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Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I have noticed this as well. Any Recommendations?
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Decrease the hull defense bonus on fighters and shuttles.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
That way they will be easier to hit. Then again you could either increase the weapons hit modifer on point defense weapons, or decrease the amount of damage a fighter/shuttle can take. You could also just decrease the firepower of fighter weapons, so they wont be as deadly. Thats about by suggestions.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Ok will do guys. And thanks. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I'm not sure if i installed it wrong but i get a range check errors in tactical combat when using pulse weapons from any of the races
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Do you have the ImageMod installed?
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Yes i have the image mod installed. DO i have to have it in the star trek mod directory.
The problem doesnt occur in simulated combat or on other weapons just any races pulse weapons when you go to fire them i get the error and and locks up the game |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
No, the ImageMod doesn't need to be setup in the Star Trek mod directory. But you are you sure you have the ImageMod combat pack?
Which version of the mod are you using? I looked into the most current version's data files and couldn't see any problems with the entries themselve. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
If there is a Pictures\Combat folder in the STM folder, delete it.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Yeah it was the combat mod i must not have installed that last time i re-installed the game
thanks |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Here's a suggestion for you...
Remove the Self Destruct Devices and give the SDD ability to the Warp Core components. That way, SDD's will not be so powerful, as they'll be vulnerable to heavier engine destroying weapons. And after all, whenever they want to blow up the ship on Star Trek, they always overload the warp core, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
[qoute]Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.2 - PENDING
1. Fixed Error in the FQM QuadrantSize file, Sparse Maze Entry. Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.1 1. Fixed Error in Bynar (Neutral Race 001) General file 2. Changed Description of Self Destruct Device (SDD) Boarding Defense Ability 3. Added New ship sets for Minor Empires Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.0 1. Fixed Cost error in Robo - Miners II. It is now the same cost as Robo - Miners I & III 2. Changed Code for all Propulsion Mounts to PM1, PM2, etc. 3. Changed Propulsion Mount 7 from Vehicle Size Minimum 1500 to 2000. 4. Added Propulsion Mount 6 for vehicle Size Min/Max of 1501 to 1999 (For Queens Cube) 5. Added Resource Ship to vehicle Size file. (Custom Hull Size for Supply Replicator Component and mount) 6. Added Supply Replicator I - III 7. Added Supply Mount (SUPM) for use with Supply Replicator I - III and Resource Ship. 8. Changed Intro image to Custom Image by David Gervais. (Birds Of Prey) 9. Changed Telekinetic Torpedo I - III Family from 2003 to 2113. 10. Changed Supply useage for warp core, Borg Warp Core, and Organic War Drive VI - X (Lowered) 11. Changed Federation Explorer Class Bitmap image from Escort to Scout 12. Changed Added new Federation ship set by Atrocities 13. Changed Added new DS9 ship set by Atrocities 14. Changed Added new TMP (Trek Motion Pictures) ship set by Atrocities. 15. Changed Organized shuttles into Shuttle I - V. 16. Changed Small Warp Core Tech Area Req from 3 to 1 - Tech Area Req 1 = Shuttle 1 (Shuttle III hull size) 17. Changed Description of Small Warp Core. 18. Changed Added restriction of Two Per Vehicle to Shuttle Phaser 19. Changed All Small Engines names to Shuttle Impusle Engine I - IV 20. Changed Dropped Tech Area req Propulsion from Shuttle Impulse Engine I - IV 21. Changed Description of Shuttle Impuse Engine I - IV 22. Changed Raised shuttle technology level from 3 to 4. 23. Changed Dropped Tech Requirement Construction 1 from Shuttle Technology 24. Changed Missile weapons Max Level from 9 to 15. AI should now research all missile weapons. 25. Changed Replaced Andorian Neutral Race with the Lurians 26. Changed Replaced Vulcan Neutral Race with the Talosians 27. Added Lurian and Talosian design names 28. Replaced Both the Lurian and Talosian neutral ship sets 29. Changed Updated all EMP files. 30. Changed Fixed errors in Events File. (Now in correct order) 31. Changed All Race Defualt AI_DesignCreation files (Reversed order of ship listings) 32. Changed All Race Research files (Re-organized some entries and added Not Connected entries) 33. Changed Added Generic Race ships 34. Changed Added Boarding defense to Self Destruct Device. 35. Changed Update all neutral and minor race emblems. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Not to be rude or anything, but if you take the time to download the STAR TREK MOD, please read the included installation file and or any other document that came with the mod. Many questions like "why am I missing planet images?" and "Why can't I see some of the components?" can be answered simply by reading the read-me files.
Also for your convience please read the list below. I update it whenever something needs to be convied about the mod such as missing Stellor images, or combat string violations. Thanks and enjoy the mod. Quote:
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
now you know how malfador must feel http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Poor Aaron. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I have a new list idea...... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Is it possible the Star Trek Mod doesn't work with the Map Editor? I keep getting an error message saying something about quadrant types. Please forgive me if this is covered elsewhere, but I've tried searching the forum and can't find an answer. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
You need to use the Mod Launcher to open the map editor for the STM or any mod for that matter.
Matrix Mod Launcher Download Start the Mod Laucher Select the Star Trek Mod Click on the EDIT MAPS button This will load the Map editor using the MOD FILES. You will have to direct the Sav Map or Load Map to the Mods Map folder though. Good luck. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
What would be better? Having the SDD ability added to the warp core and removing the current device, or keep the current SDD with its Security Ability? The security ability allows anti security (Boarding) weapons to destroy the SDD.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I say leave it as is. If you add it to the warp core then races like the Borg won't be able to overwhelm it. I would, however, make it a little bit stronger. Right now it is too easy to overwhelm.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Hey all, just an update.
The next version release date is coming up soon. It will be a two part update. Part one will be the data files and replacement neutral ships. Part two will be only the New Federation and Minor Race ship sets. I have a few things left to do before posting the mod on the 28th. So stay tuned and please report any bugs you know of ASAP. Thanks. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
We are down to the gun lap for bug reports. Tuesday the 1st version will be released.
This new version does effect one race, the Breen. I had to change the size of the Breen cloaking device from 10kt to 20kt. Be warned. For unique updates and such please visit the www.spaceempires.net forums under Mods, the Star Trek Mod. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
<font color="brown">New Version Released </font>
Version of the Star Trek Mod has been released. www.astmod.com The only race that should be effected by this update is the Breen. I increased the size of their cloaking device from 10kt to 20kt. Quote:
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
If you downloaded the update or the full version for STM v before 2am this morning, march 1st, you will need to download a FIX I added an ability to the some of the hulls that effected the movement adversly. This has been corrected. If you have not yet downloaded the latest version, then your ok. Don't worry about it. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
As per discussions at SE.net - it seems the movement bug is caused by the extra movement generation ability having the same number for value2 on the warp core and small ships, differentiating those will correct the problem.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
- Breen Confederacy, STM FINAL PBW game |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
duno when this happened but...why oh why you nerfed borg shields size of 50 cost 1000 minerals and only 10 shields regenerated none will use them now...this is way to low...only thing who makes borgs better is bigger ships...maybe make them worthy again?
Species are nerfed 2 they're shields are only bit better cost twice as much and use more space why use em @ all? sorry if I'm being offensive but when your 2 fusion cubes cant blow up tholian Bship then excuuusme http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
All weapons are lower powered so having uber shields is counter productive to the mod. The game has been tested over and over and over again and the shields work fine given the weaker range of the weapons. I will test the borg out, again, and try and fix any problems they might have. Thanks.
The problem with designs is that there is only so much you can put on a design before you have to manualy add AI tags to the design to get it to add additional weapons or components. In later games, after players have Shield Generator X, you MUST have shield destroying weapons on your designs or a huge fleet in order to take out one well defended ship. This is call technological progression where shield tech has out paced beam weapon ability to peneatrate it. So you change tacticts and start equiping your ships with shield penetrating advanced weapons, and or weapons that target shield generators. I have gotten a lot of statements about the AI and the pace of the game. For a long time I thought I was doing something wrong, that is until now, I was sent a save game for an older version and the player had over 500 turns. The AI in this game had huge, HUGE, fleets of ships of every size from scout to Dreadnought. Their planets were all colonized and full, they were creating new planets and moving about via new warp points. The AI was permorming brillantly. So it occured to me that the problem is not really a problem at all. People expect to have engaging game play within a few turns of starting a game. They are fixated upon getting into the action as soon as possible. They often play a game of about 100 to 150 turns before calling it quites. In this time they expect the AI to have dreadnoughts by turn 20 and providing them a challenge as early as turn 10. Well SEIV is not a 100 to 150 turn game, it is a long range game with turns as high as 1,000 and beyond. When you start a game of SEIV one must realize that an average game is NOT 100 turns, as in the demo, but rather 500 to 1000 turns. If players would be willing to play the mod to those numbers they would find that the AI is quite formiddable. However, most are just interested in getting right into the action. To them I will now say, start the game with High-tech levels and by turn 20 your should start to see dreadnoughts. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
AI designs aside, the trick to the Borg is to use both their regenerators and regular shields. That combo makes their ships extremely tough.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Good point. In the next version I will add an AI Tag to the Borg SR component and add it to their designs.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I also found using the 'Generate Points Intelligence' ability enabled the AI to put Sensor Arrays on all designs. Just made them a little more competetive. I am mainly playing with all research done so I can get into expanding and exterminating. Would this effect a game started on low tech? Thanks again for your outstanding work. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Hey thanks for the info. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I don't know if this will hurt the low tech start but I will experiment with it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Thanks again. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
AT, in one of the other threads you mentioned changing Pirate Colony Tech. My suggestion is to make it cost some points since the Pirate Spacedock is so nice. For that matter why not drop Pirate Colony Tech and add something like Advanced Construction Techniques or some such to give better spaceyards to any who pay for it? Or maybe it would add SJ's spaceyard expansion projects? I could see the Borg converting an entire world over into a giant construction facility! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
AT since SE.net is down I'll post here for a little bug I've found http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif -
'Small Shield Generators' upgrade to 'Personal Shield Generators'! This is especially strange on Fighters |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Thanks guys. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Loosing all that data over at SE.net, well at least the recent bug reports, sucks. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
The data is not lost guys...
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Good to hear it.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
<font color="red">03-11-2005</font>
Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.2 Full (28 megs) This is the complete mod. Be sure to read both the installation and Before You Play documents. Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.2 Patch This is just the patch and it will update any version of the mod from to current. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Problem here. In the first QoC game im playing a pirate race. I constructed the Spy Network, which reads that is adds 20% research output. I checked the facility file and it has the ability. But the bonus wont show up. I have a planet with 8 lvl 1 research facs, which makes 8*500 = 4000 research points. Due to a modifier of race ability and happiness, i get a total of about 4200, so the 20% bonus is not applied. Whats the deal here ? Do those modificators dont show up correctly when selecting the planet ?
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I'm afraid that this mod won't be shown up in the planet window, since this facility has a systemwide effect.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Ah, thanks a bunch. So the research is accumlated, but just not properly displayed. No big deal then. Was wondering how i got 420k research in total anyway, according to the research window http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
edit: apart from trading income http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Dell Games |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
That is a problem with SEIV itself, nothing to do with your mod.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Mod == modifier, not some partcular mod.
Fuel and Range
An examination of fuel consumption and vessel range.
Each ship consumes supplies for it's core and nacelles for every square entered. All other consumption is ignored, except during combat weapons fire. This comes to between 100 and 130 supplies/square. <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Warp Tech Speed Uses PerTurn Years Squares 1 2 100 200 inf n/a 2 3 100 300 inf n/a 3 4 110 440 3.7 148 4 5 120 600 1.2 60 5 6 130 780 0.7 42 6 6 120 720 0.8 48 7 8 110 880 0.5 40 8 8 110 880 0.5 40 9 9 100 900 0.5 45 10 10 100 1000 0.4 40 11 11 100 1100 0.3 33 12 12 100 1200 0.3 36 13 13 100 1300 0.3 39</pre><hr /> Currently, the maximum resupply technology (besides infinite) is 2xRam Scoop-III + 1xReplicator-III only allows for a refill rate of 410 supply/star. This means that maximum sustainable speed through 1-star average space, if extensive research in resupply is spent, is Warp-3. Most vessels have a storage capacity between 2000-5000 supplies. The operational range in turns of a vessel can therefore be calculated as the root of Storage - Turns x (PerTurn - Resupply) = 0. The operational time in years in the last column are for a vessel with 3,000 supply storage, using Ram-Scoop-3, and where every system encountered has one star, and that the vessel will not engage in combat. Range is cut roughly in half for colony ships, which require four nacelles. |
Re: Fuel and Range
Very interesting. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif So the faster you go, the more you use. Cool. Very helpful information. I can see that some adjusting needs to be done. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Fuel and Range
These measurements can help to choose what the various tech levels will offer. Without a good measurement, it is possible to get trapped in a bottomless well of "everything should cost more, and provide less". Speeds above warp-4 produce a total movement of about 40 for a ship, and vary the time in transit between 7 turns and three turns.
The clearest view I can provide, so that you can decide what you want the game experience to be like along the whole timeline. What is the maximum length of a deep-space mission? How does that change over the course of the technology timeline? |
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