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HoneyBadger June 18th, 2007 04:08 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
For Agartha, I'd suggest just allowing the recruiting of Trogs and Trog captains. That's a nice reward in and of itself, and would be applicable for all 3 eras.

jutetrea June 20th, 2007 06:55 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

An option for larger battle maps, selectable at game creation.

Large game where 400+ unit armies may be seen, large battle map.

Battlefield enchant dispel mechanism

Other past suggestions:
Casting script groups (buff self, buff all, offensive)

Editable spell book - ability edit the "realm" spell book so 0 mages can cast a certain spell, or more granular and change for each mage as scripting.

Battlefield placeables - either stationary summonable or via PD or gain via site; or move with army a la siege engines.
-towers (1 or 2 towers, higher quality towers with higher quality PD)
-Catapult/Ballistae/trebuchet/etc slow single purpose units, probably recruitable. Since there is no provision for breaking down a wall during a combat just having wide AOE single spell affects would work
-stationary archer shields(+prot)/small walls(restrict movement)/raised platforms(+range)

Option selectable at game creation to have max fort #, in conjunction with another build option for a training grounds - recruit but no defense.

improved PD choices beyond 20

chrispedersen June 22nd, 2007 01:11 AM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
1. Ability for mercs to recruit. Issue a recruit order and gain a little strength back.
2. Ability for units/leaders to 'train' when they have nothing else to do.
3. Provide a small initial resource boost when you have extra points left over at the start of the game. For example 4pts = +100 gold +40 resources first turn.
8pts = 200 gold, +80 resources. Alternately, provide it as better starting units.
4. Provide more things to spend start points on.
5. Get rid of combat movies. Resolve combat and move on - I don't need to see it. Some sort of fast combat resolution.
6. Other buildings that can be built in a square. Think civ or other games where you have a building tree.



silhouette June 22nd, 2007 09:41 AM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

J Henry Waugh said:
1. F1 screen is almost useless to me and would be of much much greater value if:

A. Could filter commanders/provinces. That is, show ONLY commanders or ONLY provinces.

B. Sort by various column values - income, resources, magic, name, etc...

You can already show only provinces in the F1 screen. Use the TAB key to hide/unhide all the commanders. This does make it a lot easier to look at province data.

I would like to see an indicator on this screen that taxes are NOT set to automatic, like make the tax rate a different color. This would make it a lot easier to find provinces where you have set temporary tax rates and forgotten them.


HoneyBadger June 22nd, 2007 05:41 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
Watching the movies is one of my favorite things in the game!

I'm definitely against getting rid of it. It's not like you're forced to watch it, anyway, and by watching it, you can improve your tactics for the next combat.

The merc thing isn't bad, although the way I'd do it is give the commander units the Merc ability, which makes them freespawners for whatever their particular specialty is-elephants, icthys, villains, pirates, whatever, and then you hire the mercenary captain from the merc pool, and you get the captain and whatever starting troops, and the captain freespawns for whoever's paying the bills.

The longer you pay, the more benefit you get.

Here's another idea: the ability to customize forged items, in-game. Have certain abilities, like armor piercing, regeneration, magic resistance, whatever, pop up at certain levels of Construction-1-9, and then when you forge an item, you can design it, and pay for something custom, on the spot, with gold and gems. Kindof/sortof like NWN2. This would go hand in hand with the way forging works now, the custom items would just cost less than the "standard" ones.

I'd get a kick out of customing say an "ice axe" or a "fire trident", and then selling it on the MP open market, or equipping a hero with all custom stuff.
The balancing would be the higher expense and a limitation on what would be possible.

Endoperez June 22nd, 2007 06:21 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

HoneyBadger said:The merc thing isn't bad, although the way I'd do it is give the commander units the Merc ability, which makes them freespawners for whatever their particular specialty is-elephants, icthys, villains, pirates, whatever, and then you hire the mercenary captain from the merc pool, and you get the captain and whatever starting troops, and the captain freespawns for whoever's paying the bills.

Excellent idea. I'll have to try it today. Try not to come up with any other great ideas for a few days, okay? I'd want to test them too, and the idea thread has been delayed far too much already.

CelestialGoblyn June 22nd, 2007 06:33 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

chrispedersen said:
5. Get rid of combat movies. Resolve combat and move on - I don't need to see it. Some sort of fast combat resolution.

They're not movies. They're real reports from what happened in the battle.

HoneyBadger June 22nd, 2007 07:41 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
Endo, I get "great" ideas on a ratio of 1-500 bad ideas, so I don't think you have a lot to worry about http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Endoperez June 23rd, 2007 03:12 AM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
#summon and #summon5 don't create the units under the commander's control unless he starts with none. #makemonster doesn't work either. Unless someone comes up with a way to give the spawned units to the mercenaries, they can't use the commands mentioned above.

ArkkiMeisseli June 23rd, 2007 09:08 PM

Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
I didn't check through all the pages, so sorry if this has already been proposed...

I'd like to see archers shoot first (or maybe after spells), before melee combatants take their turns. It's pretty sad watching my brave Caelian troops lose so many lives unnecessarily, being shot in the back by their own comrades right after descending upon the enemy.

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