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rdonj February 26th, 2009 05:29 PM

I only have about 26 Dai Oni, and 9 of those are working as support mages... I have dozens of oni generals left over from attacking ulm and later holding off caelum, but unfortunately they wouldn't be that useful against you as they are now. I could make tartarians if I wanted to, but since I don't have gift of health or the chalice and a TERRIBLE nature income, I haven't bothered. I was working my way to poison golems though, the ubiquitous demon bane swords were getting a bit old with how quickly they could take my SCs down.

Lucky, I only found an evocation reduction site, and even then I found it pretty late and haven't really gotten much use out of it. "Yomi needed me to forge items for him" is putting it a bit lightly :P At the beginning of the Yomi-Caelum war the only astral I had was on my god, and I needed to forge luck pendants and anti-magic amulets quickly to make viable anti-caelum thugs. Then with my complete lack of water mages I also needed water items forged... two things that niefelheim can handle quite capably. I think it was a really good deal for both of us, because while I'm certain I could have killed you back when abysia and ulm were both alive and kicking, I would have been slaughtered by caelum when he decided to come after me and he would have won the game, hands down. Or if he'd left me alone, I would have had to deal with abysia eventually and I think that wouldn't have gone so well.

licker February 27th, 2009 11:13 PM

I added 48h to the turn since we haven't heard from RadioGibbon and I'm busy enough that if I don't have to do any more of these turns I don't want to do any more :)

rdonj February 28th, 2009 04:24 AM

Fine by me. I'll send him a pm, hope that gets his attention.

RadioGibbon February 28th, 2009 07:55 PM

Sorry I missed this conversation guys (and thanks for the heads up rdonj).

I'm kind of torn. I always like to fight to the end, but I am pushed for time and don't really have a chance against Niefelheim. I sort of stalled mid-game, and couldn't decide which way to expand, and as usual my gem-searching strategy is really poor, I was crippled by a lack of astral pearls all game. I think I'll concede and we can spend our time on game's whose outcome isn't so certain.

What I did have:
Those Big fat green dragons at one a turn
A Demon Lord next turn (No idea what he does but thought I'd summon one and see)
A combat communion I was building up (Loads of L1 astral mages with cheap magic items who could be buffed to the max by a backline of Com Masters)
2 astraled out druids for Teleport/Master Enslave/Vortex of Returning army snatches

So very well played Licker - hope to play you all again some time in the future.

licker February 28th, 2009 11:20 PM

Well if you want to play it out we can, I don't want this to seem like I'm forcing anyone's hand.

I think though that even with some of your strengths your poor gem income (you didn't clam did you?) would eventually wear you down.

My MR on my SCs is high, and I have some drop in and battle field evocation spam guys ready to throw at anything dangerous.

That and Master enslave isn't very effective against me since I don't really have any 'armies' to speak of.

Its just unfortunate that Caelum had to go AI, as otherwise there would have been some opportunity for you to position yourself against me, though even so, my ability to cloud trapeze just keeps on growing :)

Anyway, I will set the game to end, and if we agree that I would win eventually I'll accept it ;)

Though I couldn't have managed it without the solid relations both rdonj and RadioGibbon provided me with, and at least in rdonjs case our relationship was mutually beneficial through all our trading.

rdonj March 2nd, 2009 10:49 AM

So carpetbagger, does that last turn imply you're staying? ;) You don't seem to have switched over to AI yet, and you just won what I am fairly certain was the most important battle of the entire war. When I think to myself how that would have gone if my SCs hadn't wasted all that time in the back... how many lovely explosions could have rocked your lines... it's such a shame.

And licker, shame on you, running into my only non-cold immune dai oni with a giant army of niefels. That was the one that killed an air queen :(

licker March 2nd, 2009 11:11 AM


Oh yeah, forgot to tell you I was crossing that river :(

I'll make it up to you somehow.

Uhh... so what is going on in this game now? Cuz I really butchered that last turn just trying to get something in before it went.

Maybe Caelum has a new and improved strategy at work here :D

rdonj March 2nd, 2009 11:20 AM

Yeah, me too. With 30 minutes left on the clock I just tossed in basic forging orders and threw a few randomly targeted ghost riders, then rushed in my turn without really thinking about it. If this is a new bird-man strategy it certainly didn't hurt on that turn :P

Also, while I may have lost that battle (pretty thoroughly, I lost 2 SCs outright, had one horribly afflicted, and lost almost all my support mages), I think I win the award for Most Hilarious Defeat :D

Licker I'm going to send you my turn file so you can see just what I have to contend with to cross over into the land of the birds.

rdonj March 2nd, 2009 01:15 PM

Actually, I took another look at the game status page, and while it doesn't say he's an AI, he is no longer one of the nations waiting for a turn file. So carpetbagger and caelum as a whole are out.

rdonj March 3rd, 2009 10:59 AM

So, from what I can see I think radiogibbon did decide to throw in the hat, licker.

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