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Strategia_In_Ultima May 11th, 2006 07:11 AM

Re: Not Quite THAT Poor!!
We need another hybrid animal invasion to liven things up I think.....

Puke May 11th, 2006 04:20 PM

Re: O\'s??
what? flaming, bile-covered mushrooms aren't good enough for you?

Raging Deadstar May 11th, 2006 07:13 PM

Re: O\'s??
"For those wanting to place an anonymous tip about Strat to PETA, there's a pay-phone in the back."



NullAshton May 11th, 2006 10:16 PM

Re: O\'s??
You know, I believe my food processor robots are still around...

TurinTurambar May 12th, 2006 02:05 PM

Re: O\'s??

With the wave of a bar candle, the litte formation of vomitey fungi are ignited into burning mushrooms of doom, and they march with flaming menace towards Turin's table.

The "Burning Mushrooms of Doom", now sentient food-stuffs since embued with the essence of Puke, seem unaware that their high level of malice is not paired with high stature! As they march amongst the tables in ranks of three, scarring and charring the floorboards in their wake, their tiny new lives of hatred are snuffed out one-by-one by the unwitting boots of B&G patrons. A solitary flaming fungus reaches the table of the Turambar, whereupon he makes a disgusting sound in his throat, hocks up a pearlescent green loogie, and extinguishes the fierce little beast with a flippant "P'tui".

No, apparently flaming bile-covered mushrooms are not enough! Oh well, easy come easy go...

Black_Knyght May 12th, 2006 06:55 PM

Re: O\'s??
[i] A long, slow trembling sensation starts to rumbled through the ground beneath everyones feet. Slowly, but steadily, the vibrations grow in intensity. Cups rattle over and off the edges of tables, pictures on the walls tilt madly and fall crashing to the floor, pointless bling-bling jingles like Santa's sleigh-bells......

Then, with a tremendous crash, the front doors fly open and through bursts a man in a stained and dirty lab coat. He dashes into the middle of the room, pauses and cathes his breath.

Then, as the smell of something....just wrong....begins to permeate the room he suddenly stands bolt upright and screams...."<font color="red">RUN FOR YOUR LIVES !!! THE SKUNKUPINES HAVE BROKEN LOOSE, AND THEIR HEADED THIS WAY !!!</font>", turns and flees out the door again. He can be heard mumbling something about hybrid animals and having "oopsed" again.......

Renegade 13 May 12th, 2006 10:04 PM

Re: Not Quite THAT Poor!!
Renegade is roused from his slumber by some incoherent shouts, the smell of roasting floorboards (not to mention the horrid smell of mushrooms!) and what feels like a mini-earthquake. Yawning hugely, he stretches, then gets to his feet. Jumping easily into the rafters to be safe from the coming projectiles, and to have a good view, Renegade pauses.

A few seconds later, a fierce rain appears to pound the Cantina roof. The 'rain' seeps through the leaky roof, landing in gloops on the floor. The puddles coalesce, forming several large, jelly-like masses. The jelly forms a number of pseudopods to manipulate objects, and begins tearing up small portions of floorboard. Using each other as slingshots, the woooden projectiles are flung with great force from the jelly-like apparition at the preoccupied Turin and BlackKnyght...stopping occaisionally to lob a hunk of wood at Puke, as homage to their similar forms, and yet oddly different compositions. Sentient Puke vs. sentient jelly-like gloop!

NullAshton May 12th, 2006 11:04 PM

Re: Not Quite THAT Poor!!
Ashton walks into a time capsule, and sends himself a few days into the future, when the skunkupine invasion has finished.

Puke May 13th, 2006 05:53 AM

Re: Not Quite THAT Poor!!
good gods, man. sentient gloop hurling floorboards? incoming skunkupines? and why did Ashton just run into the broom closet? Doesnt he know that time machine was sold on ebay weeks ago?

but wait, theres a method to this *ow* -- who hit me with a floorboard? -- method to this madness. That gloop is pulling up floorboards and making a track. it leads from the door, to the...

just then dozens of small creatures covered in black spines with white racing stripes pour through the door. they are coralled by the reshaped floorboards, and they run in a nice arcing path to the broom closet.

non-chalantly, puke closes the door behind them.

a cry of suppries is followed by yelps of pain, and a slowly wafting but increasing stench.

man, now how are we going to get the smell out of here? and how long do you think it will take them in that closet with Ashton, before they run out of quills?

And is this gloop going to clean its self up, or *ow!* hey, quit hitting me with floor boards!

Black_Knyght May 13th, 2006 04:07 PM

Re: Not Quite THAT Poor!!
As odd sounds, miasmic fumes, and yelps of pain all emminate from the closed broom closet, Black Knyght drops to one knee on the floor, tipping the table on it's side in front of him for use as a crude shield against the hurled bits of floor-boarding. Grabbing his twin chrome-plated Colt 3045's, he begins popping off the mucusoid menaces with well-aimed bursts of high-energy plasma, occasionally popping off a shot at Puke, as he oddly resembles the slimy monsters flinging floor-boards.

From the tight confines of the closet is heard the voice of Ashton, with a new ring of panic to it.

"Hey, whatya think you're doing with that? Put that thing away! Whoa, no, not there !!! No, no, Aaaaghh, hey cut that out, ouch, ouch, ouch......"

Several minutes of this disquieting discourse is heard, then the door slides slowly open and a multitude of quill covered striped noses peer out. The Skunkupines begin to dash, en masse, around the corner of the bar. The Skunkupines, thirsty from their long stampede, begin rifling through the various bottles and decanters found there. One rather large fellow wanders out of the closet, bearing a huge grin and smoking a cigarette.....

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