![]() |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
Another Warp-Point opens on the opposite side of the planet and a simmilar ship to last one comes through, the Warp-Point closes, this ship however has a more silver glow to it. The same thing happens, although this ship closes to point blank range and stops. A Message is delivered again by another RD Clone, this one not as smart looking as the last.
"*sigh* Null Ashton, I do believe It wasn't you I was asking, your manners need some dire improving." "You are aware as well that your fleet of Battle-Jupiters are overkill? Just One would have been enough, a ship the size of Jupiter does not orbit the planet, the planet orbits It! Your massive fleet has probably wiped out all life in this system, including the Won-Ton Hut, by disrupting the delicate balance of gravity." "Anyway, I have been sent to give you One last chance for negotiations. The Murder of an Ambassador is seen as an act of War, I would be wary in your next moments. Please, respond in the way you feel is appropriate." [i]The clone smiles and wait's for imminent death, He was sure the Won-Ton hut wouldn't stand for this ammusing baiting much longer..." |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
The Gravitonic Nullifiers of one of the Jupiters discontinues the nullification in one sector. Gravitonic disruptions begin spreading faster than the eye can see towards RD's clone's ship. The ship is torn apart by the distortions the moment they reach it.
In the Malfador office, the Angel of Death and AZ (presumed MIA before, as he had not shown up when the fun started) look amusedly as three thousand people die in the mangled wreck of a ship. |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Another dimensional rupture occurs, and NullAshton's claw ship, with NullAshton in it, flows through the rupture like liquid again, reforming into its own shape again. The dimensional rupture closes again.
Did I miss anything? |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
In the RD Clones dying moments he reached that crucial state of enlightenment, the one that all races seek, the one that surpasses heaven, nirvana and bliss. The perfect state of "Revenge." He knew that the Won-Ton hut would attack, this is why the Deadstar vessel's hull was made entirely of Plutonium (hence the different look.) The Clone, just the one with no crew, wasn't expecting to live. Not forgetting the huge ammount of explosives pack on board in cargobays.
The massive energy burst from the gravitational hellbores hitting the ships shields was all that was needed. Overloading them in seconds and providing the needed energy surge for detonation. At pointblank range to several Hut Ships 600 hundred kilotons of Battle Cruiser packed and lined with high-explosives detonated. The shining light of human-born apocalypse expands, and finally dimishes, leaving only a huge cloud of expanding gamma radiation. At least one of the Battle Jupiters was majorly damaged, the other nearby found themselves taking some light hull damage and a huge burst of radiation bombarding them. A final communication was sent out. "As your unprovoked actions continue, the Deadstar Continuum have no choice but declare war on you, coming to the Aid of the Phong's head Bar and Grill. Our armed forces are ordered to fire on sight at any Won-Ton Hut forces. We will see how you cope with un-conventional warfare." |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Yup, I missed something.
The claw ship's shields aren't harmed by the massive energy burst, the energy from the ship brushing harmlessly over the shield bubble. |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (soon to be gone)
Those weren't graviton hellbores, the BJ's gravitonic nullifiers are field generators that nullify all gravitonic attractions to and from the Jupiter, so that it can actually travel in systems without attracting all local planets, moons and asteroids into orbit. The field was deactivated in one generation sector, and the immediate gravitonic distortions (just though I'd avoid the phrase "gravimetric distortions" as that seems too Star Trek to me, never heard it anywhere else) ripped your ship apart. Your explosives did work, but the explosion was mainly directed outwards, into deep space, as the distortions forced most of the explosives to that section of the ship.
And we can cope with unconventional warfare. I mean, we've got Jack Simth. The guy creates entire pocket universes with a wave of his hand. (Slight note of caution: if you recognise him at a distance, do NOT start waving - the quantumchroniton distortions will most likely tear the planet you're standing on apart) And moreover, we're attracting entire militaries from other universes. Several hundred thousand Hiigaran Battlecruisers are aready underway, a few dozen fleet of Federation Sovereign-class starships are in orbit reinforcing the few thousand Hiigaran BCs already present, we've got incoming Star Destroyers, Super Star Destroyers, Blockade Runners, Heighliners full of ground forces from the Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos, Fremen, Tleilaxu, Ix and Sardaukar, there are Asgard ships on their way here, and you can continue forever, right down to the first spaceship Asimov described. |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
Noone asks where I was?
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
A small (only Dreadnought sized) craft appears over the devastated B&G. Boy I go away for the weekend and all *$&# breaks out.
Why can't we all just be friends?? Is not the Meataverse big enough for both the Bar and Grill and the Hut ?? I have to "Put Things Right." Power Man takes a small device from his pocket. It looks almost like a simple TV remote but it is MUCH MORE !!! Yes this is the COMIC NULLIFYER the plot device that lets our comic hero, or foe get totally blown away in one scene and then come back in the next scene fully restored. Power Man pushes the Green reset button. Everything goes BLINK and the scene is restored. Both the Bar and Grill and the Hut are restored to greatness. All of the patrons , guests, visitors, and yes even the Owners and Mangers are as they were. The planet is restored and, other than some half remembered "dreams" the populace is happy and healthy. All of the battle moons, Jupiter Moons, and ALL the fleets are gone from the system. In a far orbit a small but elegant space station is formed. The station has no shields, weapons, or engines. Inside are conference rooms, boxing rings, computer game stations (all featuring beta versions of SEV). The station has lots of food and water but NO BOOZE !!!! The principal (or un principled) players find their Real Selves transported to the station. The Real Raging Deadstar, GT and Null Ashton, Joint_Chief_StrategiaInUltima find themselves standing in the middle of a small room near the center of the station. All attempts to leave are blocked by the ACME brand COMIC Transport Blocker. A com screen switches on. This is Power Man. As a representative of the Rest of the Patrons Fed Up Will All The Noise, I have put you four here to WORK Things out. You can work out a Peace, Fight to the End, or play a best of five SEV games. But we are tired of the Bar and Grill , the Hut, and good portions of the planet getting blown away every few days. You will find that All of your weapons, powers, comm devices , ect. will only work and reach inside this station. You four are ON YOUR OWN, and will STAY here until you reach an accord. |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
The device NullAshton used to restart the universe returns the universe to what it was before the comic nullifyer was used.
Good thing I decided to use long-lasting power systems for that device somewhere in another dimension http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
RD just sighs
"Unlike the concept of god, My patience is not infinite. Can we just give peace a chance...?" For the third time in one day RD suggests a diplomatic option |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
We'll think about it.
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
There can only be peace if the recipe for creme brulee and Apricot Phong Pudding is ours!
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Oh, by the way, my troops already pilfered those recipes. They'll be sent to your kitchen momentarily, Rudy.
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
The chefs are already making treats for all of our troops! All who oppose the power of the Hut suffer! And suffer some more!
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
All remaining people inside PM's station (i.e. the crew and PM himself) feel a sickening lurch as the station drifts slightly just before explosions start blowing away sections of the station. The first explosions are only small, but as soon as an explosion occurs in the starboard fusion chamber, the entire station blows up in a massive blast. For the people on Sol III, it looks like a HANE from the good old days when they still used Pacific islands for above-ground nuclear explosions.
Yes people, the first newly-designed Hiigaran Dradnought has arrived. The ship, fresh out of the factory, is bigger than the Mothership itself. It is equipped with five Heavy Ion Cannon turrets, ten Heavy Ion Pulse Cannons, 25 Pulsar Turrets and a lot of flechette-firing gauss-guns. In short, it is excellent against all comers. It is equipped with a Hyperspace module, a Gravity Well Generator, a Fire Control Tower, a Cloak Generator and a Platform Controller. It has all three types of sensor devices. The last of the B&G patrons will soon be gone. |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Woohoo, I'm the second most powerful person in this universe with you! Woohoo!!!
I need to design my worldship... NullAshton opens a warppoint with his dreadnaught, travels through it, and closes it. Going to be an hour or two. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Yeah, we share control over the Hut forces, so.....
And CiC Huxtable is the single most powerful person in this universe. He can command both of us, and we work together, supporting each other, so..... Say, if your ground forces are being smacked constantly by a heavy weapons emplacement or an orbital bomber, I would take that threat out, clearing the way for you. That's why you share the second position with me (even though I personally command the forces of several Universes). |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
I've almost conquered a galaxy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
I'm proud of you two. I'm giving you each minor stakes in the Hut, millions upon millions of shares in the company come the time we IPO. You two have helped me conquer restaurants across the universe. Next, we conquer supermarkets, shopping malls, and hotels!
You both also get a bowl of our new secret recipe: the Babylon 5 crossover banana split! Forward, my Hut Legions! The Universe awaits! |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
What will we use this land for! Storage and military planning? |
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (soon to be gone)
We ignore you.
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (soon to be gone)
You won't ignore us when your brains are swirled into our new fitness shakes!
Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (soon to be gone)
RD prompts down a portable bar in amongst the wreckage and starts polishing classes. Seemingly unaware of the destruction around them.
"Renegade? Thirsty?" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Former Chat Bar & Grill
Strategia prompts down a portable micro-nuke in amongst the glasses on RD's bar and starts setting up radiation containment fields. Seemingly unaware of the destruction around them, RD and Renegade have a drink.
ka-BOOM!!!!! RD and Renegade have been glassed (literally). The radiation is sucked into RadTainment devices and dissipated into another (artificial) dimension, courtesty of General Jack Simth. Strategia prompts down a portable bar in amongst the wreckage and starts polishing glasses. Seemingly unaware of the smoking crater around them. "Ashton? Thirsty?" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Sure, give me some juice while I work on my fortified house.
[i]Ashton starts placing some anti-proton turrets on the outside for ground targets, and adds around 3 massive WMG on the top for air targets. |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Growltigga picks himself up from behind the counter, quietly congratulating himself for ensuring that he wore his reactive regenerating emission armour plated underpants (airtex Y-fronts of course!!)....
He notes Mac is almost fragrant for a change, and moving to the back of the glass washer, attached a hoover nozzle and sucks up all the concentrated Mac juice from the water outflow in the washer... He looks over to the plucky (but sadly misguided) young North American mackerel bashing poodle snogging pansy, NullAshton, in the corner. Taking aim with his new Turbo powered Skaggy Guff Cannon, he fires a torrid blast of Mac washwater at NullAshton, who collapses to the floor, wretching horribly and throwing up all over the place. "Ahem", thinks the great kat, "to coin an American phrase, your arse is mine (how uncouth".. he strolls over to the prone NullAshton, pulls out his flensing knife and remove said Dog Doodlers trousers..... the red hot poker hand cannon of eternal pain and damnation is pulled out, steaming quietly, is cocked and pointed at the girly boy American's rectum.... "This one is for Bunker Hill" says the great kat, as he pulls the trigger.... Cue sizzling noises, smell of burnt ringpiece, strangled cries of pain from NullAshton, whoops of tears and laughter from Mac and the other old hands, and a generall cry for someone to put some toilet paper in the freezer!!!! Damn, I miss the old days and the old ways.... GT looks round to see if Atrocities is anywhere. He hasn't abused or murdered him in AGESSSSS |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
I'm safely in my fortress on the land... That washwater would just bounce off the fortres...
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
You obviously have not delved into the deepest darkest depths of disgusting depravity (how is that for alliteration) which underpin the cantina. Nothing is as insidious, foul, disgusting, loathsome, nausea inducing and generally minging as anything to do with Mac. No fortress on this planet or universe could shield you from a blast of condensed Mac essence - imagine, it is a sickly yellow in colour, has the consistency of crunchy peannut butter mixed with walnut oil, smells like the worst French latrine on the planet, bubbles alarmingly and has a tendency to eat through pretty much any container it is placed in (if left long enough).... I am afraid my young upstart that you is currently prone on the cantina floor, covered in icky goo, smelling like the bins behind a Turkish cathouse on half price night, and having the handle of a red hot poker sticking out of your butt... oh, and you are steaming quite nicely a la Mount St Helens. |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
I would also be beamed out of my fortress if the walls were penetrated.
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
No, you wouldn't.
As any doyenne of the cantina knows, there is a dampening field in continual operation which stops any teleportation shennanigans... You will have to take your licks like a man young NullAshton.. look on the bright side, you can always wreek wour wascally wevenge.... Hey, any one fancy theme nights? how about a few suggestions, I think we can go Roman and have a toga party, the theme being Caesar crossing the Rubicon - bags I get to dress up as a vestal virgin |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
That was unplugged. Read back a little way... And the land is now a shiny glass-like substance...
Ashton beams aboard the safty of his ship. |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Aha.....but the cantina reverted back to its original status when I reappeared.....
It is now back to it former pristine self.. dampening field in operation, and cartoon violence par excellence as a joint chief of this Won Ton thing, are you not meant to be trying to destroy us!!! |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
And why did it suddenly revert?
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Because I waved my magic wand!! see post circa page 39.....
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Ashton's fleet quickly glass the new B&G again. |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
aha, but the cantina cannot be glassed, the dampening field stops that as well!!
I am afraid you will have to stop using all these hi-tech weapons of mass destruction and just resort to duking it out with the cantina patrons manot et manot... It would be hardly fair if I went to the Won Ton Shack and announced that I was letting off a rather large atomic warhead now would it |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
What about handheld energy weapons?
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
they work fine provided they do no more than damage the person they are aimed at...
but most of us have reverted to old fashioned methods of assaulting each other with hand weapons and/or cream pies |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Send in the serrator troops! |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
errr, what are serrator troops!?
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
You need to read that more http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Its somewhere in schlocktoberfest 2002. |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Lordy, I am too old to get back into reading comics, I gave those up (other than Viz of course) when I hit 30 - I'll stick to my gardening magazines!
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
It cannot be! Growltigger is reading gardening magazines? What happened to his mighty spirit? 'Course, he did mention something about chastity belts not so long ago.
Truly, something is most peculiar with Growltigger. I would love to offer my unparalleled skills to figure out what it is. Now, where did I put my "Sharpened Axe of Skull-Breaking +3"... |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Hey Alneyan, in real life, gardening is one of my favourite hobbies..... I grow lots of my own vegetables, and find that wiling away a couple of hours in my vegetable patch looking after my courgettes, spuds, radishes and carrots is a great way to relieve some stress, get you back to nature, and of course, have an opportunity to lug a well aimed half brick at those damn squirrels.
I also like baking my own bread, but I mainly do that as it is the only way to get the manure out from under your finger nails once you have been gardening...... Now, I dont do any of this when the rugby is on or the wife is out so I have time to play Rome: Total War |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
My god, are you sure that steaming puddle of Mac Essence covering Ashton isnt some of mine? I dont seem to be missing any bits....
Good to see your fuzzy mug in here again, Tigga. How's the current Mrs? |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
Puke, beleive me, even you at your most foul and disgusting does not compare to what came off Mac and into that dishwasher fluid...
Note to all patrons, DONT USE ANY GLASSES FROM THE BAR - BRING YOUR OWN!!!! Puke, Mrs GT and Miss GT are absolutely fine, havn't really been on the boards much as fatherhood is keeping me busy, active and awake! |
Re: Former Chat Bar & Grill
I'm dry, I wasn't exposed to any of that dishwasher fluid...
You all are safe for now. |
Former Chat Bar&Grill
GT, you might have missed it but an orbital plasma carpet-bombing has destroyed the B&G and a quarter of the city, and you're dead, gone with your highrise office.....
You were hit by a Hiigaran Destroyer Torpedo while in an elevator, having barely (but purposely, on my part) escaped death by Hiigaran Battlecruiser Ion Beams. The 5-ton high explosive torpedo wiped away most of your office building, and a plasma bomb finished off the foundations shortly afterwards. |
Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill
He had emmisive underwear...
Re: Former Chat Bar&Grill
You puny mortals can destroy that's easy, but Growltigger is one of the veterans who created this place. If the Cantina customers are average infantry, then Growltigger is the jack-booted stormtrooper armed with a red hot poker cannon and one nasty sense of humour, and he's british, In Yankee terms that just means "Evil!" Read some past Cantina hunts to see examples. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif RD Lies back and watches the return of the furry feline, grabbing renegade and setting up some deck-chairs with snacks. The defence of the Cantina just went up another level and this time Technobabble and Overkill just wouldn't cut it for the offenders... |
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