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Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
But we are! Quote:
But in other news: Quote:
...stranded on eastern continent. With megalomaniac nation lead by someone called Bright Insight. That has all those cronies. While hope is lost... Could it be that BL's true god Hanif was in former life one-eyed, ugly, undead and quite immortal? The cycle keeps repeating, and here's the proof! |
Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
There are only a few giants in our neighborhood, and only a few elephants pictured. Besides, my elephants, unlike other elephants, get 3 attacks and can damage a giant. Especially my lucky ethereal elephants, that are berserk. More importantly, I am not at war with any nations-yet-that my elephants cannot trample.
Anyway, I was not showing off the handful of elephants, but the mechanical men, banelords, and 38 mages doing communions and reverse communions. Elephants just tend to hog most of the camera. I had a bunch of clockworks in there somewhere, but they are hidden from view(: |
Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
Hey guys. For the record, I wanted to thank you all for an awesome game. Few better ways for a NUB like me to get his feet wet. The battles with some jerface giants went well, and our last fight remains as one of my personal favorites. You know it's to the wire when a grand Thaum. is in MELE WITH AXMEN AND LIVES. (Disclaimer: We checked, and it was not a blind giant)
Then LA Marig. Showed up, and taught me a very important lesson. Undead are like so many welcome mats to a player who has access to holy pyre. Good game all, and I'm excited to play with you all again in this amazing community. |
Re: Sticks and stones
PS. Don was correct in saying that my defeat was a dual effort. He took out more of my resource than I would have dared to admit pre-my death.
Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
GG Unoptimized
Our last clash was an epic one - nicely done. And you're correct, those were in the days before the giants self-pleasuring habits led to widespread blindness. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Look forward to seeing you again. |
Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
Thanks for playing Unoptimized, and I am glad you enjoyed your stay.
MA Ermor is a fairly tough race, so i understand you getting double teamed(: MP games seldom result in fair 1 v 1 wars as I experienced in the last Big Game when I was on the short end of the stick. |
Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
I hope to reach the 3 cap's nations as soon as we will defeat the nasty Aboleth although I have to admit here that their resistance is painful (but futile, of course http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif ) |
A couple questions...
Is there any skew towards the (average) LA nation's province count vs those of EA/MA at this time of the game? It seems in theory the LA units would be stronger early game (with typically higher protection) and the EA nations later game (with a magic edge). There is certainly a lot of confounders as far as applying this to the Kingmaker game but I thought I'd ask anyway.
-SSJ |
Re: A couple questions...
After the next host, Llamaserver has a new feature that will give numerical displays of the score graphs. I will post them.
There may be some way of linking them so people not in the game can see them. |
Re: A couple questions...
Hello all --
I am going to need a sub for two turns. I will submit the turn due Sunday (8/10), but I will most likely need a sub for the turns due Tuesday and Thursday of next week (8/12 and 8/14). I will be camping, and I don't expect to have internet service available. I'm trying here first and if I don't get a response soon I'll start a thread on the MP board. |
The Drudge Report
Re: The Drudge Report
I want to give a public thanks to Lingchih who has been setting races to ai for me on a daily basis.
Since I am still in the game, I cannot perform that function. It only takes a minute to set your own race to ai when you are done playing. Just go to options and select computer control. Then send the turn in. So try and remember to do it. Thanks in advance. On to another matter. Here is a note from the Game Sponsors: "We urge all players to kindly refrain from moving non-stealth units out of castles under siege, as this is a short-listed bug. Given enforcement difficulties, the minor nature of the bug, and the fact that it was not listed initially on the banned exploit list, this matter is on the honor system. Kindly refrain from accusing other people of breaking this guideline." Note this is a guideline, not a rule. There will not be any action taken by the game admin. to investigate players who violate the guideline, or any action taken even if there is 100 percent proof that a violation occurred. |
Re: The Drudge Report
Ouch, that graph is a bit too detailed imo http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.
Re: Sticks and stones
Would the score charts show on Llamaserver for a game that didn't have score graphs enabled?
Re: Sticks and stones
I don't think the llamaserver score tables are too detailed, afterall all that info is easily calculated from the in-game graphs with some elementary school math skills.
Re: Sticks and stones
You can get that by comparing your graphs with other graphs, but it takes some times surely and basic skills. And a lot of patience.
And I understand fears of Foodstamp, Helheim has really stealthy colour of score graphs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Is quickhost supposed to be ON?
I believe Xietor took Quickhosting off for one weekend or so, but put it back afterwards. So, it's supposed to be on. Might have mistaken, though.
In completely other news, now this thread is the second longest in MP part of forums. Double the size and it rivals Perpetuality! |
I am going away on holiday from the 20th August until the 11th of September. In that time I would like someone to sub for me temporarily.
If any of you guys can get a sub for me it would be great. I don't want to go AI and hopefully I will be able to play again when I get back. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I think I have finally got rid of the microscopic print.
Reay, I am hopeful we can get you a sub. Maybe try contacting a few of the players that have been eliminated? Quickhost is on. It was only off when the game was on a 24 hour timer. Once we moved to 48 hours quickhost was turned on. MA Man is not a real nation, so the fact it does not turn in a turn is not going to stop hosting. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'm throwing in the towel as EA Atlantis. This is because the last two turns were an nightmare. I've lost two provinces to revolts (one being my one of my castles.) My God has at minimum 50 horror marks, and just died to a horror. Due to a late train, I missed the turn and staled by the grand total of one minute (yes, I'm a bit annoyed about that) and lost an army I badly needed. Although MA Rlyeh is still beatable, after these setbacks by the time I succeeded I'd be virtually useless anyway. It's not even going to affect neighbours in the wider picture, it's just me versus the AI slogging it out to see who gets the small, crippled, water nation, which can as easily be done by two AIs. You can get a sub in for EA Atlantis if you want, but it'd be a pretty thankless task unless someone fancies the challenge. I'll sort out the AI if no-one wants to take over. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
When the Forge of the Ancients is cast a player declares himself Master of all. Vows and ties with him are sundered. And woe upon his enemies. Wars stop. Hated enemies becomes trusted allies, as all eyes cast worried looks Heavenward towards the Forge.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Anyone has some gems for sale?
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Trading House thread is the buy/sell/trade items/gems thread.:)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Yeah, but they really limited the number of threads that show on 1 page... so no chance to get kingmaker trade house on top. And besides, I am trying to get more life into that thread :)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Guess we know why he really, really wanted those earth gems now.:rolleyes:
Bet La Agartha will be 1st to unique artifacts as well and with the forge will snap them all up. Well done La Agartha. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
He already is at constr 8 or he would never have cast the forge. It could be dispelled next turn, so it would be foolish to put it up before you are ready to use it.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
There are a couple of logical steps we can take against LA Agartha.
Can anyone else overwrite the forge? I've got a decent pile of earth gems, but not enough to take it myself (and of course I don't have Con 7) - I'd be happy to promote a 3rd tier player by giving *him* the forge, especially if he's willing to pay people back the earth gems used to take it. Failing that, I don't have many pearls, but I've got some, and a concerted effort can dispel the forge. Allow the possibility that he was clever enough to cast it at minimum cost, expecting exactly this (also allowing the possibility that he through everything he had into it...) Finally, of course, everyone should hit LA Agartha. There's a war in the water that needs to stop :), and then LA Agartha presumably has land neighbors. Putting up the forge is a balzy statement that you think you can take all comers. I congratulate him on his courage. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Not too much to choose from. Would think dispelling would be easier, but of course Forge will be up again after that... |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Agartha has created the legendary Forge of the Ancients! It can not be allowed to exist, or Agartha may become potentially unstoppable! The Mages of Midgard (LA) have researched Dispel and stand ready to destroy the forge. We need more Astral Gems to be sure our efforts at dispelling succeed. If you have any interest in preserving your chance to forge certain important artifacts, and you don't want them gathering dust in Agartha's vault, or worse, being used against you, send what astral gems you can afford to LA Midgard. If you have no astral gems, excesses of other gem stockpiles could be transmuted and put to good use! I act in all our interests. Remember, the forge is a 50% discount on forging AND +1 magic paths for the purpose of forging! We CAN'T afford to let this enchantment persist!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Arcos is not going to cast Forge of the Ancients. heh. We are a minor race and not nearly so brave as LA Agartha. The Sibyls foretell a fast doom for LA Arcos. should we overwrite the Forge and hold that power ourselves.
:angel: |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Perhaps somebody should post the location of LA Agartha's capital. For free. ;)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Okay nothing to see here anymore...;)
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I found internet on holiday! Woo.
Ashdod (if they haven't died by now) are on AI. When you're down to one province and no army, it seems fair. Thanks all for a good game, and I look forwards to the next megagame. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You have some suicidal intentions? :) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
No suicidal intentions at all, just joking around is all...please don't kill me...pretty please? |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hiring other nations to do that works? :) Anyway, Agartha is friendly nation and is willing to cooperate with everyone, even people making suspicious 'jokes' :) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Btw Anyone know what happened to La Pans tree? Was it:- 1) Chopped up and used as firewood in the forge of ancients? Green smoke and everything! 2) Dispelled by a AI nation? 3) Torn down by a evil jealous neighbour? 4) The casting mage died in tragic circumstances? Answers on your tribute to La Agartha please...(that was another joke) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I actually know what happened to that tree. It was quite brutal. And no, no fire or any buildings made from it :)
We are also not cruel enough to hire anyone to do any evil things. We settle anything alone :) Of course with all love and joy that spread with our dominions there is no place for any hostilities. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am going to try and get Llamabeast to post the map file for the game. It is turn 40, and i do not think the 4 races that had specified starting spots will be prejudiced now.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I see at least 1 capitol missing.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Pangaea's beautiful oak unfortunately withered and died when its loving caretakster refused to return home from the battlefield as she had been asked to do, fatally taking the time to apply some make-up instead.
Such is the fate of men who rely on women accepting their suggestions about the best course of action to take... |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I guess none of you are really serious about dispelling the forge.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Tired of back room dealings and wasting away on our rocking chairs, the werewolf council of Utgard hereby decrees to the world our resumption of hostility vs. our long despised enemy, the increasingly blurry Sidhe of Eriu. Attacks begin next turn.
This also serves as a pre-emptive explanation why our province count and gem income drops to 3 next turn. Finally, our head scientist, Thog the Studious One Who Read Half a Book Once, is sponsoring a contest and will pay whatever gem supply is left upon our eventual demise to the best blind werewolf idea posted here on the thread. Example: transform blind werewolf into wolf form, give them a bane venom charm, and poison the sidhe water supply (until running into Eriu watcher). |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'd put Boots of Calius the Druid [the one with Blink built in], put Heartfinder sword + Eye Shield + Amulet of Vengeance + Elixir of Life + Copper Plate + Spirit Helmet + Boots of Quickness and watch that random uncontrollable destruction!
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Redfrog has taken the reins of EA Atlantis.
Good Luck Redfrog. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
You mean Sandals of the Crane? I think if this is a fantasy gearout, I would swap in Bone Armor instead of the Copper Plate, and Nethgul instead of the Ammy of Vengeance. Boots of Flying, and a swap of Dimensional Rod instead of Heartfinder..... Oh the madness. :o Of course, with such a penchant for artifacts, might as well work Gift of Kurgi in there, and rework the rest around that, but meh. ;) |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The Werewolf Council moves at an opportune moment. The Sidhe's morale has been shaken by the loss of their most beloved hero, Willy O'Giantslayer. Willie made the fatal of mistake of trying to face a Marignon Elder in one on one melee combat, and was boiled alive for his troubles. It is said his brother, Patrick O'GiantSlayer, trembles in fear, afraid to face the mages of Marignon who have slain so many of his kin.
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Just send the gems to me.
A blind werewolf would be immune to the petrify effect of the Stone Sword. So the Stone Sword, Boots Quickness, ring tamed lighting(without 100 sr you are doomed), amulet magic resistance., bone armor, spirit helm. I would want some mr and revig. If we are limited to constr 6. Shadow Brand/vine Shield. Aoe effect of weapon works without hitting the target. |
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