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StormCrow434 March 23rd, 2008 01:15 PM

Re: Bug thread
I'll send the current turn now. I did decide against Forging a helmet just yet; my Smiths were otherwise engaged. But can make it a priority next turn.

Did you want to see the next turn to check out the Helmet affects? If so, even when Forged it will take another turn to get to Warenharis since there is no Lab in Prov 51.

Cor2 March 23rd, 2008 01:17 PM

Re: Bug thread
Not sure if this is a bug. Either way need more reports.
During an assainattion attempt AI victim cast gift of flight on the assassin as if it were an attack spell. Assasin pops across the feild and kills him in one round.

edit: one more relivant fact, the AI was Caelum and could fly, so the only vaild target on the feild was my assassin.

Edi March 23rd, 2008 02:01 PM

Re: Bug thread
Stormcrow, please send the turn when Warenheris has the helmet so the behavior can be observed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Cor, that's certainly unusual behavior. We'll see about it.

Weryl March 24th, 2008 09:00 AM

Re: Bug thread

atul said:
Weryl, that sounds like you'd have turned your keyboard into French mode (or back). That area has this "awerty" layout instead of qwerty, and it also does some funny stuff with letter 'm'. IIRC.

I don't know how to stop it from happenening, but everytime I open dom3 I must switch to either fullscreen or window mode to fix it until next time. It doesnt matter which one im using as long as i changed mode on startup.
Also even when i do that SHIFT key still doesnt work so i cant use most hotkeys. And no I didnt press Caps Lock http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

chrispedersen March 24th, 2008 08:17 PM

More unusual behaviour....
A priest attacks a square with no PD and 0-6 undead.
Priest has

1: Banish Banish Banish Retreat
2: Banish Banish Banish Retreat
3: Banish Banish Retreat Orders.

In all three cases, the priest casts blessing ... and retreats.

I can understand the AI decides to cast blessing.. because of range.. or AI reasons. But I can't understand why.. with NO ONE in the region - why it decides to go against orders and retreat early.

Ditto the second time.. with ONE undead on the other side of the battle field - without a commander, and with the other sides army already routed.. again the commander decides to retreat early!

I don't have the old trn files.. but I have this turns.

Also - the uncommanded undead do not undergo mindless dissolution they just route like other units.

Kristoffer O March 24th, 2008 08:38 PM

Re: More unusual behaviour....
Might be ghouls. THey are not mindless.

Retreat seems strange.

thejeff March 25th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: More unusual behaviour....
I'm not sure why the priest would retreat. Maybe if he can't find a valid spell to cast he moves on to the next order, which would be the final retreat?
Can you replay the battle with debug on? That might give more info.

chrispedersen March 25th, 2008 03:14 PM

Re: More unusual behaviour....
It has happened again. The first case was with NO undead in the province.

The second - fourth cases was with one ghoul. One case with a soulless.

The way it happens is this.

1. I attack.
2. Ermor routes. Ghoul moves back
3. I cast bless.
4. I route. (No idea why)
5. I move back (Second action for me - order is to retreat on 3rd action).
6. Enemy doesn't move
7. I route off the screen..

its -ddd or -ddddd... can I do this multiplay?

will try

chrispedersen March 25th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: More unusual behaviour....
It has happened again. The first case was with NO undead in the province.

The second - fourth cases was with one ghoul. One case with a soulless.

The way it happens is this.

1. I attack.
2. Ermor routes. Ghoul moves back
3. I cast bless.
4. I route. (No idea why)
5. I move back (Second action for me - order is to retreat on 3rd action).
6. Enemy doesn't move
7. I route off the screen..

It seems as if whats happening is the priest is ignoring orders and processing the next order in the queue, which is retreat - which I think is the reason for the Ryalleh routes message...

its -ddd or -ddddd... can I do this multiplay? Will try..

Endoperez March 25th, 2008 03:20 PM

Re: More unusual behaviour....

chrispedersen said:
its -ddd or -ddddd... can I do this multiplay? Will try..

Log of the battle will be generated whenever you view a battle, even if it's a battle from MP, IIRC.

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