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Sensori April 16th, 2010 07:19 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
After... Rallying to spread the Word of Change among our armies, the forces of Ashdod have begun their exodus from the province apparently repeatedly hit by unnatural coldness. Even diseased and hungry, our forces defeated an army of the undeath-loving filth, and successfully left everywhere around that land to spread the Word!

While defeat looms over our heads, we shall give no quarter to the hated enemy! We shall fight them in the plains, in the mountains, in the swamps! We shall spill as much frogman blood as we can before the end!

Death before dishonor!

Baalz April 16th, 2010 04:29 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Indeed we tip our stylish hat to tha mighty giants o’ Ashdod. They do indeed pull a mean oar with those big meaty arms and absurd reinvigoration. They eat like ya wouldn’t believe though! We’ve been having ta toss darn near two bakemono apiece every day ta each of our new…erm…employees. I dunno how long our stockpiles be lasting at this rate. I do have a solution some o’ the boys came up with that ya may find useful if food is scarce though. Between the eatin’ and the bellyachin’ there be more than one ship decided that undead giants be making much better oar pullers. Them guys what made that decision aint ever smelled a rottin’ giant though, that’s about the only thing that smells worse than a live one. Hmmm, maybe frozen undead giants would work…them Unfrozen lads didn’t smells so bad. We’re gonna needs some more bodies though fer experiments, we’ll be around shortly ta collect ‘em. Let them hungry lugs know they won’t be fer long.

Oh, and it looks like it falls ta the boys o’ Atlantis ta handle two o’ them horsemen. Looks like Death has a er…death wish as well. Should be a good laugh watchin’ them skinny little bone horses splashin’ around in tha water. He came a hair from bein’ fish food this month, but the fish in question had a belly full o’ shrimp warriors and ran out o’ appetite. He had a nice big fish poop now though, and be apparently lookin’ fer some bones ta chew on after his big meal.
(morale failure with a 18 morale and 80% of his hps left. Musta just been full. )

Burnsaber April 20th, 2010 03:08 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

And now all of the Riders have disappeared from this realm. Congratulations to the Bifrons and the mighty Pirate Queen for defeating Pestilence, Death and Famine. They have more worth in my eyes.

The Rolling Thunder and The One Who Got Away have displeased me for failing to prevent War from reaching the central island.

Also, Nobunaga the mighty champion has fallen! Not even his speed and strenght was enough to fend off the darkness from the north that has befallen upon Jomon.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

Burnsaber April 21st, 2010 05:11 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Bifron, the mighty god of Lanka has proven himself and taken the role of the destroyer, the flayer of this realm. He has murdered countless warriors on his quest for godhood and there is no end in sight for his merciless reign. I see that if he were made to sit on the Throne of Thrones, no one would dare to oppose him. Fear him, for he will surely have qualms about flaying you on sight.

So says I, The Pantokrator, and I have showered him gifts to make it be as it should be.

Lanka finished his personal ordeal.

Baalz April 21st, 2010 05:38 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Hmmmm, is Gaze of Azrael bugged? It seems much more effective than the description indicates, pretty much wiping out one block of my MR-15 wights every turn with 100 precision.

As a side note: good lord those giants are tough with that super bless. With the water blessing I can't hit them enough to hurt over that regen even after dropping iron bane, and I never would have picked a 10E for the bless but 5 reinvig makes them damn hard to choke out. :/ Time for plan B apparently...

Sensori April 21st, 2010 05:40 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Whilst with each passing month we lose more of our number to the marauding hordes of frogmen and their dead minions that seek to annihilate us, there is some reason for celebration on this day, for we drove the Atlantian filth out of our homelands. Even if they were supported by their cowardly would-be Goddess who left the battlefield with incredible haste!

Very few of their forces managed to flee the onslaught, as just two of their 135 undead made it out intact and none of their living troops, while a good number of their so called "commanders" (indeed, their "Goddess" included) fled before they could even meet us in battle.

They seek to whittle us down, bleed us out, and yes, they have been quite successful in this endeavor. But no matter. Our deaths are inevitable, indeed, but they shall be glorious!

Sensori April 21st, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 741617)
Hmmmm, is Gaze of Azrael bugged? It seems much more effective than the description indicates, pretty much wiping out one block of my MR-15 wights every turn with 100 precision.

Actually, no, the description indicates that it should wipe out undead like crazy and cause tons of decay on the living. Which would make it utterly overpowered for the research cost combined with the low magic skills needed...

I was 100% sure I was losing that fight, but that Gaze of Azrael turned the tide!

EDIT: Actually, I looked at the mod's info on Gaze of Azrael, and it seems to use Dust to Dust's info for the undead killing effect, so I guess that's why it was so effective!

Baalz April 21st, 2010 06:03 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Hmmm, yeah I was looking at the magic resistance negates part of the description, but 100 precision dust to dust is certainly what it felt like! :)

Burnsaber April 22nd, 2010 04:41 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 741617)
Hmmmm, is Gaze of Azrael bugged? It seems much more effective than the description indicates, pretty much wiping out one block of my MR-15 wights every turn with 100 precision.

Yeah, like Sensori said the spell also cast "Dust to Dust" wherever it lands. That sounds really great but the thing is that the AI does not realize it. AI will just target the spell towards the dudes with most hp since the AI does not "realize" what the #nextspell does. My intention with the "Dust to Dusting" was to have the spell to have a somekind of effect against Undead, because decaying undead is just a wasted mage turn with their immense lifespans but the AI does not know that and likes to cast the "aoe decay" spell on undead.

But after seeing the battle, I see the spell could certainly be unfair in this kind of situation where the AI goes right after the high hp undead. I'll change the secondaryeffect to "Maggots" which is less drastic anti-undead effect. (They "melt" under the gaze of the angel of death)

Also, I'll probably bumb the Fortuna's Meddling to be BF wide instead of just 50% of the battlefield. The situation in the battle should have been ideal for it (chaff horde vs few high mr elites) but it wasn't that impressive. Those "Grips of the Marshlands" did not help thought.

Burnsaber April 23rd, 2010 04:39 PM

Ordeal for turn 46: "The Cleansing"
Ordeal for turn 46: "The Cleansing"


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The air is filled with magic as the Ascension Wars draw to a close. I fear that such amount of eldricht might could draw the attention of the forces behind the appearance of the Sign of the Slumbering Elders. If their gaze becomes focused upon this realm, only madness and destruction will follow.

So I have decided that one global will be purged for the good of the realm. Each pretender can cast a vote on which global will be dispelled.

Each nation still in hold of their capital fortress can vote. The global with the most votes will be dispelled (Note that the "Kindly Ones" by Pantokrator can also be voted out). Like in the ordeal "silver tongue" votes can be sold, bought, strongarmed for, etc.. All votes will be made public once all of them have been cast.

The owner of the global will get random gems equal to the gem cost of the global as it is dispelled (not gems of the type used to cast the global itself though).


I have received concers of this ordeal being a bit too "much" and I admit that this is really on the limits on what "GM" should do. I however feel that it is fair because of the politicing involved and that you can buy votes to protect your investment in the global. Also remember that I made these Ordeals before the start of the game, anyone could have had globals up on this point.

But, you players are the real stars of the show. If I get more concerns, I'll call this one off and take it as a lesson learned for LOII.

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