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Re: Corrupt Game
Re: Corrupt Game
But how can it be different? It seems, I have fake disk, yes? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif How pity... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif( |
Re: Corrupt Game
Numeric keypad arrows seem to have stopped working in 3.06 (they no longer scroll the map for example). They worked fine in 3.04.
Re: Corrupt Game
The Atlantean national summon, the monster fish (1664), doesn't have any darkvision, despite it being strongly implied in the unit description.
Bug Commentary
Pending addition to the bug shortlist, commentary on some already reported bugs so that I won't have to deal with those questions later.
WAD = Working As Designed PAY ATTENTION: Quote:
A trivial enough issue that it is hard to justify using programming time to do anything about it unless the devs feel that way. Quote:
Thematically, they can be regarded as temples to now vanished deities or some minor local god whose worhsip is stamped out by the invading nation to make room for the True God. Quote:
With the vaetti hag, this is especially appropriate given the starting age of the unit. A whole lifetime of practicing whatever it is such hedge witches practice to learn a single level of a single path and without any formal training. Doesn't need any expensive labs for that. Quote:
Giving the unit a shield item only will not affect the missile weapon. Giving the unit a weapon item only will eliminate ALL non-bonus weapons it intrinsically had. Giving both weapon and shield items will also eliminate all intrinsic items. IF the unit only has 2 hand slots, that is. It is NOT confirmed, but my speculation is that units with 4 arms will check after the first weapon and shield if there are any empty arm slots and keep missile weapons if there are. The case with two shields would probably work according to similar logic. A test case with three 1-handed weapons and 1 shield could be used to fully test out this behavior. Possibly as long as the last hand slot contains a shield, the DoW gets to keep both missile weapons due to their peculiar status as de facto bonus wrt melee weapons if they are intrinsic. These are all of the things that I have gleaned from previous posts in the bug thread that seem to be completely WAD or which have a logical, consistent (if sometimes strange) explanation in light of observed game mechanics. Unless the devs personally intervene to pronounce one of these issues as bugs, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THEM REPORTED AGAIN. Thank you for your time. Edi |
Re: Bug Commentary
Of course any of these probably can be discussed as suggestions, wishlist, even debated as "it should be this way" on threads other than the bug list. Personally, I think I would recommend it even since calling something a bug, wrong, broken, etc etc can act against you on items which the devs dont agree are that way. Pushing a bug title onto something is not always helpful to getting it changed IMHO. It can speed things up, but only if the devs agree that its a bug.
Re: Bug Commentary
True that, Gandalf. Anything and everything is always a valid topic of discussion as feature requests, improvements (as much as these can be agreed upon) and such as long as those discussions are conducted appropriately. My posts in this thread are going to be strictly from the bug management point of view, which is why I'm going to take a fairly strict approach to what gets included.
I should also clarify one of the points in the above post in light of some new information: undead, inanimate creatures and demons apparently do benefit get increased maxage (=oldage), but nature magic is not a factor. Instead they use death, earth and blood magic respectively with the same mechanism. Edi |
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
Check The 3.06 patch thread for some strange bug regarding the strategic overview and looking at commanders vs. army view and looking at commanders. It seems as if some return values are giving problems there and the interface vanishes...
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
Whenever I have iTunes running Dom3 won't load up. It'll stick on the Please Wait screen. Then when I close iTunes and try again, it works fine. Any ideas?
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
turn off itunes before you start the game. turn off sound.
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
no other way? i keep the ingame music turned off, but i kinda like hearing the battle sound effects.
Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
That depends on your system. I have no idea about Windows. It should either work magically, or not at all like you want.
I guess you are on a Mac. I have no personal experience with them, but AFAIK the system is structured somewhat like Linux. I can only speak about that: You have to look what sound daemon your system is using. Under Linux, Dom3 can use the aRts sound daemon (and it's the default) or the OSS sound daemon ("for better quality"). I think the OSS sound daemon is not capable of handling two sound sources at the same time, it locks the sound device for one source, at least on my system. The aRtsd however can handle two sound sources at the same time and has no problem to mix the sounds from the sources. So you can play something in the background and still hear the sound effects from the game. Just make sure that all your programs are using the same sound daemon as output device. Check what audio options your Dom3 executable is offering with the "-h" switch, the audio options should be at the bottom. |
Re: Bug Commentary
If I order my army to move from province #1 to #2, then select #2 and press y, shift+click doesn't work in 3.06. |
Re: Bug Commentary
The problem here is GrobRim failing to report the bug properly. I'll check this when I get home, then add it to the shortlist.
This should highlight why it is important to report bugs properly like mivayan here did. If a bug report is so vague that it is impossible to divine what the person reporting it meant, then it's likely to get dismissed out of hand. I am no mind reader and neither are the devs, so when reporting a bug, it's better to go into detailed descriptions and step by step instructions on how to reproduce the bug (as mivayan did) rather than assuming that everyone knows what you meant. That will save everyone a lot of headache. As an aside, I should mention that some of the bug reports gleaned from earlier readings of the thread only made sense when combined with other reports. In some cases things were so badly formulated that neither post (sometimes separated by several pages) by its lonesome made much sense or gave enough useful information to get anywhere, but together there was enough to produce a bug report. If ANYONE here thinks such reports are going to pass in the future, they had better think again, because in such events I WILL give them a piece of my mind. VERY firmly. Edi |
Re: Bug Commentary
Another post dealing with issues that were reported as bugs despite the bug status being questionable. We also get a new acronym: DAU = Dismissed As Useless. It will be applied to bug reports that are too vague or incoherent to give any useful information.
The next batch: Quote:
For an example where there are functionally identical units with different descriptions, see Kailasa/Lanka/Bandar Log/Patala. Those nations have several units that are the same, but e.g. the Lanka and Kailasa Bandar Commanders are different units because the nations are thematically very different from each other despite superficial similarities. Such large scale thematic differences do not exist between EA and MA R'lyeh, which is the point that matters. |
Re: Bug Commentary
Solution: Set them to Fire, then they will always use their ranged weapons if they can, and only use melee weapons if necessary. I was expecting that was the default that the AI would do, but I had to learn the hard way that this is not the case. |
Re: Bug Commentary
It might be that one of the units suffered an affliction such as blindness. Since it couldnt fire it attacked, since it attacked they all attacked.
Breaking up the archers into many units helps |
Re: Bug Commentary
I've seen the archers closing instead of firing into melee behavior, usually by AI/indy archers, but sometimes with my own. Hadn't thought that it might be connected to Fire orders vs unscripted.
The original bug (Any member of squad unable to shoot, whole squad charges) I remember seeing with Marveni. There was some discussion of it early on. |
Re: Bug Commentary
Unscripted archers or archers set to fire archers sometimes advance far too close to the enemy front ranks in order to get in range to fire at their assigned target. Scripted ones are easy, set to fire closest and they'll stay back. Unscripted ones will pick their initial target stack at random, so either they close or they don't, it's rather hit and miss.
Edi |
Re: Bug Commentary
Could we have a bug sub-forum, rather than this ugly thread?
Re: Bug Commentary
No, this is a different behavior. I've definitely seen (probably unscripted) archers stop firing when other troops close with their targets. The archers then close to attack in melee.
I think I've seen it most commonly with SC pretenders taking indies in the early game. |
Re: Bug Commentary
Are the archers out of ammo?
Also, my Nature mages have picked up an annoying habit of casting berserker spells on my archers. I'll have to figure out a script to stop that.... Meanwhile, that creates another way for my archers to charge into melee: by going berserk. |
Re: Bug Commentary
Here's a link to the discussion on the "Any member of squad unable to shoot, whole squad charges" problem. I don't know if it still exists. I may try it out tonight if get the chance.
Re: Bug Commentary
If we made a subforum Id rather have one for suggestions than for bugs. Having a forum for bugs would encourage everything to be discussed as a bug. I think thats part of the problem now. It gives the impression that everything is broken rather than just being some peoples wishlist for tweaks.
Re: Bug Commentary
I think that immersion is important in games, and especially in ones like Dominions where the huge roster of interesting units etc is a major strong point. Seeing this sort of description breaks immersion. If I were a new player looking at the demo, I would find this sort of reference to a nation that does not even exist in EA confusing and I'd certainly consider it a bug. In fact, I do find that issues like this are annoying and I do view them as bugs. They may not be major ones, but they are certainly on the level of the other typos. I also feel that naming EA "R'lyeh" as "R'lyeh" does not make much sense. After all, R'lyeh is clearly defined in the manual as the name of the sunken city that I thought was supposed to be the remnant of the fallen star. I'd prefer it if the name were changed. As for the unit descriptions... I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect units to exist that differ only in their description, if this is needed to make the background actually make sense. After all, this doesn't seem like it would be a difficult change to make. (edit) Just noticed the stuff about sub-forums... why not have one for bugs /and/ one for suggestions? |
Re: Bug Commentary
I have to say that I agree with Nick_K. Having age specific descriptions on units that appear in multiple ages is not good. It breaks immersion.
Re: Bug Commentary
> I'd like to take issue with this, if I may. Firstly, I don't especially like seeing aggressive language like 'pointless whining'. If it was my post you were replying to, I'd view this as a personal attack.
I think you are right about Edi's language sounding a bit harsh. However, I do not think it is meant to be rude. Edi sometimes sounds that way. Edi, could you try to sound more nice than you are ? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif > I also feel that naming EA "R'lyeh" as "R'lyeh" does not make much sense. After all, R'lyeh is clearly defined in the manual as the name of the sunken city that I thought was supposed to be the remnant of the fallen star. I'd prefer it if the name were changed. You have a point. The name is a remnant of old coding and a possibly misdirected intention to make newbies aware of a history of the nation and that it is in many ways the same nation. In some cases, as in Sauromatia, I didn't keep the name throughout eras, but in most I did, not to confuse new players. Arco could easily have another name in the early era. But you have a strong point in the fact thet the star is basically the origin of the name. Perhaps the Aboleths took the name from the sacred star they called down on the world. > As for the unit descriptions... I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect units to exist that differ only in their description, if this is needed to make the background actually make sense. After all, this doesn't seem like it would be a difficult change to make. Not too difficult, but annoying work. Descriptions are linked to units, so a whole bunch of duplicate units would have to be made and then inserted in the nation data for recruitment, province defence etc. Not difficult, but somewhat bug prone. |
Re: Bug Commentary
Perhaps the descriptions could be slightly altered to not be specific to a certain Age? That way no duplicates would be needed, although obviously it would still be a lot of work.
Re: Bug Commentary
Note to self: Refrain from posting bug commentary at 0:47 am after working three hours on the bug shortlist.
Point taken about the use of language, I will be more diplomatic in the future. My apologies to Beorne and Nick. The point about annoying extra work still stands, though. Getting all of the Aboleth R'lyeh recruitables to match the era in descriptions as well will require a minimum of 15 new units to the game that have to get their stats, abilities and other specials (such as land-forms and sea-forms) correct and have the descriptions altered by one word, making it start with "The success of the Aboleths is largely due..." instead of the "The success of the R'lyeh is largely due..." If ever I've seen a nitpick, then this issue is it. In my personal opinion anyway. That may have something to do with how I perceive EA R'lyeh, though. To me, it seems thematically almost indistinguishable from the MA R'lyeh, barring the void gate summons. Put crudely, the difference being that instead of squishy fish with mind control powers there are squishy squids with mind control powers running the show and both fish and squids regard everything else as slaves, fodder and food. When we look at the ape nations and the evolution of Sauromatia to Pythium to Serpent Cult Pythium (Pretty please?), there is a great thematic difference between Sauromatia and Pythium and less so between Pythium and SC Pythium. Edi |
Re: Bug Commentary
I dont have a suggestion for how to rephrase it to make it fit both though. Quote:
Re: Bug Commentary
So mark it as a Trivial description bug and let the devs handle it at their leisure. Or not.
Include it on the list so that people know it's been noticed and stop reporting it. |
Re: Bug Commentary
I'll put that and the DoW items issue in the bug list as low priority bugs so we can put an end to the current bickering here. Should suit everyone. Edi |
Re: Bug Commentary
#dt_demon works now. #nratt works but with a bug (if you set the value beyond -3 it retains -3 value) |
Re: Bug Commentary
Thanks, I'll mark them green. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
The documentation on what all has been fixed and what has not hasn't been totally accurate, so I've had to include everything I didn't specifically see as fixed in the progress and patch download pages or marked so earlier in this thread and I also included some of the fixed bugs because they have not been mentioned too clearly elsewhere. Hopefully we can rectify a lot of that with the shortlist. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Regarding the #nratt, the limit of -3 might be a feature WAD instead of a bug, since weapons that can be used only once every 4 rounds would seem to be pretty limited use. IMHO anyway, and depending on what they do, of course. Edi |
Re: Bug Commentary
Could you add the helm bug to the list please, its really annoying. All my mods suffer from it.
Re: Bug Commentary
Which one is that? If it has been reported earlier in this thread, I've missed it, and if it has not been reported in this thread, I have 100% certain not seen it.
So, how does it occur and what does it do? |
Re: Bug Commentary
Never mind, I found it.
Re: Bug Commentary
Cave provinces, in addition to having a "Junk" icon, don't seem to actually be dark. At least, this was an issue in the MP game I'm in...
Re: Bug Commentary
The starting troops for Late Age Mictlan include Warriors with Mictlan Armor, which is not available to LA Mictlan; the recruitable troops have Scale Mail Cuirass, which is identical except for having 1 encumbrance instead of the Mictlan Armor's 2.
Re: Bug Commentary
I think that when you hire mercenaries and won the highest bid, but lose the province where the mercs have been ordered to in the same turn, then they vanish without a trace. Maybe they should be open to hire again for one more month?
Re: Bug Commentary
I thought mercs turned up before combat?
Re: Bug Commentary
Mercenaries are hired at the very end of turn resolution, only before scouting reports are generated. Everything else, including movement and combat, happens before the mercenaries are hired.
New Patch For Dominions 3: The Awakening!
Astral travel... is marked as bug in the new bug thread list, yet the spell has worked perfectly everytime I've casted the spell.
Re: Bug Commentary
Frankly, I'm going to have to ask you whether you are referring to Astral Travel or Gateway here. Gateway works and always has. The reason why I have to ask is your prior bug report where you kept talking about Ritual of Rebirth over and over but were describing behavior of Twiceborn. I want to make sure you're not confusing your spells again. If you want to question my judgment on which bug reports to include in the shortlist, then you should provide something other than an anecdote to counter the reports of others. Or you can show me how I've erroneously attributed this bug report to someone when it has not been reported by anyone. In that case, I will of course admit a mistake, otherwise the report stays so that it can be resolved for everyone to know as either a real bug or WAD. |
Re: Bug Commentary
1 Attachment(s)
It's the final turn I think and the game crashed with strange error. I have no idea what is causing this. Here is a screenshot and I'm attaching a save file because the crash happens every time so maybe someone figures it out what's causing the crash.
screenshot |
Re: Bug Commentary
Re: Bug Commentary
1 Attachment(s)
I repost some bugs I prevoiusly found that didn't make it to the shortlist:
1. Magic item #101 - Twin Spear doesn't seem to raise soulless I armed my SC with Twin Spear (the death one). She did quite well, killing a number of Pangea's cataphract centaurs yet I didn't see any emerging soulless. 2. Combat replay reveals domes cast in the province My patrollers and PD were attacked by a probing force recently and the battle display showed Dome of Solid Air and Freezing Dome, which I had cast earlier, as battlefield enchantments (pentagrams in upper right corner). I don't think it's WAD, as they really don't affect combat, yet give undeserved intel to the attacker who watches the combat replay. 3. Fort #8 - citadel has garbled graphics in battle replay: some disconnected walls and grates. Defenders started in the open. See attached picture |
Re: Bug Commentary
Blofeld, thanks. I actually had the twin spear thing listed but managed to miss it while organizing things. All three bugs added and will be posted shortly.
Re: Bug Commentary
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