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sum1lost July 20th, 2007 12:06 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
I noticed that after negotiating a 'peace' with him, and then claiming the moral high ground, you nevertheless proceeded to attack him the following turn, rather than attempt to redress the situation. That smacks of opportunism, not 'honor'.


*kicks c'tis messenger into hydra pit*

Also, arcoscephale was friendlier earlier

parcelt July 20th, 2007 10:58 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Interesting, Pyjamas (oh, did I just misspel pythium? Ok, bad joke I know).

So you ask for concessions and before I can even give them to you, you attack me? Clearly your intention always was to attack us anyway, and hopefully get some free astral gems on the side? Where is the honor in that?

And for the last time: No agreement was ever reached between C'tis and arco, no NAP or anything, so we cannot have broken any either. You may attack us all you want (and I have a feeling you probably will), but C'tis honor is holy!

Btw, regarding that legionnary horde of yours that you have marching on our capital... ever heard of Varus and the Teutenburg forest? Well, we have no forests but a swamp full of angry lizards could do the trick as well!!

You have been warned. Now we have nothing more to say to you but this: BRING-IT-ON!!

Warhammer July 20th, 2007 04:54 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Can I get vids of the battle?

IndyPendant July 20th, 2007 05:03 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Things are really heating up down there, I see. It will be interesting to see how things look, once the dust of battle settles...

sum1lost July 24th, 2007 03:22 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Unfortunately, it seems to be stalemated as there is a big area of no supply between our lands...

Ah, well. Theres more than one way to skin a lizard.

Anyone want to sell me supply items?

Warhammer July 24th, 2007 05:36 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
I would, but I have this pesky spider infestation...

Burnsaber July 25th, 2007 06:42 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
It's no infestation if there's spiders involved. They're holy and divine animals with superior grace. They do not "infest", they brighten your dull life by their mere presence. It's time you "holy men" of Marignon learned some real culture. And our culture, being superior and all that is all about spiders, superior animals. Even our gods most holy prophet Chaga is a spider! Rest your ears in his holy words!

"Chiiiik, Chiiik, Chiii, Chihiii"

Learn form that, you barbarian.

Soforu, the second sun. God of Machaka

Salamander8 July 25th, 2007 07:39 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Bah to you Tien Chi! 2 of your 3 surprise attacks were repulsed by the forces of Agartha. Agartha will fight your unwarranted aggression.

IndyPendant July 26th, 2007 05:14 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?

Nothing personal, Agartha. I am not in the best of positions currently. I need to expand to stay competitive--especially with Arcoscephale, which has the most provinces *and* the most income!--and yours was the only neighbouring nation I hadn't exchanged diplomacies with. (The fact that you are a nice, ripe, easy, weak target is, of course, completely irrelevant...)

I am going to eradicate you for purely objective reasons. Which I am sure will be a comfort to you as I stomp your heretic, heathen armies into the dirt, bringing the Way of the One True Faith to your populace.

They will be the better for it.

Salamander8 July 26th, 2007 09:52 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
I need to plan my SC gods' scripting better. Fear +13 (or 14 can't remember), and awe+0 and he still died. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Eradication is highly unlikely however. Your massed archers barely scratch my infantry and my holy statues. Losses are expected, but we shall not fall easily if at all.

And of course nothing personal, I'm still having a good time. I'm just glad I pushed for my national statue spells.

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