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Sieger September 26th, 2007 04:22 PM

Re: Atlantis
I'll have my MA Oceania turn in roughly 4 hours from now. I was busy up until now today and just now got the password from Velusion and will need a few hours to take care of my turn as there are a lot of provinces to deal with and Oceania had a few things going on that need tending to.

K September 27th, 2007 02:21 AM

Re: Atlantis

Baalz said:
"And the nation of Lanka descended into chaos as demonic despot after despot was overthrown by rioting apes. Diplomatic arrangements were ignored and none new what would be the face of this demonic behemoth when the civil war resolved itself."

There is only one true Rakshasa King!

One day his people will be worthy of him again, and he will return and the world itself will be his gift to his blessed hungry ones.

On that day, the world will weep and they will feast!

atul September 27th, 2007 07:16 AM

Re: Atlantis
Neh, feast is for the dead, for the pox is upon us!

Casting Plaque repeatedly is hardly a winning move when all your own troops are living but at least it ensures a Pyrrhic victory for the opponent. Was thinking of replacing my troops with undead and using the spell myself, but it seems C'tis wants to be the harbringer of black death...

...and so begins Agartha's decline from the nation of Statues to the Army of Undead...

Xietor September 27th, 2007 11:25 AM

Re: Atlantis
Brother LA Ctis-waste not thy d gems. Send them to MA Ctis so that we may use them to raise a monument to you after you have departed the world.

Brother EA Ctis-it is not too late for you to send MA Ctis d gems as well. The Lizards must survive!

Sieger September 27th, 2007 01:09 PM

Re: Atlantis
I just put in a basic turn for MA Oceania this turn as I did not want to delay the game by trying to learn everything about my situation when I was the last one holding up the hosting.

This following turn I'll be able to put in a complete turn and better assess my situation.

Since I'm coming into the game as a sub I would appreciate it if all of my neighbors would please inform me of any standing diplomatic agreements (NAP) we have; if my nation was/is at war with anyone from prior to me taking over, I'd also appreciate at least some cursory notice of this (although if you attack me I will of course be made aware in any case.)

atul September 28th, 2007 01:44 PM

Re: Atlantis
Hm, I hope everyone has noticed the status page does not agree with the server regarding time of next host. Status page reads one day + 8 hours and some minutes, but when I connect to the server it says that the hosting is within next 9 hours. So, one day amiss.

Don't go staling anymore...

Meglobob September 28th, 2007 03:06 PM

Re: Atlantis

atul said:
Hm, I hope everyone has noticed the status page does not agree with the server regarding time of next host. Status page reads one day + 8 hours and some minutes, but when I connect to the server it says that the hosting is within next 9 hours. So, one day amiss.

Don't go staling anymore...


I thought I had until Saturday night. Damn!

I hope Amhazair comes back from his hols soon... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

I know the rules say no time extensions but given the mix up with hosting times between the status page etc...can we have a 12hr one, please, pretty please?

Evilhomer September 28th, 2007 03:11 PM

Re: Atlantis
It is my belief that vel messed up and put the game on 48 hour qh instead of the intended 72h. Giving an 24 hour extension (so that players really get 72) is probably a good idea.

Velusion September 28th, 2007 04:07 PM

Re: Atlantis
I've added another 24 hours to the hosting time.

Now I just need to remember to change it back to 72 after the next host!

Xietor September 28th, 2007 06:24 PM

Re: Atlantis
I would not mind seeing it go back to 48 so it can end in my lifetime. Is there anyone that actually wants 72 hours that owns more than 40 provinces?

if you own under 40 you should not get 72 to do a single turn.

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