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DonCorazon July 17th, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Mictlan’s reprieve was the result of TC waiting for the Ministry of Foreign Invasions to approve its Tartarian combat permits. These things are notoriously unpredictable. Sometimes the Tarts get so upset with our slow-moving government that they burn down temples and pillage the land. But the Ministry stands by its decision to ensure the proper and licensed use of undead gods for military applications.

In other news, the 3rd Northern Brigade is still recovering from friendly fire injuries sustained by an unnecessary casting of solar brilliance.

Finally, Shaik, almost as beloved as the Three Amigos, was caught off guard by the Lord of Corruption while on a routine (pillaging) expedition and brought down in a distant cavern.
The Ministry is reviewing this strategic miscalculation and waste of resources. The head of the Ministry of Supercombatants - Air Elemental Division, has been summarily executed.

Omnirizon July 18th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
i'm facing an issue.

i added CBM 1.3, and deleted teh old one. however i can't do my turn without older version. but now i can't find older version on the forums.


DonCorazon July 18th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
isn't it here.

Also, I may need a few extra hours so I can finish up my turn this evening after work. Hope everyone is cool with that. Looks like 4 of us still need to submit

cleveland July 18th, 2008 03:24 PM

Re: A Brief Respite

I'm getting seriously slammed right now in real life (that minor detail).

DonCorazon July 18th, 2008 03:30 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
I translate that as a request for 24 hours. If you need more or less let me know.

Ironhawk July 18th, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Cleveland is just afraid that I will assassinate more of his leaders.

hoo July 18th, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Now that Mictlan is being beat down, anyone want to beat on Marignon with me?

Marignon has the most capitols I believe (Atlantis, CTis, Patala, with Marignon under siege). and Super scary flying units. fighting a stack of 8 that consist of archdevils, seraphs and fallen agnels is no, no fun.) They'd whoop an Air Queen like no tomorrow.

Anyway, Bogarus is holding their own but any assistance would be welcome.

spacht July 18th, 2008 08:12 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
You're doing well on your own, hoo. Otherwise i wouldn't have to besiege my own capitol http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

DonCorazon July 19th, 2008 01:47 AM

Re: A Brief Respite
Hoo, your pleas brought a tear to the eye of the emperor of TC. Where have all our friends gone he asks? Patala, Pythium, (the nice friendly ) Mictlan...all vanished, all of their last posts made in this very thread. This game might be as cursed as the Flying Ship, that has brought death (delivered by Mictlan btw) to all who hold it.

Sadly TC is locked in mortal combat with the nefarious and wily Mictlan, who has more tricks than a Las Vegas pimp. Our coffers are drained, our soldiers weary, all we can offer is more time before the next hosting...

Ironhawk July 21st, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
No rest for the weary, evil TC invaders!! After seeing first hand the horrors that await under the rule of the supposedly "enlightened" Tien Chi - people who disagree having thier minds wiped and reprogrammed by astral mages, leaders made of magic and stone not flesh and blood - the people of Mictlan have vowed to fight to the very last man. Tho we will surely be overwhelmed by the TC hordes, our resistance will stand out like a beacon to all other nations who will soon face the very same life and death struggle.

hoo July 22nd, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: A Brief Respite
Can I get a 24 hour extension? So the turn hosts sometime late Wed night/early thursday AM EST?

I'm out of pocket tonight and won't be able to do my turn till tomorrow night or roughly 36 hours.

DonCorazon July 22nd, 2008 11:32 AM

Re: A Brief Respite
Hoo, no problem - added 30 hours so turn should host around Wed midnight pacific

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 02:09 AM

Re: A Brief Respite
Yo Alexandria,

Just curious - I have never played a game this long and turns are taking longer and longer and almost always getting postponed, including by me. Looks like my dear friend Pan staled last turn. What is the level of interest of continuing on and to what point?

I certainly am willing and happy to play on...always curious to see what tricks my foes have up their sleeves, especially in this late game stage. Others may have similar reasons for fighting on but I thought we may want to consider setting a turn deadline for this thing to wrap up. I am not sure how to resolve since graphs are off but just want to gauge what people are thinking. Any ideas or thoughts? At the current rate I could imagine having to teach my grandkids how to play Dom 3 just to carry on this game on TC's behalf.

Anyway, TC will go on as long as everyone is interested but wanted to check in...

Omnirizon July 23rd, 2008 04:11 AM

Re: A Brief Respite
i concur. even though argathans have MASSIVE gem income, we are ready to call the game. I say we vote on winner, and let it be at that. everyone seems ready to let the game end. Had I known what late game was like, I'd have planned for this stage better, and would probably be really into executing my plans; but right now I don't really enjoy playing this game.

cleveland July 23rd, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Please accept my most sincere apologies for stalling last turn, RL is nuts right now and even with the timer extension I still screwed up the hosting deadline.

Though this game has been extremely fun and educational, I'll certainly agree that it's beginning to drag on. In what may deserve a Forum Treatise, I've personally found that after all the research was completed, the game became rather homogenous...every turn summoning the same monsters, forging the same items, using the same tactics over and over...a bit sad considering the enormous complexity of the early game AND the fact we're using CBM. Further, the game doesn't seem to be advancing, and would probably take another 100 turns (gasp) for anyone to actually secure a real victory.

I therefore second the Motion-To-Declare-A-Winner. I will also declare that Pan is NOT to be considered for victory, as we're really not in such great shape, nor would even have the ability to shape-up...lack of Astral magic has been murderous & an important lesson.

Of course, I'll most certainly continue on if you guys like. Again, sorry for the stale, it won't happen again.


<font color="brown">EDIT: How's this for Deus Ex Machina...Somebody Wish for a Death Match, all surviving nations send their greatest champion. The arcane fabric of Alexandria will surely see to it that only the Champion of the True God will win... </font>

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Yay or nay on continuing?

Here are some thoughts:
We could post our last turns. Would be interesting / educational to see where everyone is at and then we could vote.

Or send the turns to someone neutral to extrapolate?

Or just vote?

Zeldor July 23rd, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: A Brief Respite

You remember voting in EpikBattel. Send everyone an email as you are game admin, give them 48h to vote. IF not their vote is empty. And count it. Score graphs off make it harder of course.

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Actually I don't think i ever voted in Epikbattel. No wonder you won that one. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Anyway, first we need to make sure everyone is ready to call this one. Second, I think it would be interesting to see people's turns. In RAND and EPOTARA we were able to see some people's last turns and it was pretty educational. Gives you a benchmark for future games as to where you should be in terms of gems, how to kit out SCs etc. But I am down for whatever works for the group.

I agree though with Cleveland that early mid game is much more exciting because every choice involves a trade off - do I research Construction or Conjuration, do I forge or research, etc. But now it is just a matter of spending hordes of gem and gold each turn.

So for me this game has gotten to the point where, while there is still some fun to be had, it is not really worth the increasing amount of time to do a turn. In hindsight VPs or a turn limit might have been better. Maybe if we had said at Turn 70 if there is no winner everyone sends in their turn and the one with the most provinces wins? That seems like a cool dyanamic.

Ironhawk July 23rd, 2008 02:20 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
The people of Mictlan will NEVER YIELD!!!!!!!!

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 02:25 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Well luckily there are only a few of them left. But I take that as a vote to continue on.

Zeldor July 23rd, 2008 02:28 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Doesn't Pan have stealthy armies and pretender? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif And someone else teleporting armies?

Ironhawk July 23rd, 2008 02:37 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Hahaha, I'm just messing around http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I dont mind calling it, cause Mictlan is definitely on the way out. I am sad tho that TC never reached my cap, because I was planning on casting Armageddon. Perhaps twice! Have to say that the game was still super fun for me tho. Thinking up new ways to sabotage the ravaging hordes and skewer the enemy SCs was good excercise. Can we just generate this coming turn tho? I dont see a new one in my inbox.

As for you guys not enjoying the end-game: Honestly, I think you were just not being aggressive enough. There are so many permutations that you can do with the resources of the late game, but I was only seeing a small fraction of untis and tactics in your wars against me. I dont mean that with any disrespect, you understand - I just wanted to point out that there is a lot of gameplay yet to be discovered, IMO.

About voting - I dont need any fancy mechanics. If the game were to end now I would vote for TC, even tho we are at war. I've been getting pulverized by both superpowers now and it's my opinion that they are even in strength but TC has superior strategy. And as Cleveland has pointed out, Astral is just rockingly powerful in the late game and TC is rich in that.

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Well as for being slow you might be right but there are some strategic reasons for holding back.

I am sure both Pan and I were less aggressive than otherwise would be the case given that both of us wanted to see the other suffer more losses fighting against Mic. And TC has Tart's that turn off every other turn not to mention we blinded half our northern troops thinking the Chalice would provide a 1-turn cure, which interestingly it has not. Solar brilliance seems to inflict a nasty, Chalice-resistant form of blindness, FYI.

So given TC is generating 200+ gems with almost 100 provinces and a huge income thanks to the Well of Misery, inflicting death by papercut vs. Mic seemed to be a good strategy while working behind the scenes towards the inevitable Pan showdown. Unfortunately the micro to do all this takes a long time to do it justice.

But I do have some surprises so happy to play one or a few more “aggressive” turns or even try to lay siege to Mictlan for kicks. Especially if we agree to an end so I don’t have to do all the micro it takes to deal with remote attack defense and preparation for fighting Pan and probably Agartha once/if Mictlan falls. Maybe we can just let some of our armies duke it out for fun?

We can re-introduce you to the empowered Supreme Minister of TC - the leperous immortal master of the iron of crutch (think the Emperor in Star Wars) who will be “persuading” more Mictlanese to join the TC collective. And our Tart called Despair recently returned to her senses with some fascinating spell combos.

Anyway, lets hear what spacht and hoo have to say. I will get my turn in tonight at least to give Mictlan the blood it ever thirsts for. Shaik will be avenged http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor July 23rd, 2008 04:12 PM

Re: A Brief Respite

I wish I was able to do my last good fight in Epik. That teleporting enslaving reverse communion of doom (tm).

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Didn't know you had it trademarked. Luckily the TC version relies on a 3 slot immortal thus avoiding any infringement issues. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

It works better on defense though as i'm sure master IH has a few rain of stones scripted to take out the Supreme Prime Minister. But that would just lead me to prolong our fight by using some probing attacks first before sending in the SPM to get IH to waste gems and trigger spells that might damage his own troops.

spacht July 23rd, 2008 05:58 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Ok, let's end this game. I think there is no need for a secret vote or a last arena match as TC is clearly the most powerful nation.

I'm happy that i at least survived to the end. And i also take a little pride in occupying half the hall of fame.

hoo July 23rd, 2008 05:58 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
I'm gonna take my turn b/c the epic showdown vs. Marignon is key.

I've long thought that either TC or Pan would win once everyone jumped Mictlan.

Ironhawk July 23rd, 2008 06:08 PM

Re: A Brief Respite
Rain of Stones? Preposterous! I dont have paths for that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

cleveland July 23rd, 2008 06:10 PM

Re: Indy Mages
TC would most definitely smash me, and I'd be very comfortable declaring him the winner.

HOWEVER, let's all play this one last turn. Perhaps we can setup a few other epic clashes, ya know, for ol' times sake?

Good game everyone! And - if there are no objections - congratulations to DonCorazon! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon09.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon44.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: Indy Mages
Sweet, let this next turn be a blood bath, no holds barred. Time to settle old grudges. We will be avenging Little Grom as well as Shaik, and the Three Amigos!

cleveland July 23rd, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: Indy Mages

DC, considering you've got the teleporting capabilities, how's about we rumble outside of the gates of Pangaea herself. Province #258: I'll leave the Army of Lead &amp; Fog Warriors at home, you do the same with Master Enslave &amp; Undead Mastery. A glorious finale.

IH, if you've got any ammo you're not expending on TC, I can storm both Werk Enum &amp; The Mirks. Alternately, I can setup an Alamo defense of Mapito Cliffs or even Arcoscephale.

Stay Puft
Chief Fireworks Engineer

Ironhawk July 23rd, 2008 08:07 PM

Re: Indy Mages
Amusingly, provoked by your slow expansion and my tightening purse-strings, I had already ordered a counter-attack at Mapito Cliffs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

The Mirks has only a skeleton crew, iirc. Werk Enum has a skeleton crew with a trick up thier sleeve. Storm them both, regardless.

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 08:27 PM

Re: Indy Mages
I don't have the map in front of me but I am itching to use my army in Babylon that was preparing to be the Arcos attack force so hope to rumble somewhere around there as well as utilize the halted Pangean island invasion force.

The Dark Council will be bummed (5 liches geared up for undead mastery posted on all frontiers) but at least they will be excited to be used for something other than boring old Ghost Riders. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

sansanjuan July 23rd, 2008 09:28 PM

Utgard will rise again!
Sounds like quite an interesting endgame you all had. It would be interesting if graphs would switch to "on" when the game ends. I'd like to see them.

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: Utgard will rise again!
Cleveland is spanking me as Utgard in Kingmaker despite the lessons I thought I learned in fighting against you in Alexandria. I was worried about their low MR so went stupidly with drain and added some astral bless. I thought it was a great choice as I fought Arcos and Ermor and steamrolled them. Then I met the sidhe:

High defense + Eye Shield + glamour + spell stops arrows = Expensive, blind useless woodsmen

Reinforces my own preference to avoid the huge bless strategy which is so fun in the early game but comes back to haunt you later.

cleveland July 23rd, 2008 10:17 PM

Re: Indy Mages

DonCorazon said:
I don't have the map in front of me but I am itching to use my army in Babylon that was preparing to be the Arcos attack force so hope to rumble somewhere around there as well as utilize the halted Pangean island invasion force.

The Dark Council will be bummed (5 liches geared up for undead mastery posted on all frontiers) but at least they will be excited to be used for something other than boring old Ghost Riders. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

You were gearing up for war? Us too!

I'd be able to launch a very strong attack at Pastenna (West of Babylon). If you'd prefer to attack, I could put up a substantially more potent defense at Keban.

In other news, Marignon is advised that a small Pangaean task force will arrive in Chilad, eager to finally spill some of that holier-than-thou blood.

Further, the defenders of Issus expect a full assault by the Agarthan horde. Hold nothing back.

And lastly, Bogarus, kindly choose the target of the Pangaean Elite Amphibious Assault Squadron: Pnophia, Exibothia, or Cyrene?

SSJ! Too bad you couldn't be around for the show. On the plus side, your expert play in Kingmaker has me with quite a leg up over the crafty Utgard giants... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: Indy Mages
I'll review the map and have battle sites confirmed in about an hour. Someone wake omni up who is probably passed out drunk on a pile of sociological treatises so he can send those iron dragons to TC for incorporation into the hive, er workers paradise.

DonCorazon July 23rd, 2008 11:30 PM

Re: Indy Mages
Pan: I can fight you at 264 just west of Pangea but don't have critical mass to teleport to your capital.

I'll attack you at Keban near Arcos - that has epic clash written all over it.

Mictlan: shall we fight at Dragon Pointe? I give me low odds there given all the blinded vets but would like to take a shot at all your capital forces.

And we'll attack you at persepolis. I know you have something nasty waiting there as you have been dying for me to attack you.

<font color="red"> And I will give you a heads up, I coming for Belphegor or whoever that bastard devil was that took down Shaik. He is one tough hombre so we'll see what I can come up with. </font> Oops forgot I don't know where he is this turn. But if you tell me, then I will come for him.

sansanjuan July 24th, 2008 01:50 AM

Re: Utgard will rise again!

DonCorazon said:
Cleveland is spanking me as Utgard in Kingmaker despite the lessons I thought I learned in fighting against you in Alexandria. I was worried about their low MR so went stupidly with drain and added some astral bless. I thought it was a great choice as I fought Arcos and Ermor and steamrolled them. Then I met the sidhe:

High defense + Eye Shield + glamour + spell stops arrows = Expensive, blind useless woodsmen

Reinforces my own preference to avoid the huge bless strategy which is so fun in the early game but comes back to haunt you later.

C's eye shields are/were indeed a crafty ploy.

cleveland July 24th, 2008 01:56 AM

Let the Ascension War End!

DonCorazon said:
Pan: I can fight you at 264 just west of Pangea but don't have critical mass to teleport to your capital.

I'll attack you at Keban near Arcos - that has epic clash written all over it.

We'll be waiting at both. Be it known that Stay Puft has explicitly banned his troops from any and all "Whole Battlefield" or "Mass XYZ" spells...Pangaea will not lower herself to such base tactics. Besides, the manikins long for a swift death...certainly much better than waiting on the long &amp; mercilessly inefficient lines at the new God's Bureau of Undead Management.

hoo July 24th, 2008 07:33 AM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
argh! I carefully scripted the battle and marignon's capitol but then forgot to email my turn. Glad the game is done!

I figure that TC is the toughest country but Pan + Agartha &gt;TC +Bog. (although, I had master enslave scripted which would have given me about 2/rds of Mary's troops after they were flame blessed (if everything went according to odds). I planned to take control of his army and then cast fog warrriors/luck same turn so my new troops would be pretty awesome). If that worked (plus life 4 life btw), I'd continue my counter attack and should hurt him badly with his main army gone..


Omnirizon July 25th, 2008 07:31 AM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
are we voting on winner?

i guess i must say i'm partial to Pan. cleveland's played them strong all game long, and i recall seeing him flip like the northern quarter of mict's empire in one turn; just like that.

it is really hard to tell though. i've just now started pumping out bunches of SC's, of course I kill them just as quickly with poorly planned raids on Pyth's capital. i keep forgetting to not take the iron dragons with me, all that happens is they get controlled, turn on me, and I rout due to losing all my dragons, even if they are no match for my tomb oracles.

the bad thing about 72+ hour turns is i keep forgetting what happened last turn that killed all my guys, and i keep just repeating the same mistakes.

cleveland July 25th, 2008 09:50 AM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
Well thank you Omni, thats very kind. But I must conceed that in a head-to-head matchup, TC would beat me. My strategy has relied too heavily on huge armies and not enough SCs...consequently, I can never really go on the attack, save for the occasional small sneaky raiding party.

hoo July 25th, 2008 11:35 AM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
I pretty much think it's a split between TC and Pan. TC is the strongest country but I'm not sure TC could beat both Pan and Agartha at once. I'd help TC but Bogarus is very, very weak.

So anyway: My vote for winner:
1) TC/PAN as co-winners

if that's not acceptable then TC as sole winner.

Ironhawk July 25th, 2008 02:38 PM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!

Omnirizon said:
i guess i must say i'm partial to Pan. cleveland's played them strong all game long, and i recall seeing him flip like the northern quarter of mict's empire in one turn; just like that.

With respect to Cleveland, flipping that part of my empire was not challenging. In major wars in the late game, territories constantly change hands at an amazing rate. Bombing spells just make it too easy. Even in the weakened state that Mict was in at the last turn of the war, I could "capture" up to 6/provinces a turn just with bombing.

You do have a point that it would be difficult to defeat both Agartha and Pan at the same time. However I think it likely that TC could have kept Pan off balance long enough to defeat Agartha (since they are so much closer to his power center). My vote is still for TC, but I would not object if Cleveland and DC decided to split the win.

Ironhawk July 25th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
Ah, sorry guys. I didnt have time to check the thread about where to move armies. I just re-opened my turn to send Belial (my ultra SC) in battle and also to cast Armageddon.

Hahhaha, never cast that before. It was super fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

cleveland July 25th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!

Ha! I had this brilliant plan to send in a huge number of Blood mages scripted for Hell Power, and a huge number of Astral mages scripted for Astral Geyser...except your damn Armageddon killed all my Astral mages! Hilarity ensued!

Zenzei July 25th, 2008 03:09 PM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
Hi, just stumbled here by accident and noticed Ironhawk's note about Armageddon, wth is that and what does it do?

sansanjuan July 25th, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!
EA DeadlyMedley (int/advanced) has two spots open for those of you winding down... I figured I'll get thrashed... but I'm into that! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

DonCorazon July 25th, 2008 08:02 PM

Re: Let the Ascension War End!

Ironhawk said:

Omnirizon said:
i guess i must say i'm partial to Pan. cleveland's played them strong all game long, and i recall seeing him flip like the northern quarter of mict's empire in one turn; just like that.

With respect to Cleveland, flipping that part of my empire was not challenging. In major wars in the late game, territories constantly change hands at an amazing rate. Bombing spells just make it too easy. Even in the weakened state that Mict was in at the last turn of the war, I could "capture" up to 6/provinces a turn just with bombing.

You do have a point that it would be difficult to defeat both Agartha and Pan at the same time. However I think it likely that TC could have kept Pan off balance long enough to defeat Agartha (since they are so much closer to his power center). My vote is still for TC, but I would not object if Cleveland and DC decided to split the win.

TC had Marignon lined up to attack Pan as well.

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