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broken ritual of rebirth
As already known drowning in a water province of friendly dominion will not allow ritual of rebirth to work which did work within DOM_2. ......... also [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] an attack from "the friendly ones" can also cause ritual of rebirth not to work when the pretender retreats even when the pretender was in friendly dominion. Strangely enough when the pretender is called back it still has the ritual of rebirth mark as well. |
Odd problem
Hey there, I'm new to the forums and I was wondering if anyone could help me with the probelm I'm having, I have just installed dominions and patched it and for some reason after I patched it it stopped working, when-ever I end a turn it either stops on 'Horrors' or on the first or second round of a battle can somebody please help? the game works fine unpatched and I'm running it on windows.
Re: Odd problem
1 Attachment(s)
BUG: --mapbcol & --mapsbcol command line switches appear to be reversed.
mapb is supposed to be border color, and mapsb is supposed to be sea border color. I can work around it, but it may save some poor souls a little time in trial and error were it fixed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Here is a screen showing what I mean: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...-weirdness.JPG |
Rime Hauberk
The Rime Hauberk provides a 200% cold resistance.
I suspect this comes from the combination of the item's base CR value on top of the CR provided by Breath of Winter. |
HOF bug
Perhaps already posted, this list is far too unweildy...
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] <font color="red">Hall of Fame displays same hero twice. And/Or Hall of fame displays non-existant heros. </font> (ie it tells me that a vampire queen of my nation is in the hall of fame. I have no vampire queen. I had one last game...) Seems to happen most during early game when playing with 15 slot hall of fame. Still present in 3.04. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] |
Alchemist\'s stone bug
I was trying to understand how the Alchemist's Stone works. Gave it to a character and converted gems to gems... no effect. So then I thought, it must be gems into gold, that would make sense. So I tried converting one fire gem into gold with the alchemist's stone, and one fire gem into gold without the alchemist's stone, to see what the difference was.
Result: the guy without the alchemist's stone went up the normal amount, guy with the alchmist's stone went up 22 Gold! i.e. about a tenth what I would expect. Is there a decimal point issue somewhere? |
Re: Alchemist\'s stone bug
No, there is not.
The Alchemist's Stone gives a 50% bonus to alchemy, i.e. you would get 15 gold per earth gem with it and 10 without, 22 gold per fire gem with and 15 without. The only way you can get more than that is using it either with the Master Alchemist pretender or the Alchemist mage (available from the Alchmeists Guild site). Edi |
Re: Alchemist\'s stone bug
Fair enough- I guess I must have misread the manual, apologies.
Re: Bug thread
Incidentally, if you cancel the fort, you get the cash back but the game "accuses" you of cheating http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Cheers D |
Astral-blessing MR bugs
At least for high-MR creatures, the MR bonus from an Astral blessing has some bugs, the biggest of which being that it doesn't actually increase MR.
I have a wish-acquired Seraph hit squad, and an Astral-9 bless. They all get the MR bonuses from items and spells and dominions normally, things only go wrong with blessings... First, while the info that shows up on the Sacred icon lists the correct MR+3 bonus, the Magic Resistance window shows a +4 bonus from blessing. (My pretender has Astral-10 this turn, but that shouldn't matter.) Most importantly, the final MR value doesn't change when the blessing lands. |
Re: Astral-blessing MR bugs
Astral blessing won't increase your MR past 18. As it happens, Seraphs have an MR of 18, so they won't indeed benefit from the blessing. This is, incidentally, even mentioned in the manual http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Alchemist\'s stone bug
Maybe already posted.
Ritual of Rebirth only applies to the top 10 spots in the Hall of Heroes. The spell text indicates that it applies to any one in the Hall of Heroes. |
Re: Astral-blessing MR bugs
3.06 random map == weird
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Land/water as drawn can vary wildly from land/water of province.
The first 3.06 map I generated had strange adjacencies; the second, has land provinces that look like water, land provinces that look like land, water provinces that look like water, and water provinces that look like land. I've also seen a province straddle a drawn boundary that didn't seem to actually mark a boundary between two provinces at all. |
New Spells New Problems
The Summon Black Dogs and Summon Blaghest(sp?) spells have their effects switched.
Re: New Spells New Problems
As 3.06
Units descriptions in Ryleh EA do mentions Ryleh instead of the Aboleths |
New bug in 3.06
When playing for relatively short time (1/2 hours), the game suddenly stops displaying any objects. Armies, names, all disappear, but you can move it and zoom in and out. if you try to invoke menus with ESC of F keys, you will receive empty page with the picture of the hand (background), but no menu. The game is not quittable, process must be killed. Bug is reproducible, happens every time now with 3.06 (never happened with 3.04), on two different computers with very different configurations, both WinXP SP2.
Re: New bug in 3.06
Re: New bug in 3.06
Rejuvenate spell does not work on undead which cast the spell. The spell is still casted yet the age for the undead doesn't decrease. |
Re: New bug in 3.06
I'm using an older XP sp2 and 3.06 constantly freezes up for 10-15 seconds at a time in all different places and with different video qualities. 3.04 worked fine. I've switched back to 3.04 and the freeze-ups stopped.
Re: New bug in 3.06
When it happens, everything vanishes except the map image itself; further pressings of Esc will switch between that and the hand background. |
Mac bug in 3.06
I originally posted this as a support form through the Gamer's Front--apparently not the best place to post a bug report!
This occurs in 3.04 in full-screen (G3 running 10.3.9), and probably in 3.06. If I leave the machine without clicking on the rolling credits that appear after the quit command and return a couple hours later, a click no longer dismisses the credits. In fact there's no response. A force-quit doesn't work either, and I have to reboot. (From a design perspective, it seems that a program should quit when you issue the quit command! Many Mac programs have a button in the About Dominions 3 window that you can click for the credits.) Most important, this shouldn't crash my computer! |
Mac update comments
The update process that requires you to move the application to the desktop and then move it back is cumbersome. I have the app on a different volume, so this means copying the file each time. Most Mac programs use Apple's installer, which can be set up search for applications and patch them in place.
Also, the Info.plist file should be maintained with the correct version, mod date, and copyright information. This information is displayed in the Finder with a Get Info command and in some window views. |
Mac crash bug in 3.06
Mac v. 3.06 (G3 running OS X 10.3.9)
I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I think I right-clicked on one of the commander icons. The program quit without any message. The only evidence I could find was in the console.log file: NÂgot gick fel! cltu: bad mnr NÂgot gick fel! cltu: bad mnr 2007-02-06 18:06:22.162 System Events[487] Command: Hidden.doAction Direct Parameter: / Receivers: (null) Arguments: {"" = "/"; code = 1718579310; } 2007-02-06 18:06:22.181 System Events[487] Result: (null) |
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
1 Attachment(s)
Using the latest patch 3.06, on a win2k box, this attached game consistently fails with a nagot gick fel message:
acc: bad unr All the players bought via shrapnel games, and we have been playing this game with the patch for at least a couple turns (i'm out of the game, but i host). |
Navigator Can\'t Move to Water Locations *DELETED*
Post deleted by Ranger
Re: Navigator Can\'t Move to Water Locations
Please delete the text from your non-bug post. |
Re: New bug in 3.06
Bug - battle report does not agree with strategic
1 Attachment(s)
Ewierl says there is an inconsistency with the battle report he saw and the strategic outcome.
I expect he will explain in more detail. |
Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate
If you watch the battle replay, Agartha takes serious casualties but eventually wins, its last handful of soldiers driving Tien Chi's entire army off the map. As any viewer with patience can see, there is a "The armies of Tien Chi are routed" message, and no such message for Agartha. However, according to the Message-window battle report, Tien Chi was victorious and defended the province successfully. The casualty counts in that message are reasonable, though difficult to verify precisely. Stranger yet, after the battle, 146 shows a large force of Tien Chi soldiers, as if the forces hadn't actually routed during the battle. All this is from Agartha's perspective; possibly Tien Chi's version of the battle replay turned out differently? That too would certainly be a bug. |
Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate
Sounds like a bug we had in dom2, where linux host and windows client gave us wrong battle reviews.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...art=1&vc=1 Is it equal discribed in the dom2 thread above? |
Save and quit
Save and quit when connected to the server actually uploads the 2h file even though the warning message says it will not upload.
This can cause problems when the server is on quick host and you are the last player to take his turn. It can cause premature end turns. I guess just changing the warning message would be handy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate
I'm running 3.06 on a Mac. DrPraetorius, what system is the server running? Terrel, my opponent, says he saw pretty much the same thing I did. I'll try to get him to comment here with any additional details from his side, especially what OS he's using! |
Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate
Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate
I'm also running Windows XP, dominions version 3.06.
Re: New bug in 3.06
Units revived via Ritual of Rebirth who were thousands of years old at the time of their death (even if they were not old!) result in a mummy with old age.
The starting age for the mummy should be 0 (it was just created), or the maxage should be 1000 + the base age of the creature being revived. |
Re: Instant drowning freespawn; changing forge orders
More on the Unholy Bless Bug
Re: Bug thread
Spelling errors: PD should be called Defense, not Defence in the map screen. There's no fence in Defense. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif There is no such word as Shamen - it's called Shamans in english, too. It is not a man from Sha or something, so you can't build the plural like that.
I got lots of other spelling errors, but I don't know if I should list all of them? Bug: It is possible to assign "Corrupt Commander" and "Seduce enemy Commander" actions to other units who don't have the necessary skill to do so. This should have already been reported, otherwise ask me via PM how to reproduce it. Bug: The hero Sköge has only the name "Sk" when you get him. In his description it is correctly listed as "Sköge". -- I am fairly certain that for every map that you randomly generate, the computer "forgets" to assign neighbors for at least one province, so that this province only gains neighbors through adjacent provinces which reference it. But I haven't been doing extensive enough testing on that. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
I had an aquatic pretender who teleported to a land province, and the message said he drowned! But I'm not sure what you call it when you die from air exposure--dehydration?
Re: Bug thread
I have been using the soulstone of the wolves and it does not seem to be working.
I have the option to use the item on the leader equipped with it. I select it, it pops up with a province selction. I choose a privince and hit ok and everything looks good. I can see the leader with the notation saying he is doing call the wild. But next turn, no wolves or werewolf. I have only done this on my own provinces. Is this a bug or just something I am missing, like this works only on hostile provinces? |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
A bump (second occurrence) for my nagot gik fel - acc: bad unr
This crashes the game during hosting. Temporary resolution was /is to remove all 2h and trn files, staling everyone but the AI. This will be the second time i have received this error during hosting, within about 3 turns of each other. The attachment is on page 49. |
Re: Bug thread
NT Jedi
Hmm, not sure what to say, it (soulstone) is definitely not working for me. Tried multiple times, different ways, different target provinces, it just has not worked at all in any of those seven turns. I never get any message of failure or success the next turn and ... never any wolves. Perhaps just bugged in my particular game. Its an MP game btw. |
Re: Bug thread
2 bugs found by playing ermor:
one major bug: stygian paths is still heavy bugged. If you send a commander with an army it says something like "212000129 died during transport...". In real the commander died (every time) and the units reach the target province without commander. And of course there weren't 212000129 units like the dom3 message says. Without troops the spell seems to work. and one minor bug: Revive Wraith Senator (Ermor Ashen Empire national) should bring up a Level 3 priest (see manual). Instead he is only level 2. (especially annoying because i cast this spell for an immortal level 4 prophet, now i have a level 2 gimp) |
Corrupt Game
1 Attachment(s)
I just loaded my saved game and can't play it anymore, if I try to enpower a magic user, when I click on a magic area the text just moves up/down in the window all magic resets to level 1.
I've seen issues with text scrolling, sometimes after reloading a game the message window will not scroll down to bottom where you see the exit link! See Attachment for Saved Game. |
Re: Corrupt Game
For Middle Age Ermor: the description for the Hastatus has the sentence "The Hastati wield shorts words and javelins." This should be "short swords". Additionally, all of the priest descriptions still refer to them as having unholy powers. Is this intentional?
Re: Corrupt Game
The unholy references are appropriate since MA Ermorian priests can reanimate undead and they have access to holy (formerly unholy) spells that boost undead on the battlefield.
Good catch with the other typo, I'll add it to my list. Edi |
Re: Corrupt Game
I live in Russia, and there is no Dominions 3 in the shops. But recently I receive Dominions 3 with version 3.00 as a gift from my friend. It works good, but I want patches, of course. After any patch (I have already 3.04 and 3.06) game stops working! I still can do anything - from map making and game starting to issue orders and look into parameters. One turn. After pressing "end turn" game randomily hangs on any shown steps. It can be "AI thinking", "battles (turn 1)", "horrors" - you name it. It cannot name "true hang" - I can do Task Switching, and music in game still playing, changing melodies, and game eats approx 85% of my Athlon 2000+. But that's all. I waited approx 20 minutes - without result. I bring game to work, and install it on my P4 Duo - it's the same. On the same time non-patched game work as expected, without any hangs. What it can be?
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