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Septimius Severus April 24th, 2010 11:34 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 15/17.

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 741999)
Ave Septimius Severus!
I can try to act as Children of Crom leutenant. I have some intermediate experience, though most of it was SP. I would prefer to not play Ashdod, but can try them in case all other players have strong preference for other Children nations. Would prefer Ulm or Agartha, though.

Hello Wrana. I'm sure you'll make a fine LT for the Children of Crom.

Septimius Severus April 24th, 2010 11:50 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 15/17.
Chris, if you find you have the time and want to play as the Usurpers captain, and the rest are fine with it, that's great. If you don't have the time, you could also advise the team.

Let me address Chris' littany of requests::D

1. Not sure what your getting at about troop balance. Some changes I will agree to but some things I won't budge on as they are core to my vision for the game.

2. The AI is positioned between all factions, so you'll likely be facing the AI before you really get into it with other teams in a major way. As before, AI decimation constitutes the first part of the game, their 8 VPs should probably not be ignored. Plenty of time to research and build your forces.

3. Yes, I am aware the AI may throw up a global or two. The ban on globals for 50 turns is for human players, but yes all are free to dispel them if they happen.

4. The other captains would have to agree to changes that affect competition/balance such as changing Border Mountain provinces to Mountain Provinces, giving your team a water gem boost, or giving you a special pretender.

On a side note: I'd like to get a replacement for myself, as captain of Crom, so I can remain completely impartial and can roll the team and magic locations myself. If possible. Hehe.

I'd also encourage registration/use of the team forums if you can. Early strategy planning gives a team a definitive competitive advantage. But use is not mandatory of course. Plenty of ways to communicate.

ano April 24th, 2010 11:57 AM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 15/17.

(which is the best and most prevalent source of water)
Not true. Water sites are common on land. Also, having water as your "secondary" path doesn't mean you can't search for other paths. Your team has natural access to all magic but blood and air (or blood and death if mictlan is in). Each team has nearly equal conditions regarding ability to search for sites of other schools.

I'd like to suggest that the Usurper captain be able to pick one of the team to get +4 water gems production on his capital.
You already get +3 from Pythium which results in 23 total income comparing to 20 that everyone else has.

I mean Supplicants - if we start next to the Sanguinarium - don't you want us putting up a fight? Likewise, if we start next to the Children of the Corn, doesn't the Sanguinarium want us putting up some resistance.
Didn't understand this point.

I'd ask my worthy opponents to seriously look at the usurpers available troops and see if they don't agree?
I already mentioned it. Two members of your team have got elephants which is more than enough for bloodless expansion. Mictlan has got wonderful sacreds. Pythian infantry is just very good as well as Ermorian. (However, Machaka's troops are crap but we're not asking for anything) Your team is perfectly capable of expanding fast especially considering Indy 4 setting.

I suggest that its in everyone's interest that troops be fairly balanced.
I'd say that under current settings Children of Crom are definitely the weakest but they don't complain. Agartha is just a crappy nation especially without the Risen Oracle. It's troops are extremely slow and inefficient. Ulm may not be that bad but they're also slow. Marignon... A decent nation. Ashdod is good but that is their only really strong point.
If I was asked who needs some love, I'd definitely say that's the Earth-fire team and by no chance yours (your team seemed weak with R'lyeh but not with Mictlan)

p.s. I don't want to argue, I just say what I think.

ano April 24th, 2010 12:03 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 15/17.

The other captains would have to agree to changes that affect competition/balance such as changing Border Mountain provinces to Mountain Provinces
I don't see the point here. Border mountains provide better movement while most of sites are the same. However, I'm not strongly against it.
What I'd suggest regarding the map is evening the density of farmlands. They mean money and thus are important for everyone. Currently farmlands are concentrated in the left part of the map and even more - in bottom-left. But unless someone else wants it, let it be what it is now if it allows a sooner start and less changes.

or giving your team a water gem boost.
I disagree. Comments above. I wouldn't mind giving the Children a gem boost though :)

Wrana April 24th, 2010 12:14 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 15/17.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 742035)
its odd to hear someone say they prefer agartha = )

To Ashdod - certainly! :D
As for troops - I don't think that 2 elephant nations and hydras nation should say that they have poor troops. :rolleyes:
As for water I don't know - but doesn't a map generator have a possibility to change a water to land ratio?
And - to our emperor: I can read this whole thread but if you'll PM me and summarize what you can say about our team (including other players' preferences) it would be at least much faster. ;)

Septimius Severus April 24th, 2010 12:19 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 16/17.
I will say this about the map. It's random! It is what it is. Everyone knew it joining up. I'm not averse to minor changes here and there especially if the captains agree, but there's a danger of going overboard, where we end up with a map with terrain masks that don't reflect the physical map at all and every team wants this terrain or that terrain changed to reap some sort of benefit or correct some percieved imbalance. ;)

Wrana, I'll send ya a PM later tonight, Children of Crom hasn't done much communicating yet. As we were'nt complete.

ano April 24th, 2010 12:20 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 16/17.

As for troops - I don't think that 2 elephant nations and hydras nation should say that they have poor troops
I totally forgot hydras :)))
Jaguars, eagles, elephants and hydras are all extremely poor troops I have to say. :)

ano April 24th, 2010 12:24 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 16/17.
I'm absolutely ok with the map but I'd like to ask for a minor thing that will make things more balanced. Can we connect 261-264 and 40-51 to allow rear nations easier way out. The two other corners don't have such issues. That's a minor thing and I think it can be done especially considering that the corners have not yet been assigned. Thanks.

chrispedersen April 24th, 2010 01:16 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 15/17.

Not true. Water sites are common on land.
On this map, there are 56 woods provinces, 23 plains, more than 80 border mountains. 11 Waste.

There are *5* swamp provinces, and there are no coastal provinces that I can see. The distribution of these provinces is a HUGE hit to the amount of water that will be generated.

Of the 112 water sites, about 1/3 of them only occur in water. Including the preponderance of the uniques.

More than half of the remaining water sites will have reduced frequency due to the lack/dearth of coastal and swamp provinces.

The distribution of these provinces STRONGLY favor EARTH (mountains) and nature (forests) and death. (Strangely, death is the second most common site in forests iirc).

As for site searching other paths.. Sure, we can do that.
However, our pretenders are required to be our primary or secondary paths - and this setup is requiring we take a path that will have way fewer gems.

Secondly, for all of our discussed nations, water is a our secondary path. Pythium arch theurgs, rley, mictlan - they all have water. These water paths will be of diminished value without water, and with few water gems.

As the map stands now, wouldn't you agree that there is *very* little reason for any of the other teams to dedicate much effort to water. In other words, if you are going to choose between earth and water, earth will be a much higher priority.

Finally water has utility in water; which there is none in the game virtually. So most of the water path spells are inutile.
Ie, water is balanced somewhat by its use in water. The lack of water makes this path even more crippled than previously.



I'd like to suggest that the Usurper captain be able to pick one of the team to get +4 water gems production on his capital.
You already get +3 from Pythium which results in 23 total income comparing to 20 that everyone else has.
The team selections are meant to be roughly equal. I'm suggestion that the distribution of land merits adjustment.


Two members of your team have got elephants which is more than enough for bloodless expansion.......
It is my opinion that you way overestimate the power of elephants. So much so that I am willing to stipulate that we will get rid of one of the elephant nations (ie, not play arcocephale), in return for *something* being done about the problem with the water gems.

I actually don't think it should be required, but I view the lack of water as a much bigger issue than lack of elephants.


Agartha is just a crappy nation especially without the Risen Oracle.
Yeah, I'd be ok with them having the Risen Oracle as well.


(your team seemed weak with R'lyeh but not with Mictlan
Well, of course its a matter of perspective. I consider bandar and arco both to even weaker than a crippled rlyeh.

So we haven't gotten the team members set, so I don't want to commit before discussions with them. I would argue that more water territories, or more water gems is necessary regardless, but if necessary I am willing to stipulate Rlyeh if that makes it seem more fair.


p.s. I don't want to argue, I just say what I think.
No offense is taken in the slightest ano. I think you're quite a gentleman, and a fun opponent.

chrispedersen April 24th, 2010 01:29 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI, Enlisting 16/17.

Originally Posted by Septimius Severus (Post 742052)
I will say this about the map. It's random! It is what it is. Everyone knew it joining up. I'm not averse to minor changes here and there....

Its not the map, its playing, for example rlyeh in the desert.

I'm suggesting that the changes made to the map (5 water provinces?) are insufficient for the challenges for this team:

a). 5 water provinces.
b). Required water/astral pretenders
c). Nations with national mages that all include water
d). an already weak water path with more than half its spells no longer useful.
e). Issues that Rlyeh would have with the water/land interface. Ie., dominion death due to neighbors, forts not gathering resources from land provicnes etc.

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