![]() |
Re: Bug thread
It's the one marked BHV Recruitment Queue 2. No harm done, no need to apologize. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Bug thread
I have searched on the forums a bit and looked at the shortlist, but it seems that this wasn't reported before:
Playing Mictlan, an earth slide destroyed a temple in one of my provinces. But the priest in that province who was already commanded to do a blood sacrifice kept that order. Because I was curious if it would really work without the temple I didn't change the order, and indeed, he raised my dominion there on the next turn (which was bad, since he got some bad scale effects in there that I didn't want there, but anyway...). Is there some other random which destroys a lab or something? Then I guess all commands that require a lab should be checked if they correctly get reset after it is gone, aswell. |
Re: Bug thread
-Max |
Re: Bug thread
Here is a behavior bug I found while modding.
If you give a custom unit 0 map movement, it works as expected when player controlled. Trying to move the unit brings up the dialog screen to remove the units that cannot move to the selected province. So when the units are player controlled, they are not able to leave the province they started in through normal movement. The bug happens when the AI controls the units. The AI ignores 0 map movement and moves the units where it wishes, disregarding the 0 map movement. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
-Max |
Re: Bug thread
Regarding 45 temples with starting dominion of 1... Sorry if something's changed, or this has already been addressed, or something, I don't have time to hunt. In Dominions 2, at least, this was how it always worked. Your starting dominion determined the effectiveness of your temple checks (including blood sacrifices) for all time. Lots of temples would raise your maximum dominion, but not your temple check power. Made points spent on dominion more worthwhile...
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
It's been reported before, but didn't make the shortlist. Probably should. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Oops, sorry.
Searched, but didn't see it in the list. And didn't check far enough back in this discussion. |
Re: Bug thread
No problem. It's a fairly lengthy list, so easy to miss things. Makes my eyes bleed every time I need to go back there and update anything, like I just did with the Siege AI bug (observed it in action the other day). Bonus is you can find the recruitment queue bug right near that, easy to spot due to the azure "Update:" text near it, in the Behavior bugs section.
Re: Bug thread
Two points:
1) On the second to last post on the Bug Shortlist, the line: ITEM ?? Rod of Death: Control the Dead not castable as item spell. If this came up from the thread: link, then I do not believe that this is in fact a bug. As I figured out eventually in that thread (with some help from RonD and others), it's not that the item doesn't work, it's just that commanders with using this item have rather odd behaviour when the item spell is out of range. I would like to see that AI behaviour improved, but it probably doesn't qualify as a bug. Sorry for having caused the extra work on the bug list! 2) I would like to request that the "BHV Dominion Spread" bug get rated as a "major" bug. Is this the appropriate place/thread to make that request? I can certainly imagine opposing views on this, but it's a discussion I'd like to see happen. |
Re: Bug thread
#okleader command doesnt work with #copystats.
Re: Bug thread
1) Noted. I'll fix that and remove it. 2) Yes, this is certainly the place to make such requests, comments and observations. It is not named the discussion thread for nothing. I'll mark it major, I just tossed it in without bothering to assign priority. It is generally not my place to do so unless the classification is obvious (such as the fixed-in-next-patch Mictlan research exploit and the also-to-be-fixed GUI Special). The dominions spread issue does fit in the major category, though, I agree. In general, this thread is also a good place to post bugs too (even ones that have their own separate discussion threads), since trying to find a dozen and one different threads without linking posts from here is a real pain in the arse and makes it easy to miss something that should be shortlisted. Amos: Noted. I'll add that. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I'v lurked for a while but this is the first time I felt the need to make an account to post.
Since I'v upgraded to 3.06 I'v found a bug that's a bit odd.(I know the bug has been mentioned a couple times but I'v seen no response so I'll try to expand on it from my experience) When you right click a commander on the map screen and then exit the commander info screen(By either clicking exit or pressing esc) everything that's not the map image will sometimes vanish. You can still click and work things(I'v gotten good at finding my way to the save and exit command...) but there doesn't seem to be anyway to get the menus and icons back after it happens. What's weird is it won't always happen, on some turns I can enter and exit the commander info over and over without a problem, then out of no where on a different turn it'll just vanish when I exit. As mentioned before the bug never happens when you use the army setup to enter a commanders info screen- but that's pretty annoying when you're used to just Rclicking their picture. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
When you are besieging an enemy's castle, the magic sites show up on the location buttons list greyed out and not clickable. However if you look at the Nation Summary dialog (F1), it will allow you to click and see the details of the magic sites on the province being besieged.
I am not sure if this is a bug or working as designed, but it seems to be conflicting anyway. Also I was able to recruit units at my capital even though it had unrest over 100. I sent the game files to Illwinter. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Ah, I thought it would restrict you from setting a queue like it does when you are being besieged.
No worries then. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It looks like magic item 203 (Boots of the Planes) makes a commander horror marked with every single usage of the item. The manual says "slight chance of horror mark" (as well as "slight chance of getting lost in time and space each month"). I guess it could be a typo in the manual but it seems more likely that it's a bug.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
In one of my MP games i used the boots several times and didn't get horror marked. Maybe you had another horror marking item or just bad luck?
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
i find that if someone wears them for more than a few months they end up horror marked.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Right Mouse Button - bug?
When I try to take my turn in a particular MP game (on turn 51), using the right mouse button doesn't select a province, it triggers the end turn box (what would happen if you hit 'e'). Taking my turn in SP games, or in the 3 other MP games I'm playing, the mouse behaves normally. I can select a province normally by hitting "#" and putting in the province number, and once I've selected a province, I can use the RMB normally to select a commander, for example.
What I've tried - I'm running Windows XP with a Logitech G5 mouse, and I've gone into the Logitech software to "reset defaults" in case there was some odd preference set - no help. I've tried deleting all local files for the MP game and redownloading the turn - no help. I've checked the mouse settings under the control panel, and again no help. I installed 3.06 on a different computer (also running Windows XP) and connected to the server for the files, and the bug continues unchanged. I note that other users in the "Buggy UI" thread reported that the bug resolved on its own, but several weeks later, it continues, again only on that particular game, and with both computers I've tested. |
Re: Tempest Lord Bug
Tempest Lords of Caelum EA (unit number 1288) description refers to ring mail hauberks and says explicitly they do not use ice armor, yet they have #iceprot 2 ability. (protection goes up/down 2 depending on cold/heat scales)
Tempest Warriors (1287) also have the same problem, which is already on Edi's bug short list. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I've been using the game on version 3.00 because every time I've patched I've gotten the same error. When I end a turn regardless of whether or not I've done anything (issued orders, recruited units, etc.) the game crashes and gives me an error of "ConvArmyNbr: error!". It does this whether or not I have any mods enabled.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Weirdness (with reference to the "what is a "bug" discussion):
In dom3, Air Queens (563,911,912) are not supposed to be able to enter water, but there is a loophole. An AQ with a ring of water breathing can cloud trapeze to a water province. Once there, she cannot move to another water province, or cast another cloud trapeze, but she can move back up onto land, if she is next to a coast. (Cloud trapeze her into the middle of the ocean, and I suppose you might as well throw away her ring and drown her - 'cause she's not leaving that water province otherwise) |
Re: Bug Commentary
OS X Bug
OS X 10.3.9 Dom3 3.06 1) Go to the Army setup screen in a province that contains multiple units of the same type. 2) Either Double-click on a unit to select all of that type in the row or Shift-click on a two units to select all the units in between. 3) Clicking once more on either the unit which was double-clicked or the first unit of the Shift-click will cause the game to crash. 4) Clicking on any other unit in the selected group simply removes that unit from the selected group as normal. I started a new thread for this before I realized it may be more helpful to put this here. |
Re: Bug Commentary
TheMenacer, I have no idea of how the various patches interact with each other, but I patched my install of the game straight to 3.04 and skiped 3.01 completely, then patched to 3.06 after that. Never had any problems. Perhaps you could try that?
If it works that way for you, that would indicate that some sort of conflict between the patches vs the unpatched game or more likely that something that was in the 3.04 patch got accidentally left out of the 3.06 version. Most people here have patched gradually, so if it is that sort of thing, the lack of reports would not be so surprising. RonD, I'll see about testing that during the weekend to see if I can get consistent results and narrow it down a bit. Unless someone beats me to the punch, of course. |
Re: Bug Commentary
I tried patching one at a time, and my "ConvArmyNbr" problem is definately being caused by patch 3.04. Did anyone else get this problem from 3.04? Any help would be great.
Re: Bug Commentary
god i hope #aoe and #secondaryeffectalways gets fixed in the next patch.
Re: Bug Commentary
I think the AI and call god have been mentioned before, but I don't think people were certain there were issues there. Anyway...
I've recently finished a game as LE man against difficult AIs. Near the end, Arcosephale had two provinces - their home province and one other castle province. Both under siege. I storm the home province and kill their god, a great enchantress. The very next turn, I get a message "Our undefended province arcoscephale has been conquered...". Looking at it, I see that it is under siege by the enemy pretender. She was still a great enchantress and not a wight mage or anything. That very same turn I had stormed the other castle. This means that the great enchantress appeared as an independent, but I don't think that should affect 'call god'. Anyway, the enemy had a single priestess. It's possible I missed a prophet in the battle, but this was the very last of their armies and was far too small (maybe 20 units) for me to miss 40 points worth of priests. It seems that the AI on difficult was able to complete 'call god' in one turn despite having far too few priests. Is this an intentional benefit for higher-difficulty AIs or a bug in the call god routine? |
Re: Right Mouse Button - bug?
Re: Bug Commentary
-Max |
special characters again .. or the lack of ..
1 Attachment(s)
.. and it was only "Midgrd" on the 'm'essage screen as well .. |
Re: special characters again .. or the lack of ..
I think there's a known issue with unusual characters in names. One of Sauromatia's heroes has his name displayed as just 'Sk' because of this
Re: Bug Commentary
*BUMP* on Zulgaines post.
I also use the ESC key alot. Exact same issue. DOM3 3.06 WinXP SP2 Geforce 7800GT Forceware 93.71 EDIT: Indeed I missed a digit when entering the key. Strange the installer continued, and the game (sorta) worked with an invalid key. All is right in the world now though. Thank you for the quick response. |
Re: Bug Commentary
HappyUser, Zulgaines, sounds like the bad CD-key issue. Contact Shrapnel Games support and they will help you.
Crash bug
I was playing with ME Ulm, and had one of its heroes fighting with few magic items alongside my army. During my latest turn game would crash during battle replay. I looked into it with debug command-switch and found following from end of log:
1737 striking with weapon Sword of Sharpness. att27 def25 hitloc Hero strikes Hero wl2 diff-1 -> 2 hitunit 1737 1737 dmg8 spec65 ba2 damage 1737 dmg26 spec65 ba2 looseallitems: cnr 83(Barthulf) unr 1737 1737 striking with weapon Hoof. att24 def19 Enemy mage had casted Rage (makes affected unit attack anything that is closest) and apparently Barthulf had failed his resist, so he attacked himself and died. Although this is probably incorrect behavior, what made the game crash (probably) was Barthulf's horse attacking something after he had died. Units shouldn't attack themselves while enraged, or at least they should stop after they die. |
Message Screen Troubles
1 Attachment(s)
Stumbled into several minor troubles with the message screen:
1) no exit button Workaround: ESC or by leaving "through" opening any message 2) only exit button (no screenshot, unreproducable) When I re-entered the message screen using "m", once the screen showed only the last entry ("battle in ..") and the exit button. After scrolling upwards, I ended up at 1). Wasn't able to reproduce this behaviour, though. 3) Message screen not centered - runs into window frame See screenshot. Running 1152x864 windowed, maximized. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...n_troubles.png |
LA Mictlan PD : underwater = land
1 Attachment(s)
In deep sea procinve, LA Mictlan gets land PD
.. to the right: PD 11 .. the standard land units, not the (LA atlantian) underwater PD the manual mentions: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...derWaterPD.png |
LA Mictlan \"Tribal King\" wrong missile weapon
LA Mictlan "Tribal King" drawn with javelin, equipped with sling
Unit #730 sling #22 instead of javelin #21 |
Re: LA Mictlan \"Tribal King\" wrong missile weapon
The Mictlan UWPD issue has been reported and is in the shortlist. I'll add the tribal king later.
Re: Right Mouse Button - bug?
Go Illwinter! |
Re: Right Mouse Button - bug?
Jonathan, I've marked that as fixed in the shortlist. Thanks.
Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
I just noticed that my Niefel Jarl (unit 844) had his protection reduced to his base of 7 after being the victim of a destruction spell, even though he should have still been at a higher protection due to the cold-2 scale in the province. I haven't tested this with the non-commander giants (unit 845).
He had the +4 prot earth blessing at the time the destruction was cast, if that makes any difference. |
Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
Micah- Niefel giant's description say it's their body getting tougher when it's cold, so you have a point.
But it's probably working as designed since the cold protection mechanic was designed for caelum's ice armor, so the extra prot is part of the armor just like e9 bless. |
Re: Temperature scale/protection oversight/bug
Probably it's been mentioned, but along with everything else, I'd like to add that ability in Nature magic still doesn't increase regeneration-or it didn't the last time I checked.
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