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DrPraetorious July 23rd, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
If you're going to be eliminated, it is legitimate - and, I might say, entirely wise - to do everything you can to hurt the one that eliminated you. This includes aiding whomever you think to be his likely enemies.

It's the primary means to discourage early rushes like this, which might otherwise completely predominate even in MP.

Baalz July 23rd, 2007 11:12 AM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I don't know, I think its generally bad form to engage in scorched earth tactics unless your opponent broke a NAP or something else like that. It just smacks of bad sportsmanship to me, trying to degrade the victory of someone who defeated you after the fact. It's only "wise" from a games theory POV if you're trying to influence future games by what you're doing here, which also seems rather poor sportsmanship (as in you're trying to give yourself an advantage in a subsequent game that has nothing to do with that game).

Jazzepi July 23rd, 2007 12:34 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up

DrPraetorious said:
If you're going to be eliminated, it is legitimate - and, I might say, entirely wise - to do everything you can to hurt the one that eliminated you. This includes aiding whomever you think to be his likely enemies.

It's the primary means to discourage early rushes like this, which might otherwise completely predominate even in MP.

I actually agree with you. If you're going to salt the earth and discourage people from screwing around with you in future games, I have no problem with that. My issue was with the sheer randomness of the gem distribution. As I mentioned before, the people who got the gems had nothing to do with Maverni.


BigDisAwesome July 23rd, 2007 12:49 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I'd have to agree to Jazzepi. It would have made more sense for him to split his gems up between Helheim's immediate neighbors than to just randomly throw them out.

Velusion July 23rd, 2007 01:32 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
He said he was going to do this quite a few turns ago... why didn't you guys pipe up then to try and change his mind?

BigDisAwesome July 23rd, 2007 01:49 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Well seeing as how the entire thing went down in 23 minutes here, it would have been a little hard. I was just piping in to state my opinion with the last post. I didn't pipe up before now because it didn't really affect me.

Lingchih July 23rd, 2007 01:55 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Exactly. No one on the post said anything negative at all about the gem giveaway when it was originally posted. I just happened to be lucky, saw Sensori's post right after it went up, and said "me too".

At the time, I thought it would be a handful of gems from a dying nation with no gem income left. Imagine my surprise, and delight, when a whole treasure chest arrives.

Oh, and a couple of turns before that, I got the 3000 gp random event. I seem to be lucky in this game so far.

Sensori July 23rd, 2007 02:16 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up

No one helped me out in the fight, so why should I have helped anyone specific? You guys are the ones not making any sense. Why should I help people that would make more sense to you instead of sprinkling my gems where ever I felt like it? You guys didn't help me, Helheim's neighbors didn't help me, why do I care?

I have absolutely no idea.


Right. My nation is dying. I had my armies mobilized into Helheim's lands well before my death was certain anywhere but my head. Very quickly I came to realize that I can't even hold my own with 100 troops against 10 Helhirdings. Result? I try to hit Helheim where it hurts: his pocket book. Bad sportsmanship? If trying to at least do SOMETHING to weaken the attacker is "bad sportsmanship"... That has to be the worst joke I've heard today. Sure, I might've continued it well beyond the last sell by date, but that's all I could do. By the way, I have 0 units left now.

I'd understand claims of "bad sportsmanship" if it was ME who started the war, but guess what? Marverni doesn't try to rush Helheim. There, I almost laughed out at the very idea.

Unless this is the good old "I DIDN'T RAEP HER, HER CLOTHING SAID SHE WANTED IT" argument.


Jesus Christ, people. I just wanted to get rid of my gems and hurt Helheim with what I had. Affecting later games? I call people by the names of their nations in every game, for crying out loud. I wouldn't prolly even remember who did what in the next one. My name memory is horrible. To make R'lyeh feel a bit less betrayed by the eevil streaking men of the deep South East, I sent a couple of gems to him that I got last turn.

tibbs July 23rd, 2007 04:09 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I think the argument is baseless. It's his nation. Sensori can do whatever he wants to do with it. Maybe his pretender was feeble minded and is a bit of a lunatic. Whatever the reason it's been done and arguing about won't solve a thing. That's a part of playing a MP game.

Sandman July 23rd, 2007 04:26 PM

Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I hate getting bequests unless I've been supporting the fallen nation from behind the scenes.

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