty members?

rdonj September 22nd, 2009 08:08 PM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Well, I hate to say this but I think I'm going to have to make the map. I haven't heard from thedemon in quite some time, and I don't think I can wait any longer before getting this done. That said, I'm pretty busy these days. If anyone else is inclined to make the map, it would be a great help. However, if I haven't heard from anyone by tomorrow about it I will just start working on one myself.

I don't have any nice map editors on my computer right now, and I'm not much of an artist. So any map I make will either be a random map, or an alteration of an already existing map if I think I can make one work. Most likely it will be a random map. It will take me a few days, but I should be able to get it done within a remotely reasonable timeframe.

LupusFatalis September 23rd, 2009 04:02 PM

Re: Overlords - Game Thread. (Awaiting map creation)
Sounds good, wish I could help rdonj--never made a map though and I don't really have time to learn, my schedule is a bit full of late.

As far as blood sacrificing: all aspects of treaties will be negotiated on nation to nation basis--last I checked there was no Geneva convention type agreements (game rules aside), and we the followers of Odin are not about to institute such frivolities.

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