![]() |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
The problem, at least with me, is not one of an in ability to count. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
What occurred is I had 3 spots listed as starting spots that were invalid I think. The special start provinces for la atlantis and la marignon also appeared as start provinces that any race could receive. Hence i think the computer tried to assign 2 races to those provinces but la atlantis and la marignon were already there(: This in addition to the 1 province that was originally labeled a "no start' that i forgot to uncheck after fixing its neighbors and making it a designated start. So in all I do think 3 of the 61 starting spots were screwed up. And 1 fix is very easy, and the other is not as it requires finding 2 new starting locations(: As to equity. with some people have 7 neighbors and some having 4, that is unavoidable. You are always going to have good and not so good starting spots. Everyone had at least 4 neighbors except la atlantis, who only had 3, but la atlantis has a very good starting spot imho regardless. With me having to add 2 new spots, i can make no promises about those. My sincere apologies for the delay. |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Hi Llama, will I get either the pretender I sent last night or any of the three I sent this morning? I am not sure they were accepted though now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif
Or the one thats a bit rubbish I got in the first start.... |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
I think you can update pretenders anytime before the game starts, but the game has actually started now. So you may need to send llamabeast a pm and work something out to change your pretender at this time. I do not think you can just send in a pretender now and expect it to update since as far as llamaserver knows the game has commenced.
Good News. Thanks to the mighty graphics of Ballbarian, I was able to see a yellow dot on the map where a starting capital should have been, but was inadvertently omitted from the map file. So there will only have to be 1 new spot found for a starting capital. |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
I am sure you can place Hinnom and Niefel really close to each other http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Or make a small island with Hinnom, Niefel, Utgard, Ashgod and Jotun.
Re: Bad News About the Map...
The land of the giants, eh? But what about Fomoria?
Re: Bad News About the Map...
if you look on the map, you see a 1 province island in the middle of a large lake. there you will find EA Hinnom. In time, with their technology, they will learn how to build ships and invade the coast!
Re: Bad News About the Map...
I like the idea of providing a reward llama - but I am opposed to executing it.
The game was formed - and pretenders designed - with certain conditions. Making this change gives an advantage to those who chose awake pretenders. I would love to participate in such a game, at a later date. However, I think it ill advised in a game that is already set up as the epic confrontation of our time. Leave it as advertised.. |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Regarding the restart...
Why did all the territories around my capitol have flags? I've never seen this before... |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
you always have neutral flags around you. in the mod the just appear bigger
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Considering the chances
a) to have a death match before most pretenders awaken (perhaps some before the imprisoned gods... but I doubt monoliths can win anyway) b) to see someone risk his awake pretender, key of initial expansion, even for 1000gp, against 50+ potential other champions in an early death match c) to see this succeed and the pretender still usable for anything with his dozens of afflictions I tend to disagree with these objections. Now it may be decided that the reward will be lower if DM happen before all pretenders are in play, or before turn x, or something like that. |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
chris - anyone who sends their pretender into the arena is either a fool or very brave. I can't see that it can be very unbalancing, because I can't think of a reasonable way to be sure of winning against 60 other contenders. So I think the added interest it will add to the game will far more than counterbalance the (admittedly not ideal) last-minute-addition factor.
I mean, imagine seeing a 60-duel arena fight! |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
I am open to some kind of scaling of reward with turn number. That would help with later deathmatches to keep them relevant too. If anyone can come up with a cunning scheme I'd be interested.
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Yeah, most people have to ask though if they want to give one of the giants 1k gold just to see few of them die.
Re: Bad News About the Map...
In the interest of complete disclosure(and the map file used will be made public at some point in the game), one additional
starting spot was added. Regrettably this spot only has 3 neighbors(: As compensation one of the provinces adjoining the capital was coded to have a couple of mines. For reasons I will not disclose now, a specific race was designated to start at this new location(and no it was not me) but the reasons were explained to the the person playing said race in a pm, with my apologies. Of course anyone wanting to volunteer to start in the new spot and have a guarantee of 2 mines in an adjoining province let me know, and the spot is yours! |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Re: Bad News About the Map...
i aint saying what mines. maybe they are copper, maybe they are gold, maybe they are iron. who knows?
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Were the neutral flags changed so they look like something else?
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Anyone that has a recyclable pretender - for example a wyrm with no magical paths. Sure, I wouldn't Deathmatch a wyrm in the first few turns either. But around turn 8-10 - when I've run out of free expansion - sure I would. In many cases, dominion doesn't matter - but the chance of SC kiling does. |
Re: Bad News About the Map...
Re: Bad News About the Map...
It would be cool if the owners of an arena could execut an order - sponsor deathmatch. And announce both a cost and a prize purse.
The winner gets the prize. The arena owner gets the purse. Even better, using this approach, you could actually have first, 2nd 3rd prizes.. not to mention lovely door, er coffin prizes. ..but thor... all the buffest fighters will be there..... |
Re: Deathmatch
wow! a volunteer to take a starting spot with 3 neighbors.
Done! 2 mines is some compensation though. |
Re: Deathmatch
is it correct that I don't have the correct file yet.. I get a corrupt message.
Re: Deathmatch
we are doing a restart, but you should have a turn 1. only 3 players should have had no starting spots. and no one should have had a corrupt message.
One thing you should be able to do is start a game with the kingmaker mod and worthy heroes mod on. if you cannot do that you need to get the mods straight. |
Re: Deathmatch
I don't need to activate them right? that goes automatically?
I created a kingmaker folder and put the file that was send in there.. that one I try to start |
Re: Deathmatch
ok all is well.. don't know what changed but I re DL and ti works.
Re: Deathmatch
So, I got the first turn 01.00GMT today, but I should ignore it as there's a fault, or am I misunderstanding?
Re: Deathmatch
You will receive a second 1st turn. You could do the 1st turn just to make sure everything works.
Llamabeast said he will restart the game as soon. |
Re: Deathmatch
Working on it everyone - hitting some troublesome technical hitches. The kind that make you superstitious, you know what I mean. ("It should work, I did everything the same. Well I'll download that file again, even though I know I haven't changed it, and see if that makes any difference...")
Re: Deathmatch
With very profuse apologies, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give up and go to bed. I will try again tomorrow evening.
It's all been very strange. Earlier on this evening it worked fine. I got the game started completely okay, apart from a typo on one start site which meant one nation was location-less. The next thing I know, I can't make a single thing work, even if I go back to the files I used for the start yesterday. Utterly bizarre. But I'm sure when I try again tomorrow it will come together. There is no logical reason for it not to work, so it will succumb to logic pretty soon! |
Re: Deathmatch
Thanks for the effort Llama!
Kingmaker wierdness *DELETED*
Post deleted by chrispedersen
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Chris - you have to turn the mega-age mod off.
Go to options/mods, and disable it. |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Yes, I had a bug linked with the mod :
Create God -> EA 1/ With no mods enabled : OK 2/ With streamers & standards llamaversion enabled : myloadmalloc:can't open ./mods/./llamabanners/ea_ulm_icon.tga OK since llamabanners file is empty, so far... 3/ With streamers & standards enabled : myloadmalloc:can't open ./mods/./llamabanners/ea_hinnom_icon.tga The same error occurs if I uninstall llamabanners.dm because the sns.dm file has been modified with such lines as : #selectnation 45 #flag "./llamaBanners/ma_ashdod_icon.tga" #end for Hinnom, Ashod, Garth & Bogarus. If you have these nagodschtroumpf stuff, I suggest as a fast workaround : - uninstall llamabanners - uninstall Streamers & standards & reinstall it, or go in the sns.dm file and remove the corrupted lines. - wait for the updates of kingmaker's mods http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
No no no, don't do that, just download the latest version of the mod (which is a few pages back). Initially I forgot to include all the graphics files, but now they are all there so you shouldn't get any problems from the mod.
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Ha, OK, I missed the update. No more crashes with it (found it in the very first post from Xietor).
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
i linked the mod on the 1st post. llamabeast you may want to delete the post that has the version without the banners.
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
I believe I updated my old post with a dud version so that the mod is up to date in both places I attached it. It's pretty hard to find now though!
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Oooooh! My name comes up black!
3000th post and moderator on the same day eh? Must be my lucky day. |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
lol llamabeast!
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
The game is restarted! Yes! I was beginning to superstitiously think it had somehow become cursed, and could never be started.
Somehow, every one of the pretender files had become corrupted in such a way that Dominions would accept them, but would crash if it tried to start a game with them. Leaving one of them in newlords was even enough to make an attempt at a single player game crash. Utterly bizarre, and I have no idea how it could happen. But anyway, having realised they were at fault I just got them down again from the server and restarted. Hopefully all is well now. |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
An unfortunate side-effect of the restart is that you will need a new map file. Sorry about that, I know it's inconvenient to have to get such a big file again. As a bonus though, I did use the opportunity to touch it up a little.
I will attach the map right here in a second. |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
A few moments of inconvenience are nothing compared to the months of fun that will be had with this game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
But you started near Niefelheim, I wouldn't be talking about months of fun unless you will sub for someone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Okay, the map is here:
http://www.mediafire.com/?9x2uxxvfkmb In a few minutes I'm going to start a new thread for the game, so we don't have to go straight to page 50 every time! |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Ouch, my starting location is really awful. I wouldn't mind if smth went wrong again http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif [sorry]
P.S. I have just renamed my old file, will I miss anything? I try to download now but I get that: "Invalid Quickkey." I will try again in few hours... |
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Yay, much improved starting location - this time not middle of the map right between two big lakes! Hopefully nothing goes wrong. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Zeldor, I don't understand your post. Say again?
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
Right, the new thread is created. I suggest posting there from now on.
Re: Kingmaker wierdness
When I load the file i get the next error message:
"Canīt find map kingmaker_wrap2.rgb" |
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