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Re: Hall of Fame
Hey, what about me? everyone expects my empire to spontaneously combust any minute now.
Re: Hall of Fame
I'm just waiting for your capital's lab to fall apart, the castle to be destroyed, and it to come under seige by the 5 elite heros random.
Jazzepi |
Re: Hall of Fame
Better get comfortable.
Re: Hall of Fame
the blessed elite is just free equipment for a bless nation like that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Hall of Fame
Seeing the plight of the agarthan nation the gluttonous yomi have attacked. With our capital under siege(indy knights) and our army decimated after repelling part of the two pronged demon assault our demise will soon be upon us. Any nation who aids us in defeating these war-mongering barbarians will be generously rewarded later in the game.
Re: Hall of Fame
Is it just me, or are the late agers having it a lot worse in this game than the EA?
Re: Hall of Fame
Im MA, and Im gonna be the first one out :\
Re: Hall of Fame
No, I think that privilege is reserved for Marverni. The walls of our one small village are being torn down by besieging werewolves. Unfortunately we forgot how to brew our magic potion. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif
In the last stand before the walls of our village, Marverni's brave slingers managed to kill a whopping 10% of the invading forces before being eaten. Needless to say, there are no reinforcements available. We only hope the werewolves do not find our Menhir appetizing. Other nations of the eastern continent, now is the time to take the lands of Midgard, while their forces are otherwise occupied! They will soon have our fort. Edit: It appears they have come to steal our cauldron. Never! We will destroy it before allowing it to fall into the hands of the invaders. If Midgard had only let us live in peace, we would have sold them one from our trading franchise. We are crafting two Pendants of Luck this month, and will dispatch them to those nations first to publicly pledge to destroy the Midgard nation. |
Re: Hall of Fame
vfb officially wins an award for the most hilarious in defeat.
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Jazzepi |
Re: Hall of Fame
Niefelheim would be only too happy to destroy whichever nation's picking on you, vfb. Infact, we pledge to destroy ALL the other nations...eventually. It's just going to take a long, long time. Years, probably. Especially since we're on the Western continent and are engaged with LA Ermor...now where's our 2 luck pendants???
Re: Hall of Fame
Marverni is not being picked on, we are being eaten. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
It is unfortunate that the nation of Marverni was unable to get the advice of attorneys prior to dispatching our messengers to the world. We were busy being eaten. Fortunately one just fell from the sky and prepared the following declaration for us: "I, prophet of Foo in the nation of Bar in Perpetuality, do hereby declare holy war on the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at war with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Bar is destroyed. Now give me my damn pendant. Signed, Me." So, all your prophet has to do is copy the above declaration, replace 'Foo', 'Bar' (twice), and 'Me' with your pretender's name, your nation's name, and your prophet's name (respectively) and post the resulting text to the forum. One pendant per nation, and supplies are limited. Two pendants are being forged this turn. Niefelheim will be first in line to get a pendant, if they are first to post the declaration. We realize that there are no penalties enforceable on the contract. But the RNG is watching you! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Hall of Fame
I'll happily kick their *** for you vfb!
Down with Midgard! I'll search them out and put all the wolven scum to the sword! Undead honor! |
Re: Hall of Fame
"I, prophet of Old Ash in the nation of LA Ermor in Perpetuality, do hereby declare holy war on the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at war with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Bar is destroyed. Now give me my damn pendant. Signed, Velusion."
Re: Hall of Fame
I, prophet of Bimini, First Among Sixty, of MA Ermor in Perpetuality, do hereby declare holy war on the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at war with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Bar is destroyed. Now give me my damn pendant. Signed, Bimini, First Among Sixty
PS, Now give me my damn pendant =) |
Re: Hall of Fame
Guys, bar was suppose to be replaced by your nation name. It's a filler commonly used in programming.
Jazzepi |
Re: Hall of Fame
The nation of Bar must be destroyed!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Marverni will overlook the typos in the pledges. LA Ermor and MA Ermor get the pendants. If by some miracle a Menhir falls from the sky and squishes the besieging Midgard army, the nation of Marverni will be pleased to make more pendants for distribution throughout Perpetuality. Niefelheim, we apologize that our lawyer did not reach your shores in time for your peoples to sign the revised agreement. Pledging to destroy all the nations of the world was not what we had in mind. |
Re: Hall of Fame
Re: Hall of Fame
Just to prove that I am not FOO of BAR.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_%28computer_science%29 Jazzepi |
Re: Hall of Fame
Grrrrrrr! This game sounded and sounds so very damn nifty! I can almost begin to pretend that I would rather be playing in it than getting married and spending the next month+ honeymooning in the Philippines! But then I come to my senses ...!
Rathar P.S. Makes nice reading though! With any luck I might get a sub position in august! |
Re: Hall of Fame
Get a sub for the wedding and immerse yourself in the game instead!
Re: Hall of Fame
Re: Hall of Fame
"I, prophet of He Who Shakes the Mountains in the nation of Niefelheim in Perpetuality, do hereby declare holy war on the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at war with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Bar is destroyed. Now give me my damn pendant. Signed, The HoneyBadger."
Now, if anybody wants to try to keep the pendant I promised to my Niefel Jarl away from him, I'll be happy to let him know exactly who's denying him his present. |
Re: Hall of Fame
"I, prophet of DreamSlayer in the nation of Arcoscephale in Perpetuality, do hereby declare peace and friendship with the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at peace and friendship with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Arcoscephale is destroyed. Now I damn your pendant. Signed, Serenity."
Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard way.
Well, we'll just have to get our pendant from LA Ermor by other means.
Re: Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard way.
The prophet of Agartha was unable to comment on this dispute regarding Midgård, but some of his remains were found under the heels of DreamSlayer's sandals. Or whichever footwear he chooses to use.
Next time we'll just appoint someone less squishy. Peace. |
Re: Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard way.
In the meantime, we hereby cancel the hit on Midgard and offer a non-aggression pact with said country atleast until such time as EA Marverni is destroyed, buried, and forgotten. We formally declair war on the deceiving, devious, and damn lying low down dirty EA Marvernians, and will take great joy in using the skulls (attached, but not for long) of their children, and their childrens' children (there won't be many) in the process of inventing the game of golf.
Re: Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard wa
I'm really sorry Atul, it happens with me all the time. Once I stepped on a coin and made change...
And in Spring of Year 2, a Menhir fell from the sky in Marverni. And he did bounce around, and crush some werewolves, and crush some more werewolves, and crush yet even more werewolves.
And the werewolves fled from the Menhir, and he did bounce around some more. And as the werewolves fled, so were they crushed. And so the battle went on, with the Menhir hardly scratched, and the werewolves running away. But then the Menhir flew off, when there were only 6 werewolves left on the field of battle. Oh Menhir, what the heck are you doing???? Don't go! Marverni will honor our pledges to deliver the pendants to the Ermor nations. Our item crafters got drunk celebrating the victory against the werewolves, and have not woken up yet. We will inform the nations of Perpetuality when there are new offers to pledge war on Midgard and get a shiny Pendant. Midgard is welcome to return to the fort of Marverni and be squished by our Menhir some more. |
Re: Menhir
As soon as our mighty God returns from his studies abroad (hopefully not too long from now), Niefelheim would be more than happy to loan Midgard the use of a hammer which crushes stone the way other hammers crush walnuts.
Eastern Continent
EA C'tis hereby declares war upon Midgard and LA Arcoscephale.
My fellow nations of the Eastern Continent, if we do not oppose these forces now, when will we? They will stop at no one until they have consumed our lands. They will destroy us one by one if we do not act now. The lizardmen of EA C'tis would rather die than serve under the dark cloud of tyranny that these nations would create. Let us stand together or die together. Let us stand resolute in our opposition to this unholy alliance, for such an alliance is a threat to us all and must be dealt with immediately. EA C'tis will honor our NAP with Midgard. Consider this your first month on notice. EA C'tis also declares war on Niefelheim and any other nation who supports the unholy alliance. May Naegoulok, King Dragon, and Udum'ukinna guide EA C'tis through this difficult time. |
Re: Eastern Continent
Niefelheim scoffs and dismisses C'tis.
Unholy alliance? We're all that stand between you and the disease that is the Ashen Empire! How will your "eastern continent" look when it's smothered in the bones of your children? Ofcourse C'tis wants your support, they are a nation of corpse-worshippers! Join us! That we may someday know peace that doesn't come from the grave! |
Re: Eastern Continent
Please Niefelheim, as if LA Ermor is a threat to the world. There are a myriad of ways to deal with their undead.
I fail to see how being corpse worshipers would make us want support. Those two things don't seem to correlate. Of course we do not actually worship corpses, we just see the value of ruling an empire of both the living and the dead. In fact, I am pretty sure Niefelheim even dabbles in death magic. Do not hate us simply because we are better at it than you. Besides, death is a natural process for living beings. Summoning demonic beings on the other hand, something that Niefelheim does, is about as unnatural as you can get. Death magic merely summons those already dead, but blood magic uses innocents to fuel it's devilish practices. Nations on the Eastern Continent will choose who they support. They can choose some faceless entity across the sea, or someone who is right here with them, experiencing the same things they are. |
Re: Eastern Continent
Be Warned!
EA Pangea run by the vile Szumo attacked us in the midst of negotiations. The inept attack was launched in the turn after we accepted an NAP he offered. His word is of filth and he deserves the scorn of all and an early death. Anyone who attacks him immedaitely will receive the gifts of Ulm's master forgers, one level two earth or nature item for each province attacked! or one level four item if they care to wait. |
Re: Eastern Continent
Unfortunately Marverni cannot assist Ulm in your battle against the pretender Szumo (Mother of Gods, etc, etc).
We have only got one short range Menhir, and it is being used right now. Intercontinental Ballistic Menhirs are Const 11 I believe, and it is unlikely that our researchers will live long enough to acquire that techmology. |
Re: Eastern Continent
We asked if you wanted to make a treaty once. No response.
We asked again. Again, no response. You build a castle 2 provinces from our capital, and conquer another province 2 provinces from our capital from another direction. Then you finally start negotiations. Did you really expect us to take all that in good faith? Patience of the forests is great, but not infite. It is now too late for the dirty rabble you call a nation. Throw your baseless accusation, a desperate measure that will not help. To all other Pretenders: Our word is solid and we keep our treaties. Choose to believe the snake tongued barbarians of Ulm at your own peril. EDIT: We meam EA Ulm, of course. No quarrel with any other Ulms at the moment http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Eastern Continent
The bloodied sword was risen, the phalanges where called to arm and armored elephants prepared to battle. There is no turning back now. The armies of Arcoscephale march to victory or honorable death. May the sarissa newer broke!
Re: Eastern Continent
MA ULM herby declares a war on EA Pangea until Hostilties are ended against our EA Ulmish cousins, or until the forests of EA pangea have been burnt to teh grown and sown with salt.
Long live the Pan Ulmish Alliance (PUA)! |
Re: Eastern Continent
This game is awesome.
Re: Eastern Continent
Re: Eastern Continent
Ah so much hatred and war, can't we all just get along ? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Eastern Continent
The evil empire of LA Arcos attacked us with no warning!
The alliance of LA Arcos / Midgard must be destroyed, before they become too strong. We will fight side by side with EA Ctis and any other nation that want to join us, maybe we can still save the eastern continent. |
Re: Eastern Continent
Besides, so many turns of peace is enough. War is more fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.
Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.
There seems to be many EA+MA+LA of one nation forming a pact going on (like the ulmish nations), makes me feel a bit of pity for the lone nations.
Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.
We salute our Ulmish brothers and happily report that, having killed half of his invading troops in the last turn before our main army is even in play, EA Pangea's pathetic troops are on the run. Its nice to be able to blame faulty communication for treachery, but the treachery is there for all to see. Soon my shamans will prepare Pangea's pathetic gorgon for our victory feast. |
Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.
Yeah, we lost our starting scout. It was a terrible, tragic blow to our nation. That single scout was VITAL to our overall strategy, and without his Ulyssean guidance, we are...quite...at a loss.
Oh no! and we might even have lost our starting commander! whatever shall we do??? This is me being sarcastic. |
Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.
We are also in a NAP with Szumo and have had no problems with them, whatsoever. They've remained faithful and loyal and have helped us out numerous times in our war against the unholy Ermor.
As far as our use of death and blood magic, Niefelheim understands that life is a cycle that involves death, rebirth, and-at times-sacrifice. The "demonic entities" you speak of do not trouble our people because they understand that we are of stronger stuff than you, physically, spiritually, and morally. Do not impose your pathetic, ignorant prejudices upon the great nation of Niefelheim. We are not like you and would not want to be! |
Re: Perpetuality - A quick idea.
We of MA Pangea have to inform all nations that LeSquide of Sauromantia is a pact breaker, he just conquered a province that was ours before breaking our NAP that existed before.
But as a sign of Pangeas greatness we let him have that swamp and consider our NAP still in place, but if Sauromantia will show further agression we will crush them like a bug. Hadrian-II of Pangea |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I forgot how much fun it was to play a game with high luck scales (I almost always usually take misfortune)...
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
erm two questions. How many nations are left in this game by this turn? And can anyone suggest how long can a small and weak nation like mine survive?
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