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Argitoth April 22nd, 2008 05:02 AM

Re: Bug thread
Save and Quit ends your turn.
If you login to a server and go to options and click "Save game and Quit," the server shows your turn as having been ended.

Edi April 22nd, 2008 05:58 AM

Re: Bug thread
Listed already in the SYS category. Argitoth, please check if a bug has already been shortlisted before you post something as a new issue.

chrispedersen April 22nd, 2008 10:14 PM

Update please
I submitted files about a priest attacking a province without PD and with X X Retreat orders.

When X where unactionable orders, the priest would retreat even from a province with routing undead, where the enemy routed first.

Has this made it to the bug list?

Tuidjy April 22nd, 2008 11:45 PM

Re: Update please
I do not see this as a bug. Sometimes I do want to force a retreat. I do not
want the AI disobeying my orders. If the commander sees retreat, he should
retreat, no matter whether the enemy is routing or not.

I absolutely hate the AI deciding that it is smarter than its orders. In my
current game I had a nature mage decide that the enemy is too wimpy for him to
cast serpent's blessing. Instead, the moron goes and casts Touch of Madness on
himself and the longbowmen around him. Not only did I have to endure the poison
of the enemy slingers, I also lost ten longbowmen who managed to squeeze between
the infantry that was on "hold and attack", and got shot up by my troops.

By no means was it a disaster, but it is certainly annoying. Please reduce the
range and worth score of "Touch of Madness", or better yet, make it 'scripted only'
like "Breath of Winter". It seems that every time a nature mage of mine refuses
to use gems, he defaults to "Touch of Madness". And given that gem users are
usually high level mages, who are positioned behind the infantry lines...

Argitoth April 23rd, 2008 02:46 AM

Re: Bug thread

Edi said:
Zeldor, you are ignoring game mechanics.

1) Mindless units do not retreat from battle. If left without leadership, they die.
2) Combat ends after 75 turns with attackers dying if left on battlefield
3) Golems will never retreat from battle (as per description AND per mindlessness, because he has 50 morale and leads himself)

1+2+3 = attacking Golem dies automatically when turn 75 autorout death is reached. According to the game mechanics, this is WAD. Whether there should be some exceptions built to take this into account is another question entirely, but this is NOT an automatic bug!

As for the wraithlord, was that the same wraithlord or another wraithlord with the same equipment? And were there alternate routes from A to B?

So I just lost a supercombatant to the 50-turn limit thing in Dominions. As a matter of fact, the limit is 50, not 75. I'm wondering if this is considered a bug or not. Regardless, it's a serious issue. It ruins the fun of the game.

It's really funny how I lost the golem actually. The 50-turn limit hit one or two battle rounds before the battle would have been over. I was seriously unlucky in this battle. Everything I did in that battle helped me reach the 50-turn limit. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif

Edi April 23rd, 2008 02:59 AM

Re: Bug thread
Chris, that's not a bug, that's WAD. If units have unactionable orders, they do something else (e.g. a mage scripted to cast something that doesn't have enough range to reach enemy, he casts something else instead). If there is nothing else they can do (essentially can't shoot or can't cast a spell), they move on to the next order in the script, check if it's actionable etc. If the oreder is retreat, it's triggered. If retreat orders are not specified in the script, the default order is attack if nothing else can be done.

Argitoth, the golem issue is in the bug list with a request for clarification on whether it is a bug or working as it should. Without input from IW, that's all I can do.

chrispedersen April 23rd, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: Bug thread

Then why have me send in turn files, if its WAD?
Also, its still peculiar.

Say for example the order was

Banish, Banish, Retreat.
But there are no units within Banish range.

If you have mages scripted for fireball, fireball, retreat they will cast SOME spell (usually like fireshield) twice -it won't just skip forward to the retreat.

But the priest immediately retreats first turn. I believe this is a defect of AI, and I reproduced it like
5 times.

chrispedersen April 23rd, 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Bug thread
actually the limit is 50 turns with additional turns, depending on whats there.

I don't recall all the details.. but on 50 the attacker gets a rout order. On turn like 60 mindless or enraged units start getting killed etc.

If you search around theres a thread on it.

Argitoth April 23rd, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: Bug thread
Chrispedersen, it's turn 50, not 60. I counted. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

And I seriously doubt it depends on anything.

NTJedi April 24th, 2008 01:51 AM

Re: Bug thread
I've always disagreed with the "Auto_Death" after 50, 75 and 100 turns. I've tried to make the point it should be an "Auto_Retreat". For any unit or commander to be killed because of a time limitation is wrong on many levels. Unfortunately as long as this remains every Ascension War between pretenders will have to follow the rules of the all powerful union or it means "Auto_Death" on the battlefield.

Union Rules:
Attacker auto-retreats first at 5pm
Defender auto-retreats second at 8pm
Death for any which disobey these union battlefield rules.

===== anyways ====
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] update:
The bug where iron will removes the blessing from shroud of the saint is also reproduced when ironskin is casted. So it's not just iron will.

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