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NooBliss June 4th, 2010 02:26 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
Sorry, but no.

Shishi have three slots for a reason. One for luck, one for girdle of might, one for ring of cold resistance. With a hammer, its still very, very cheap for a cloud trapezing thug. Cheaper than a bane lord with sword and shield, by the way.

And such shishi has both higher survivability because of mirror image/luck, mistform and air shield (against aforementioned crossbowmen), and it rips bane lord with frostbrand/shield to shreds. I have checked it, out of curiosity. Furthermore, shishi can cloud trapeze to catch the bane lord.
That was one of my concerns, actually. Shishi make bane lords obsolete.

Forgot to mention - it was a male shishi, without "smite evil" effect.

Aethyr June 4th, 2010 03:50 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
Noobliss you make some good points, but I do not entirely agree. The whole point is to provide some diversity/alternatives for nations that do not have death/blood, and provide some alternatives once the Elemental Royalty have been summoned. The Shishi is conj6, why should it be weaker than the bane lord? Why should the bane lord be used as the measuring stick at all? It is more valid to compare the Shishi to the AQ.

NooBliss June 4th, 2010 03:56 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
Air magic has some of the strongest evocations, thus its summons were weaker. But even if we are to buff them, why would a conjuration 6 summon for mere 15 gems be so much better than a bane lord?
Give air nations a summon that is better than death/blood summons, and what do death/blood nations have for them? :) I just think this alternative is too strong. I am going to play a game with this mod now, as a death nation. And I am fully going to take air for my pretender, and pray for air sites. Because until I can get tartarians, death doesnt even come close to the Shishis.

Aethyr June 4th, 2010 04:19 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
Again, you make some good points. The quesion is (and I'm saying I agree entirely yet ;)) what do you suggest shoud be the proper power level and/or gem cost?

Dimaz June 4th, 2010 04:28 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
40 hp, 40 gems IMHO.

rdonj June 4th, 2010 04:31 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
So tartarians should cost 100+ gems then? And banelords should cost 45? Okay :D

Dimaz June 4th, 2010 04:42 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
40 for pair. It's 20 for 1.

Graeme Dice June 4th, 2010 05:01 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!

Originally Posted by NooBliss (Post 747755)
That was one of my concerns, actually. Shishi make bane lords obsolete.

This isn't really a problem. They are higher research level and more expensive. If they aren't at least as good as banelords, then nobody would bother using them.

Aethyr June 4th, 2010 05:09 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
Makes sense.

NooBliss June 4th, 2010 05:15 PM

Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!
2 Rdonj:
I stated my opinion that Shishi are too strong compared to current summons, particularily making mid-game death and blood summons obsolete. How does it mean that existing summons have to be made more expensive? I dont understand.

2 Graeme Dice:

>> This isn't really a problem. They are higher research level and more expensive. If >> they aren't at least as good as banelords, then nobody would bother using them.

Eh? They are just one level higher, and they are actually cheaper. Please consider that bane lords need further equipment to solo anything, while shishi need little to none. They arent 'at least as good as banelords' now, they outshine them without even trying.

.... Ok, maybe I just dont know everything about MP. Is there any other summon for 25 gems (including item cost) who can cloud trapeze and solo 50+ heavy cavalry or easily annihilate equipped undead/demonic thugs?

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