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MX September 11th, 2008 02:58 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
I'll feel more comfortable if we switch to 96 hours/turn.

BTW, how many of eastern nations feel comfortable with that Astral Corruption? TC will try to dispel it. If failed then it's time for us to have a discussion...

alhorro September 11th, 2008 04:01 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
MX, check your turn, my poor little corruption has already been dispelled, and I doubt it had any effect at all due to the damned ritual casting order (:

WraithLord September 11th, 2008 05:27 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Broadcast to all nations of the world.

There are no score graphs so those of you with less than perfect intelligence may miss the recent developments.

TC is beating us, us as in the three nations set to stop him after he devoured Abysia and Utgard. We will not last long against him, exhausted of our resources and beaten badly with every new turn. TC already controls close to third of the map and closing on half if current state of affairs continues. He is way in end game in terms of SCs, spells, resources etc.

Now, MX you have played marvelously and if you manage to pull this through you deserve the victory. However it is my obligation to give a fair warning to all the nations of the world. Either you stop whatever you are doing now and do your best to counter TC or you face a 100% probability of losing the game! Listen or forsake the game. Make your choice and make it fast.

PM me if you are going to take a stand.

Jazzepi September 11th, 2008 06:40 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Changed the hosting time to 96 hours per host.


MX September 11th, 2008 06:49 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
TC currently controls less than one third of the world, but the bloody-evil-axis control more than that... Now they want more slaves to set up a new shining Astral Corruption. Yes, they want slaves from other nations, to carry out their own evil tasks...

Ask Mictlan what they have gotten from attacking a remote nation. If they go other directions Mictlan may already control another third of the world. Same words to everyone, fight for your own sake.

alhorro September 11th, 2008 08:16 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Brave Mictlanese virgins step onto the altars on their own will, cursing the evil narrow-eyed aggressors. We thought we were able to stop TC with 3 nations cooperation, but we failed even to slow it's movement. Don't think you can stay away from the war. Fellow lizards, just take a look at the inquisitors, whom you had been fighting for a while. Illichtids, instead of dispelling my harmless corruption, use the gems to observe the zone of conflict. You may be surprised.

WraithLord September 12th, 2008 12:18 AM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running

Originally Posted by MX (Post 637829)
TC currently controls less than one third of the world, but the bloody-evil-axis control more than that... Now they want more slaves to set up a new shining Astral Corruption. Yes, they want slaves from other nations, to carry out their own evil tasks...

I think its as I describe it. Marignon's lands are largely taken, Mictlan and Patala are invaded and losing ground and armies at an alarming rate. I can send screenies of what I see of the map to any player who needs further convincing.


Originally Posted by MX (Post 637829)
Ask Mictlan what they have gotten from attacking a remote nation. If they go other directions Mictlan may already control another third of the world. Same words to everyone, fight for your own sake.

:lol of course you want them to fight for their own sake, its called the "domino effect". Its understandable that you'd want that as it means your victory (justly deserved as I said earlier).

MX September 12th, 2008 02:01 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
To alhorro:
In this MP game, TC declared war to only one nation--Abysia. I'm not a aggressor. My neighbors pushed me to current position.

To WL:
TC controls 70 provinces. Bloody evil axis own at least the same amount of provinces.

WraithLord September 12th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
You know I actually started to count provinces :)
Then realized that's just stupid.

I gave my warning, now let each player decide for his own.
They don't heed it, you win.

Herode September 13th, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: LA Game - Victoria - Running
Jomon hears your warning. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to fight R'lyeh. This nation has captured many provinces from Gath after the Jomon-Bogarus alliance eventually defeated Gath, there is no way we can accept this. More important right now is the fact that R'lyeh has a very agressive Dominion spreading in our provinces and causing a lot of trouble and affliction. We cannot stand such a vicinity. We can consider stopping the war against R'lyeh if this nation destroys enough temples to keep his dominion in a reasonnable fashion and if it gives back the provinces stolen from former Gath. This is the only viable option for me.

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