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jutetrea May 11th, 2007 12:21 AM

Memo: MK to staffing clerks

On behalf of Master Kardash, I would like to submit a request to the heavenly beaurocracy to PLEASE STOP SENDING troops!!!, ahem. As I was saying, please divert all fanatics and militia willing to join the glorious cause into the department of fisheries and farmland where they may do some good. Further deportments will continue to strain our economy by providing extra mouths to feed.

We regret the loss of the previous weeks TPS reports and will have our scribes working diligently to catch up. Please stop. We promise to fill out all forms in triplicate, with the required seals and signatures. Master Kardash himself will be on hand to shuffle paper tomorrow.

***4 luck events, yay!, 4 troop events, boo, 200+ upkeep eek!. Anyone want to kill off a few hundred useless troops? luck my #$%3*.

Saint_Dude May 11th, 2007 12:39 AM

Re: Memo: MK to staffing clerks
We Giants would be happy to help if we were in the neighborhood. We are adept at the business of squishing useless little people. Although we have some trepidation that given Kardash's exorbitant gem income, any helpful party may find that the rumored peasants are in fact a horde of summons; perhaps celestial warriors?

jutetrea May 11th, 2007 01:08 AM

Re: Memo: MK to staffing clerks
We wish, ahem, alas the sudden appearance of a few hundred celestial soldiers would have been a boon indeed. As it is we shall start filing the forms for the inclusion of a dismiss command and in the meantime put the peasants to work.

vfb May 11th, 2007 02:36 AM

Militia Madness
T'ien Ch'i is not the only nation to suffer from an over-enthusiastic populace.

The southern jungles of Mictlan overflow with young warriors seeking to prove themselves in battle. We have no funds to support these recruits, and our our god has deemed them unacceptable sacrifices.

Mictlan has no choice but to send them off to war.

Helheim, you have been an honorable neighbor. It is with great sadness that we hereby cancel all pacts with you. Our armies march, so make your preparations accordingly. We would be overjoyed if you would agree to engage in battle earlier! Please just send us a message -- either a messenger or an invading army will do. According to our agreements, if you do not accept an earlier start to hostilities, then you may expect the first wave of young Mictlan soldiers to die on your spears in three month's time, Early Spring.

-- Zotz, Prophet of Mictlan

lch May 11th, 2007 08:22 AM

Re: T\'ien Chi is back from his heavenly meetings

jutetrea said:
Just joined a random game, nice setup for a status page


Clueless on HTML, so not sure how difficult it is to implement

Thanks. The script is already in the vaults of this forum and the attachment gets changed whenever it is updated. A web server with PHP is needed, no database required. You'll have to fiddle around with the starting commands for the game server to workaround some problems, but it's all described in the ReadMe...

If anything's unclear, feel free to ask in the thread.

Kojusoki May 11th, 2007 09:13 AM

Re: T\'ien Chi is back from his heavenly meetings
Nation willing to join our crusade againts Mitclan are welcome. Also we have gems for sale, all kinds. Price depends on quantity. PM please.

vfb May 11th, 2007 09:40 AM

The fabled treasures of Helheim
Mictlan is looking forward to viewing your fine collection of Gems during our vacation in the southlands.

We do not expect to be staying long. We are mainly interested in previewing a small amount of real estate surrounding the famed Hot Waters. We would like to acquire perhaps 5 or so provinces in that vicinity. Oh, and Morn too. You do remember that Morn was once Mictlan's long ago ? It's time to pay the rent. With interest. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Kojusoki May 11th, 2007 10:17 AM

Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
As you probably have seen in our catalouges, we have already bulit up our infrastructe so we are ready to welcome additional guests. According to our archieves, you "were happy" to "give as back" this province so we are a bit confused. But we do belive that when we meet everything will be clear. As our goodwill, we would be happy to build up in that province a huge graveyard of Mitclan warriors. There will be more death gems then;)

Gandalf Parker May 11th, 2007 11:03 AM

Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
OK testing a temp-fix on the connect problem.
Let me know if it helps.

jutetrea May 11th, 2007 11:16 AM

Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
connected 5 times on the first try, what'd you do?

edit: tried a bunch more times and got in first try as well.

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