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Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
1 Attachment(s)
Since I am running out of time again, I will go ahead and attach Stavis_L's wonderful contributions to this post. When time permits, I will either do a proper upload and announcement or post an updated "compilation" to simplify things for new users.
Edit: Attached to this post are 46 new GOD files & 38 new GAN province files in zip format submitted by <font color="green">Stavis_L</font>. This is a great addition to the library and the new god files are greatly appreciated! <font color="red">Stavis_L_GodsAndProvinces.zip</font> To apply: Paste the 38 ".god" files into your SemiRandom/GOD_BIN directory and add the following lines to GodList.txt (located in your SemiRandom/LIST_CRATE directory): STAVX1_64_A_LA_ STAVX2_70_A_LA_ STAVM1_58_A_LA_ STAVM10_62_A_LA_ STAVM11_51_A_LA_ STAVM12_53_A_LA_ STAVM13_54_A_LA_ STAVM14_61_A_LA_ STAVM15_67_A_LA_SEA_ STAVM16_56_A_LA_ STAVM17_55_A_LA_ STAVM18_52_A_LA_ STAVM19_70_A_LA_ STAVM2_57_A_LA_ STAVM20_71_A_LA_ STAVM21_65_A_LA_ STAVM3_49_A_LA_ STAVM4_66_A_LA_ STAVM5_64_A_LA_ STAVM6_59_A_LA_ STAVM7_60_A_LA_ STAVM8_50_A_LA_ STAVM9_63_A_LA_ STAVH1_66_A_LA_ STAVH10_49_A_LA_ STAVH11_53_A_LA_ STAVH12_54_A_LA_ STAVH13_59_A_LA_ STAVH14_61_A_LA_ STAVH15_55_A_LA_ STAVH16_58_A_LA_ STAVH17_57_A_LA_ STAVH18_67_A_LA_SEA_ STAVH19_60_A_LA_ STAVH2_71_A_LA_ STAVH20_62_A_LA_ STAVH21_63_A_LA_ STAVH22_64_A_LA_ STAVH23_65_A_LA_ STAVH3_70_A_LA_ STAVH4_52_A_LA_ STAVH5_52_A_LA_ STAVH6_51_A_LA_ STAVH7_51_A_LA_ STAVH8_56_A_LA_ STAVH9_50_A_LA_ Paste the 46 ".gan" files into your SemiRandom/GAN_BIN directory and add the following lines to GanList.txt (located in your SemiRandom/LIST_CRATE directory): STAV1_CLD_CO_U_R_WST_DS_ STAV10_HOT_IS_U_R_FST_ STAV11_TMP_VL_M_R_FST_S_ STAV12_M_R_WTR_N_.gan STAV13_TMP_M_R_PLN_EMT_ STAV14_U_A_ STAV15_TMP_U_R_FST_N_NS_ STAV16_U_R_WST_FS_ STAV17_U_R_WST_FS_ STAV18_TMP_VL_U_R_FST_ STAV19_U_R_OR_SWP_FST_ STAV2_HOT_U_R_SWP_S_WS_ STAV20_U_R_OR_PLN_FST_FRM_ STAV21_U_R_OR_PLN_FST_FRM_ STAV22_U_R_ STAV23_CO_U_R_ STAV24_M_R_DEP_ STAV25_CLD_IS_U_R_FST_FS_ STAV26_TMP_M_R_FST_ STAV27_M_R_FST_ STAV28_M_R_DEP_ STAV29_M_R_SEA_ STAV3_TMP_LO_U_R_FST_ STAV30_TMP_U_A_ STAV31_M_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_SWP_FST_FRM_ STAV32_M_R_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_SWP_FST_FRM_ STAV33_M_R_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_FRM_ STAV34_CLD_M_R_OR_PLN_EMT_FST_FRM_ STAV35_TMP_M_R_OR_PLN_EMT_FST_FRM_ STAV36_HOT_M_R_OR_EMT_MNT_FST_ STAV37_CLD_M_R_OR_PLN_EMT_FST_FRM_ STAV38_HOT_M_R_OR_EMT_MNT_FST_ STAV4_CLD_U_R_SEA_ STAV5_U_R_EMT_SS_ STAV6_U_R_EMT_FST_ STAV7_CO_U_R_PLN_MST_ STAV8_HOT_U_R_EMT_WST_ STAV9_LK_U_R_WTR_ These are new and were not included in RanDom version 203. More great additions from the community for the community. Thanks! Edit: See the Gan & God Compilation for updated version with syntax fixes for some of the god files included in this archive. |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
1 Attachment(s)
Attached to this post are 37 new GAN province files in zip format submitted by <font color="green">Happyfungi</font>. From the land of Pax Ravana (where a breakaway faction of Ermor refuses to ackowledge the new god and worships a diffent god instead) to Bergrens Hollow, more variety and challenges await.
<font color="red">HapyfungiGANS.zip</font> To apply: Paste the 37 ".gan" files into your SemiRandom/GAN_BIN directory and add the following lines to GanList.txt (located in your SemiRandom/LIST_CRATE directory): Happyfungi1_TMP_U_R_OR_PLN_FST_FRM_N_ Happyfungi11_U_R_OR_SEA_DEP_S_N_L_ Happyfungi12_IS_U_R_OR_S_N_L_ Happyfungi2_TMP_U_R_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_FST_N_L_ Happyfungi3_HOT_U_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_WST_S_N_L_ Happyfungi4_CLD_U_A_OR_PLN_FRM_S_N_L_ Happyfungi5_U_R_OR_PLN_CAV_EMT_MNT_S_N_L_ Happyfungi6_HOT_CO_U_R_OR_PLN_WST_SWP_N_L_ Happyfungi7_U_A_OR_SEA_S_N_L_ Happyfungi8_U_A_OR_DEP_S_N_L_ Hapyfungi10_HOT_M_A_OR_SWP_FST_S_N_SS_NS_ Hapyfungi11_CLD_M_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_S_ Hapyfungi12_HOT_M_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM _S_ Hapyfungi13_TMP_M_A_OR_PLN_FRM_S_ Hapyfungi14_TMP_M_A_OR_FST_S_ Hapyfungi15_TMP_M_A_OR_EMT_MNT_S_ Hapyfungi16_TMP_M_A_OR_WST_S_ Hapyfungi17_M_A_OR_SEA_DEP_CAV_WTR_S_N_L_ Hapyfungi21_M_A_DEP_N_ Hapyfungi28_M_U_SEA_N_ Hapyfungi29_CLD_M_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM _S_N_L_AS_WS_ Hapyfungi30_HOT_M_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM _S_N_L_FS_BS_ Hapyfungi31_TMP_U_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM _S_N_L_ Hapyfungi32_TMP_U_A_OR_PLN_EMT_MNT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM _S_N_L_ Hapyfungi33_HOT_U_R_OR_EMT_MNT_FST_L_ Hapyfungi34_TMP_U_A_OR_CAV_EMT_N_ES_S_ Hapyfungi35_HOT_CO_U_R_OR_EMT_FST_L_ Hapyfungi36_TMP_U_R_FRM_S_ Hapyfungi37_HOT_U_R_FRM_S_ Hapyfungi38_IS_U_R_FST_S_ Hapyfungi39_PN_U_R_PLN_S_ Hapyfungi40_VL_U_R_EMT_S_ Hapyfungi41_CO_U_R_PLN_S_ Hapyfungi42_CLD_U_R_OR_PLN_EMT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM_S_ Hapyfungi43_TMP_U_R_OR_PLN_EMT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM_S_ Hapyfungi44_HOT_U_R_OR_PLN_EMT_WST_SWP_FST_FRM_S_ Hapyfungi9_VL_U_R_OR_EMT_MNT_S_N_L_ These are new and were not included in RanDom version 203. More great additions from the community for the community. Thanks! |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
I should try and figure out what our grand total is now,
and maybe chart out what we have to try and spot holes that could use some filling. (I SHOULD, and might, but I will mention it just in case someone else wants to take a stab at it also as a community service) :) |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
Is there a help file or tutorial on using SemiRandom? I have never been able to get this to work for me. Usually throws exceptions on line 1695: 'Index 1 (=-1) out of range' if that is a help.
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
There is a help file included with SemiRandom, but it is very out of date. Some new options exist in the configuration files that were not available when the docs were written. It might help you understand how the program works though. Some day I hope to be motivated enough to take a stab at either an extensive tutorial OR a complete rewrite with a simpler set of options, a cleaner UI and more extensive error checking. Neither sounds like much fun right now as my job has been more demanding as of late.
Here is kind of the stock request: It would be a great help if you could send me the file "TESTDUMP.txt" located in your SemiRandom directory to ballbarian-AT-gmail.com. This only records data from the last run of SemiRandom, so if you have run subsequent maps through it without an error, it won't do any good to send it. If I had to guess, I would say that your problem is likely tied to AI nation selection. Until recently, there had only been god files for EA, so check the "AI Gods" tab and confirm which Era is selected and hit the "Show Nation Configuration" button and make sure that any nations which have no god files are disabled or set to human. The following helped Stryke11 when he was having trouble: To let Dom3 handle start locations and AI gods: 1. Go to the 'Starts' tab 2. Uncheck 'Lock Player Counts to Nat Cfg' 3. Set 'Desired Num Players' to 0 (zero) To use the custom start placements without using the custom AI gods: 1. Go to the 'Starts' tab 2. Uncheck 'Lock Player Counts to Nat Cfg' 3. Set 'Desired Num Players' to your desired number of players. 4. Go to the 'AI Gods' tab 5. Set 'AI Land Players' & 'AI Sea Players' to 0 (zero) |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
I will put in this pitch.
I have never found documentation written by the developer to be great documentation. By the time a programmer gets a program working, they are already too deeply into it to start trying to think like a newbie. They take too much for granted, and spend too much time explaining deep subjects instead of the basic how-to Being deeply involved in the project from before its beginning Im not sure if I could write them either. (altho with my horrible lack of decent memory maybe I could do it like a newb) :) IMHO the best thing for the entire community is for someone who is tackling the program for the first time to take good notes. What questions came up, what answers they got, what steps were required. That would not only be helpful to Ballbarian in smoothing any bumps but to all of us. If you are at all interested in the SemiRandom map improver and you feel you take good notes then this would be a chance to offer something to the community. |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
GP: Maybe I'll try this, because I redownloaded this either last night or this morning, and I'm struggling to work through it again.
At least I'm getting no outright errors now. |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
Thanks for your response, I found your earlier post and when I selected one of the gods as 'human' it worked for me.
As I've recently struggled through using the generator, I would be happy to help write a tutorial for it as well. I think it is a great idea to get relative newbies to start writing a guide because there is nothing 'taken for granted'. |
Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Updated
1 Attachment(s)
Attached is a draft version. A lot of holes but may help.
Inside the zip file is an HTML file. :) |
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