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StarJack May 11th, 2009 04:14 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Can you remind me which file to edit to change the default maximum number of ships allowed when a game is started? :confused:

I started a game and played for hours and suddenly bumped into the 200 ship limit because I forgot to change it. :doh::(

Captain Kwok May 11th, 2009 06:40 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
I don't believe it's possible to change it once the game starts. You can try though, the values are set in Settings.txt.

StarJack May 11th, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Thanks Kwok, found that and adjusted the minimum numbers. You're correct, changing it has no effect on an already started game.

Is there a text file that determines the Game Options settings (Max ships, units,etc) the game selects for "default" on a new game, or is that hard wired?

Appreciate your help and work on your mod!

Captain Kwok May 11th, 2009 09:08 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
The game always seems to stick with the default value (200) even if it's not an actual available option.

NTJedi May 15th, 2009 01:23 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Besides all the good advice Arrlaen mentioned on the previous page I recommend increasing the Score Factor - Empire Research Points Available within the ScoreWeighting.txt file since research plays one of the biggest roles within the game. I believe late game comparisons with multiple players which own large pieces of the quadrant would also validate increasing this value from .1 .

Also I recall you mentioned the Mega Evil Empire percentage was 170%, but when viewing the settings.txt file within the BM mod it appears to be 200%.

AI Human Mega Evil Empire Score Percent := 200

Arralen May 21st, 2009 09:40 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
I really hate to say that - but BM is broken atm ... as the AI is all to eager to offer intersettling treaties.
Especially "bad" are the Abbidons, which in my current game offered 30%trade/intersettling/full tech exchange(!) upon meeting them on turn 25 (+/- some). Judging from the score graphs, at least 1 AI got the offer as well, and accecpted it - what keeps them from becoming the MEE very effectively, while "in reality" they are! :o

Any way to fix this?

Captain Kwok May 21st, 2009 02:32 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
What is the described mood of the Abbidon? In order for a treaty of that nature to be proposed, they\'d have to be brotherly etc. I\'m at a loss on how they could have an anger level that low on first contact...

Can you send the savegame to:
savegame at captainkwok dot net

Please let me know if you\'re using any custom shipsets (and which ones) in your mail.

Arralen May 21st, 2009 07:18 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Sadly no savegame available from that turn, as I've played on a little bit ... .

IIRC, it was the very turn after I met them, and mood was "indifferent"

Sergetti behaved odd as well - we already had "Non-Agression" (non-agression in all systems), and they several times offered me a treaty change where they added "Sergetti give 5% tariff" but nothing more ?!

Not that odd, but annoying are the incessant requests of other AIs for intersettling treaties, which basically go "non-agression", then "we want some treaty change: 15%trade/colonisation in each others systems/share minefield codes" .. always way before they become "brotherly", but at least not that insane like the Abbiddon one ...

Only thing I changed from basic BM1.19 was
Max Warp Points per Sys := 6
Min Angle Between WP := 51
.. for Paradise Quadrants, as I feel this gives maps more like those in SE3/Se4 which I liked more.

Started a new game now with autosave enabled (was anyone able to use those autosaves up now, btw.? I always get some error message, and after that ALL saves from that game are unusuable..). Will 7-zip up the whole folder everytime something strange happens.

Arralen May 23rd, 2009 04:59 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Ok, here we go :

large quadrant (as before), high tech cost (instead of normal), high number of AI (as before), no neutral empires (changed that)

Abbiddon where the 3rd or 4th race I met - sadly, the very next turn I ran a scout over one of their colonies, accidently glassing the planet. Mood was "indifferent" the whole time, but maybe that kept them from offering another insane treaty proposal. (Somehow they must have gotten hold of rock colonizing tech around turn 27, thouhg. Either from a ruin or as a gift from someone else. They don't have a tech exchange treaty in turn 53, at least).

I offered them a gift (50k/20k/50k) ressources on turn 48, but relations didn't change ... ("indifferent")

Now, 5 turns later (turn 53), relations suddenly jump to "receptive", and I get a intersettling treaty suggestions ...

Note - relations in this game where much "cooler" up to that point than in the game before. Looking into the AIs turns, not many treaties have been signed up to now, while in the game before (where the Abbiddon made that insane suggestions) most nations which met had a treaty within several turns.

Does changing the tech costs or leaving out neutral empires make a difference here?

Everything is 7-zipped up and emailed to above adress.

Captain Kwok May 23rd, 2009 08:27 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
I took a look at the game and it appears mostly on target with the exception of the 5% tariff offer to you. It really should be to the Abbidon, but that's a known outstanding bug.

Regarding the setting allowing colonization, that's intentional. It generally works out better for the friendlier AIs to get more planets.

I was more concerned about the 30% trade level, full tech trade, or migration elements being offered too 'early' in relations. If you have a situation like that again, be sure to send me the game.

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