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Wauthan April 19th, 2008 01:01 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
1. Unpack the mod.
2. Move the Skaven folder and the Skaven.dm into the folder called "Mods", which in turn is located inside the main directory for Dominions 3. For example C:\Program Files\Dominions3\mods.
3. Start Dominions 3 and select Preferences, then Mod Preferences. Enable the Skaven Mod.
4. Start a new game, the Skaven nation should be available for the middle era.

Aezeal April 19th, 2008 01:05 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
unpack the file in the mods map

the .dm file should be directly in the mod map, usually the graphic files are in a map inside the mod map.

ronjon April 19th, 2008 02:03 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
I cannot believe I did not unpack the mod but just copied the folder into the mods folder. I don't know much but even I know that is wrong. Thanks for the help sorry to waste your time.

Sombre April 19th, 2008 02:29 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
You mean the zip? Because all you need to do with the /folder/ and .dm file is what you did, put it in the mods directory.

Ferrosol April 24th, 2008 07:26 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
Posted A Skaven Strategy guide feel free to check it out and pull it to pieces.

Zentar May 19th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)

Ferrosol said:
Posted A Skaven Strategy guide feel free to check it out and pull it to pieces.

The strategy guide is very helpful and rare for MOD nations.

One thing that I noticed (that came as an initial shock) was that mercenaries attack first, then a second battle is fought using your Skaven troops. Why does this happen? Did I miss it in the strategy guide? Obviously I wanted both troop types fighting as a team. Is this unique to Skaven?

I started a new game with mixed armies (mercenaries and nationals) and it worked like normal i.e. they both were present in a single battle. Now I have no idea what is happening or if it is even unique to Skaven.

Sombre May 19th, 2008 06:18 PM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
It's nothing to do with the nation. It's possible you moved mercs and skaven and forgot that the skaven were sneaking. The mercs attacked first, then the skaven sneaked and were caught.

Zentar May 24th, 2008 01:48 AM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)

Sombre said:
It's nothing to do with the nation. It's possible you moved mercs and skaven and forgot that the skaven were sneaking. The mercs attacked first, then the skaven sneaked and were caught.

That had be what happened since it never happened again. I probably re-clicked the attack and forgot to take it off auto-sneak mode.

This is an extraordinary masterpiece mod. Good theme, great unit graphics, best looking national banner, diversity in playing options, no ridiculously overpowered capitol mages (I have seen soon mods with mages having 7 magic picks plus 2-3 holy - not balanced I will not mention the mod), and good pricing.

Sombre, early in this mod's development you choose to use earth and fire for Warplightning summons. Earth and air would have seemed more consistent as all lightning is air related. Perhaps you could help me understand this choice or possibly change it if you update again.

Thanks again for this wonderful mod gift.

Sombre June 3rd, 2008 11:56 AM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)
Well the idea behind warplightning is that despite the way it appears in the game, it actually jumps from the caster to the target, not from the sky. Unlike regular lightning or weather magic, warpstone is the power behind warplightning, which is essentially just a release of warp energy. I decided early on that warpstone based magic was a mixture of fire/death/earth in dom3 terms - earth/death is the poisonous aspects of it, fire/death is the warpfire and earth/fire is the raw warp energy or warplightning.

Besides that the earth and fire spells native to dom3 all make sense more or less for skaven warlock engineers to be using. The air spells don't fit them at all. Like Agartha they're largely a subterranean race and weather magic isn't their bag.

Ikkit Claw has air magic because he's travelled all over the world collecting arcana. He's a hero available to Skaven. One of the strongest heroes in the game I'd say.

Amhazair June 4th, 2008 08:59 AM

Re: Vermin Lord - Hail the Rats (and Sombre)

LoloMo said:
Hi. I've been using this nation [Tomb Kings] in the TigerCat MP game, and have been very happy with it.

The new patch have removed all magic paths from my recruitable mages and priests though. Hope llamabeast can rework this soon. Thanks!

I've seen the same thing happening with the Arga Dis and Skaven mods, so I'm guessing this is a general issue. (Games that were already started luckily aren't affected, but any new game is)

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