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Gandalf Parker July 7th, 2012 04:03 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators
Which is exactly what the other forum is for
I highly recommend that anyone playing MP games should at least visit it to see what is going on there. AND to their IRC channel. The benefits of such are obvious when you see them in action.

And those benefits are becoming more and more difficult to find here.

ghoul31 July 7th, 2012 04:09 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Mods

Originally Posted by Amhazair (Post 808067)

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 808042)

Originally Posted by Amhazair (Post 807667)
I also won't argue that Calahan can be quite rude at times.

Yea he was always making personal attacks against me. So i finally had to put him on ignore. So I can definitely see why he was banned.

Good job on pulling that sentence completely out of its context. This exactly the kind bulls.h.i.t Calahan called people out on, and exactly the reason many of the other best players with less perseverance have (partially) given up on trying to answer/help/give advice...

You can hardly open your mouth around these parts without some dumb schmuck (Or malevolent troll) ignoring what you said, arguing againt it pointlessly without a shred of evidence to back them up, pulling it out of context or otherwise f.u.c.k.ing over every effort to be helpful.

The rules are that if you launch personal attacks on people, and call them names all the time, you are going to be banned. That is what happened.

If you think that stuff should be allowed then you should hang out on the other forum, not here.

Amhazair July 7th, 2012 04:26 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 808070)
The rules are that if you launch personal attacks on people, and call them names all the time, you are going to be banned. That is what happened.

If you think that stuff should be allowed then you should hang out on the other forum, not here.


Originally Posted by Edi (Post 808063)
I'm also rather amused at the indignation toward Calahan for being such a bad person for sometimes being short with certain people or even *gasp* using rude language. Generally (not limited to this forum only) I see that behavior mostly from people who have absolutely no problem wasting massive amounts of people's time, repeating their already discredited arguments ad nauseam and then swooning and reaching for the smelling salts the second someone loses patience with them and calls them out on it. How dare that person be rude to them?! As if it wasn't rude to repeatedly ignore his arguments and waster his time and perhaps even insult him into the bargain, albeit less directly.

Now, which one of those behaviors is actually more offensive?

Hey, look at that! I don't even have to bother to type an answer to that, since somebody else already did. :D

rdonj July 7th, 2012 05:01 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded (Post 808059)
Rdonj: He has his friends, such as you, to vouch for him. He can re-join and speak for himself. He is far from defenseless. Who vouches for your targets in Invision? I bet anyone that shows to defend himself will rather suffer a piling on. That's exactly the way of old boys clubs, bullies & hive minds. Do not expect an applause if that's the way you choose to act.
Besides, your place->your rules. This is Shrapnel's place, guess who gets to write the rules here.
You are the one who is missing the point because of your coloured glasses, try to be more objective.

So your argument is that because you *think* that the invision board is an old boy's club, you *expect* that someone who shows up to defend themselves will be voted off the island. Aside from the irony of saying something like that in this thread with some rather obvious piling on of calahan by a bunch of people who basically never post except when people are banned and the circular logic employed by your argument, the fact is that situations like this on the invisions board play out fairly similarly to how they do here, except that we don't ban people over there. And there are some people over on invision now who had a somewhat dubious reputation on the board at one point who have come over and been accepted now (after due process of an airing out of grievances). So, please stop making things up, kthanks :)

Edi: That was a hilariously accurate portrayal of Calahan, thanks for making me laugh.

momfreeek July 7th, 2012 06:19 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators
Lets not pretend its the Land of Milk and Honey over there either..


Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded (Post 808059)
Who vouches for your targets in Invision? I bet anyone that shows to defend himself will rather suffer a piling on.

I got:

"bad poster"
"s**t stirrer"
"troll" (numerous times)
"acting like a d**k"
"nitpicky apologist"
"Shut up, Mr. momfreeek! You are not brought upon this world to get it!"

But there were some welcoming voices and yeah, they didn't ban me. Despite my faults, I think some of them are already coming round to the idea that I might not be a total tool ^^

Radio_Star July 7th, 2012 08:40 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators
It's telling that this thread has been the source of more posts in the last five days than the rest of the forum combined over probably the last three to four weeks.

Draw your own conclusions.

jimbojones1971 July 7th, 2012 09:13 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators

Originally Posted by parone (Post 807979)
remmember, shrapnel doesn't really know or care what goes on here. they don't know the members. don't know who contributes what, who's a decent lass or lad, or who is a total d-bag.

they have what? 20 forums? while we all like dominions and have friends within the community(like callahan), they just throw it on a server and classify it "game support". so it isn't that surprising they might get it wrong now and then.

I might be wrong, but it seems to me that almost all of the other forums are effectively museum pieces - not much if any posting ever. In fact, at a guess I'd say at least 80% of the forum posts happen in the Dom3 subforum.

Its going out on a limb, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that most of the income also comes from Dom3 now.

Gandalf Parker July 7th, 2012 09:46 PM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators
They are support forums for games. Not quite the same as a forum like Dom3Mods is. The criteria for success is abit different. Most of the threads on Dom3 forums is about MP games. Sometimes a question pops up.

Other than game chatter, the Dom3 forum is slightly less than half of the posting traffic on the entire server. But it also gets 8 times as much reading as it does posting.

Executor July 8th, 2012 01:37 AM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators
Thank you Edi, that was an excellent and well argued answer.

Executor July 8th, 2012 06:35 AM

Re: The Joys of Overzealous Moderators
Posted at the request of Calahan.

@ Edi

I must say it's pretty unnerving how well you know my forum behaviour. Starts to make me wonder what else you know about me You might want to make note though that I prefer a minigun over a flamethrower, as I find it does more damage at a quicker rate (I recommend you check it out yourself). Although recently I've found the nuclear option to be very appealing, as the time savings you can make with it are just incredible!

Anyway, I thought you might want to know what my signature was which I seemingly got banned for. I'm not 100% sure if the following is word-for-word accurate, but it's around the 95% mark, and is certainly an accurate representation of what my signature was...


(sorry to further disappoint my critics after Edi took the wind out of your sails, but no porns links were harmed in the making of my signature, contrary to some of the rumours I'm sure you'd all like to believe are true)

And that was it. No idea exactly what part of that signature got me banned, I'm guessing it was the word "stupid", but if so then it appers I effectively got banned for calling an Orange an Orange. I might have used "idiot" instead of "stupid", and in the context of "I can not take idiots like Bat-man...", but I don't see how that makes any real difference unless you are playing Scrabble.

I put that signature in place on, or soon after the 14th May, after finally giving up arguing with Bat-man in a thread on the main forum (and at the same point I firmly convinced myself that Bat-man was Chris-P, and so I also realised who I was pointlessly arguing with, and which therefore prompted me to stop arguing immediately due to significant prior experience). And I was banned (for this signature?) on either 1st or 2nd July (I noticed around noon GMT on 2nd July).

And apologies for the slight mis-spellings. They are there to get around a word fliter that's currently in place on dom3mods.

If the links don't work, which I suspect they won't as they never do when copied from a post (they get displayed in shortened form, and copied as such), then please use the following and add the letter "h" to the start of them. (to make "http" obviously). Most browers do this automatically when you paste the text into the address bar.


Link to this post on dom3mods, in case it doesn't display properly on Shrapnal

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