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Hadrian_II September 9th, 2007 09:35 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Evilhomer said:
The truth is that LA ermor has countless nation allied to him, like LA miclan and mr.forge (LA pangea). Also MA pangea, Manchaka and probably a bunch more.

MA Pangaea objects to this rude lie, and if R'lyeh does not apologise we would be very unhappy (some satyrs will even consider this a decleration of war). But i have heard that EA Pangea is on friendly terms with Ermor.

Xietor September 9th, 2007 10:13 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
1. Velusion-just because someone does not respond to pm's does not mean anything. They may just not like you. but I confess I think EA Oceania is tied to LA Atlantis-but i have no proof. Based on circumstantial evidence.

2. MA Pangaea is not tied to any power, much less Ermor. Hadrian has much better taste. The other 2 are definitely tied to Ermor.

3. Since Edi has said that casting battlefield enchantments and retreating the mage who cast the spell/artifact is a major bug(confirmed by Kristopher), I do not expect to see that tactic used anymore.

4. I would like to remind players that capturing units that have a command to attack mages and copying that script to other units as also a major exploit.

Hopefully Velusion will set players using these tactic to AI in the future. It clearly stated on the rules that using bugs listed on Edi's list are an exploit-and that is now on his list.

Velusion September 9th, 2007 11:24 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Evilhomer said:

I've been told through a number of channels that EA Oceania and LA R'lyeh are basically allied. EA Oceania refuses to respond to my inquires so I can only assume the reports are true.

Even more false propaganda...

The truth is that LA ermor has countless nation allied to him, like LA miclan and mr.forge (LA pangea). Also MA pangea, Manchaka and probably a bunch more.

*rolls eyes* Or perhaps they are just scared of LA R'lyeh and are actually looking to band together?

For the rest of the game, and even after I am eliminated I'm going to be posting here with one line as EA Oceania and LA R'lyeh crush everyone...

"Told you so!" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Velusion September 9th, 2007 11:37 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Xietor said:
I think EA Oceania is tied to LA Atlantis-but i have no proof. Based on circumstantial evidence.

EA Oceania is attacking anything weak to gobble up provinces - Including LA Atlantis.

<< Goes to practice saying "I told you so"

Evilhomer September 9th, 2007 11:40 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
1. EA Oceania might be crushing all - I know I won't.

2. I might have confused one Pangea with another, if so I apologise.


Since Edi has said that casting battlefield enchantments and retreating the mage who cast the spell/artifact is a major bug(confirmed by Kristopher), I do not expect to see that tactic used anymore.

3. I really would like to hear Velusions thoughts on this. He used this tactic against me in the previous turn (retreating a astral tempest mage). Not that I'm complaining I used it myself to destroy one of miclans armies. I just want an answer if this is an allowed tactic or not (I would never have built the horror harmonica if its not, that thing is made for this type of abuse http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif)

Baalz September 9th, 2007 11:46 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Air queen and sun slayer are available if anyone is interested.

Evilhomer September 9th, 2007 11:55 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
One arch devil is available (f3s3 is the magic paths)

Xietor September 9th, 2007 12:43 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I am taking the aq. Be warned.

I know EA oceania had 2 aq's and LA Ryleh 1. If I waste 50 gems on an aq and do not get it,when i find out who took the 3rd one, you can expect some retribution.

Velusion September 9th, 2007 01:41 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Evilhomer said:
1. EA Oceania might be crushing all - I know I won't.

2. I might have confused one Pangea with another, if so I apologise.


Since Edi has said that casting battlefield enchantments and retreating the mage who cast the spell/artifact is a major bug(confirmed by Kristopher), I do not expect to see that tactic used anymore.

3. I really would like to hear Velusions thoughts on this. He used this tactic against me in the previous turn (retreating a astral tempest mage). Not that I'm complaining I used it myself to destroy one of miclans armies. I just want an answer if this is an allowed tactic or not (I would never have built the horror harmonica if its not, that thing is made for this type of abuse http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif)

Is it actually on Edi's list to be fixed? If not then it's fair game.

I've always thought it was a fundamental part of the game - never knew it was considered a "bug".

Xietor September 9th, 2007 01:53 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

The battlefield enchantments staying up after the caster retreats is a red-flagged issue that's been on the shortlist for quite a while. I'll add Mists of Deception as a spell bug.

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Reged: 02/19/07
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Loc: New Orleans
Re: Mists of Deception -- exploit?? [Re: Edi]
#548352 - 09/07/07 01:57 PM
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It also applies to artifacts edi.

In the Big Game the same race that used the wrathful skies retreat on me, has also used this tactic:

mage has forbidden light. The solar brilliance stays up the entire battle, even though the mage that has it casts returning and is gone after one round. A blind pretender(monolith) or chaff on battlefield, and the good army is blinded before it kills off the chaff.

If the forbidden light leaves the battle, solar brilliance should also leave.

BTW, I am not calling the users of these tactics exploiters. What I am saying is the result should not obtain.

I was not always a geek.

Edited by Xietor (09/08/07 04:35 PM)

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Re: Mists of Deception -- exploit?? [Re: Xietor]
#548377 - 09/07/07 04:17 PM
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It's the same issue.

Whether an enchantment is autocast by an artifact (Heat from Hell (Unquenched Sword), Solar Brilliance (Forbidden Light), Will of the Fates (Aurgelmer's Sword) or a regular item (Banner of the Northern Star) or a mage or the autocast being the property of a certain monster (Darkness for Mandaha etc), this bug tends to manifest the same way, i.e. enchantment stays in effect even if source leaves battlefield.

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Re: Mists of Deception -- exploit?? [Re: Edi]
#548542 - 09/08/07 01:34 PM
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I don't think this is a bug, but a feature.

At that level of play, if all spells dropped when the caster left then you'd rarely see a use for battlefield enchantments like this. This level of play is so deadly that most battlefield spells rarely are as effective as just having one mage casting blasting spells, so nerfing them further would be to nerf them out of play.

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Reged: 09/30/03
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Re: Mists of Deception -- exploit?? [Re: K]
#548546 - 09/08/07 01:55 PM
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It's only a question of keeping a mage alive. There's no way to target the one mage who cast a battlefield spell, so it wouldn't be any more dangerous than having that mage cast blasting spells. Their effects end if a mage dies, but if he doesn't, they can be used to great effect, while blast spells provide quick results, but usually affect much fewer enemies at a time.

Once, I tried to come up with a name that meant nothing. In Greek, Endo means "in, inside of" (endo >< exo), and in Latin, pereas means "you die" (2 sg. of pereo: to die, to be destroyed).
Janne )`'´( Joensuu

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Re: Mists of Deception -- exploit?? [Re: K]
#548557 - 09/08/07 03:51 PM
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K said:
I don't think this is a bug, but a feature.

At that level of play, if all spells dropped when the caster left then you'd rarely see a use for battlefield enchantments like this. This level of play is so deadly that most battlefield spells rarely are as effective as just having one mage casting blasting spells, so nerfing them further would be to nerf them out of play.

It just so happens that we have Kristoffer on record being surprised that battlefield enchantments did not end when the caster left the battle and saying this should not happen, so it's a confirmed major bug.

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