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tibbs August 23rd, 2007 10:57 AM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
I officially don't like killing thousands of undead and not seeing any change to your army size in the charts! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I cast that fire king the turn before you sieged my castle. literally in the nick of time.

When there are three nations, the third wheel is bound to have a bit of an advantage while the other two duke it out.

Well one nice thing for Ermor. Poor Soferic, whom was carrying the artifact that auto-casts solar brilliance in battle has been ganked by the hunter of heroes. What a shame....

Lazy_Perfectionist August 23rd, 2007 05:38 PM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
I request a change to 48 hour turns. I'll try and make them daily, anyways, but on Friday and Saturday I work a different shift, and it would be able to get some sleep, skip one day, and turn them in on Saturday evening.

tibbs August 23rd, 2007 07:09 PM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
I dont' know if Cooron is monitoring this game. You might want to PM him.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 23rd, 2007 07:11 PM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
Well... I have two people who would need to agree first. I can keep up the current schedule if it is an issue.

Hullu August 30th, 2007 05:03 AM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
I'm ok with any change, although I'd prefer for the game to progress as fast as possible - I can live with whatever.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 31st, 2007 07:31 PM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
Well, its only the two of us left, anyways, and I'm running out of energy. We'll keep it at its current pace.
Unfortunately, I staled. I thought I'd had till 8, but I was mistaken. I could have made it- the timers not at fault, just my morning mental math.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 2nd, 2007 03:36 AM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
I'm afraid I have to surrender. My main reason is a lack of time and energy this labor day weekend. I got home, ate, and went to sleep. However, I feel no shame in declaring Ermor the winner. I waited far too long to attack them, and Tien Chi fell. With them controlling much of the world, and me stalling, I hadn't a chance.

You played well, once you got past your stally start. But I was too friendly towards you and then too eager to get all the globals in the world up.

Now just to decide what to do with my nation. I have one or two little tricks up my sleeve. I'll unleash them before going over to the AI, at least.

Forge of Ancients, here I come.

Hullu September 5th, 2007 05:56 AM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
Good game all.

This was a diplomatic victory for me, I managed to make many of the right moves at the right crucial times. I was really hurting and even dying at times. But once I got to invade Man's land it was all looking very good for me at the time.

Yep Lazy, you should've just crushed me earlier when I was weak, after Man was down was pretty much the last time everyone should have focused on me. But somehow I managed to convince you all that Atlantis is the biggest threat(all the while keeping NAP with Atlantis;) and as such you shouldn't attack me - all the while I was amassing armies to crush everyone, everyone except Atlantis which I was saving for the last.

Luckily by that time my armies were Huge. And my thugs were ok, my casters pretty powerful.

In the end once Tien'Chi was down, there was absolutely nothing Atlantis could've done from giving me a dominion victory, base dominion of 10 and temple in about two thirds of the world means it's just a question of time once the rest of the dominions fall - there wasn't even need for a war.

Thanks all for a good game. Was the longest and most interesting for me ever this far.

tibbs September 5th, 2007 04:55 PM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.
Good fight guys. I had hope in fighting off Ermor but I ran out of steam when my capital was taken. I just didn't have enough armies to stop all of his.

I really started this game off on the defensive. First Marignon invades me and then shortly after Pangea. I was eventually able to beat them both back and defeat them, all while hoping atlantis or c'tis wouldn't attack me. I then spent a good amount of my gems empowering a mage up and forging magic items so I could summon some elemental royalty. I must also thank C'tis. He was also helping me out by sending me all his gems every turn.

The one change that I didn't like from CB was that the "Wither Bones" spell was increased from 2D to 3D to cast. Unfortunately I only get 2D mages so that hurt a bit.

Ermor caught me by surpise in our first few battles with his flanking skeletal knights. After I got burned once by them, I was always afraid they would get through my troops and to my mages.

I started having victories but I noticed on the army chart that I'd destroy a few thousand of your troops and next turn your army graph would be back up to where it was before.

I sent my biggest army to plunge into Ermor's territory to destroy temples. In hindsight I think I should have kept that army close to home instead and just continued to fight you off. But I think I would have fallen to your dominion eventually so it was my only recourse.

Ermor definitely chose right to attack me first rather than Atlantis. If I had 5 to 10 more turns I probably would have had 1 or 2 more SCs and they would have been better equipped with more artifacts.

This was the most fun I had in a game so far. Very LONG, but interesting battles /w Ermor.

Hullu September 6th, 2007 03:34 AM

Re: Its a global economy in the new Ice Age.

If I had 5 to 10 more turns I probably would have had 1 or 2 more SCs and they would have been better equipped with more artifacts.

Yep, your SCs basically cut through every single unit of mine. The way to beat them was a load of thugs and spellcasters combined on one-target-kill spells/attacks.

Well, it worked, but had you had more SCs which can single-handledly take out an army of thousands I would've been in trouble - since I only had one army that was somewhat capable of taking them down.

Btw, in the end I think your king of earth succumbed to a control spell. It was funny really, since it lost all it's magic and became a normal unit. A normal unit that _no commander_ could command, so there it was left idle in a useless province without items and magic skills:)

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