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Warhammer August 8th, 2007 12:17 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
My take on NAPs in general is that you are free to make or break them at will. However, if you make an NAP and then leave a border completely undefended, if the guy breaks the NAP you only invited it upon yourself. On the other hand, you can go public with things and try to sway the other people about what is going on and get them on your side.

Burnsaber August 8th, 2007 01:19 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
I generally honor my NAPs and if I make closer alliance/promises with someone, I honor that too. I have no qualms about assaulting anyone, that's why there is usually the three-month breakege involved with every NAP I make.

If the map is crwoded I have no idea how one can go around breaking NAP without warning. Once you break one NAP, yuo're at war all the time with everyone since no-one will trust you no more. Trading? A lot harder since you have to send everything first (making it possible for someone to sucker you).

I think breaking NAPs simply not worth it. I'd rather wait 3 turns before making myself a political outcast.

Warhammer August 8th, 2007 06:33 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
99 times out of 100 I honor everything. Its only in a game changing situation that I would consider it.

sum1lost August 10th, 2007 07:08 AM

Due to abysia's inconsistent diplomatic approach, the nation of pythium, some turns ago, felt it necessary to take steps. Having offered a generous solution to an earlier problem (The problem: Abysia took taken provinces behind pythium lines, with the solution being an offering of the income of the provinces in question, in addition to the sum of 300 gold, and the income of one other province abysia was expanding towards, from pythium to Abysia). Abysia ignored this offer- in fact, they sent no response, instead attempting to expand even further, and initiated a troop buildup on pythium's border.

Therefore, pythium was been forced to cancel the renewal of the NAP, which is due to expire on turn 39, by their count, with agggresive action (battles and the like) occuring on turn 40.

However, said NAP has not yet expired, and violations of the terms included therein while the NAP is still in effect would result in an instant, and full, aggressive response.

Individuals interested in supporting this effort are requested to make donations to pythium, preferably of pearls, air gems, or gold.

Thank you.

Approved by the Department of Border Integrity and the Theurgs of Pythium

Valerius August 10th, 2007 01:32 PM

Re: Abysia
Inconsistent? As in: we made a NAP and stuck to it? As in: we discuss things instead of issuing ultimatums?

It sounds very dramatic to say we took provinces behind Pythian lines but the truth is that we took Arco's provinces (as did everyone else in the area) north of Pythium's lines. Other nations please be aware that all of Arco's former territories are apparently considered by Pythium to be behind their ever-expanding lines. Pythium will inform you of when you must return those provinces and if you don't return them then Pythium will declare war.

Abysia would greatly appreciate other nations' assistance in dealing with the Pythian menace. Obviously we have an uphill battle but we have been forced into war by an aggressive, uncompromising neighbor. In any case we would be surprised to see nations assist Pythium. Look at Pythium's atttack on C'tis, the number of Arco's provinces they have gained and their research progress and it is clear who the danger is.

One correction that we think Abysia and Pythium can agree on is that the NAP was for a six turn warning and so Pythium's estimates of when the NAP ends should have one turn added to them.

sum1lost August 10th, 2007 06:51 PM

Re: Abysia
(Okay, schedule fixed above)

I'm also not sure what you meant by 'the number of Arco's provinces Pythium took'. Arco never had a large presence there- in fact, the provinces you invaded were, until recently, provinces of Oceania's that Arco had attacked when it went AI. Most of the similar territory in that area was much the same. When I expanded into Arco's territory, (province 68) I found that you had several fliers who were well to the west of that area (63). Oceania can easily verify this.

As for uncompromising? Pythium made several offers and issued several notices via in-game messages over the last three turns. Throughout those, Abysia never responded, until the final count was posted on these forums. They had, earlier, expressed a desire to keep the number of border provinces as low as possible. Instead, they expanded in across pythium's borders, more than doubling the number of border provinces between the two nations. This was the original source of 'border inconsistency'.

The approach of war is not quite inevitable, even now. The earlier offer still stands. Abysia has merely declined the opportunity to compromise.

Note: This is all the pythium speaking.

Out of character: Did jotunheim stale last turn? IF not, then when they take their last turn, could they do us all the favor of waiting five minutes for the server to host, and taking their second turn then? This really goes for anyone who is the last to take their turn in any quickhost game.

sum1lost August 11th, 2007 07:05 AM

Re: Abysia
Double post:

I just managed to waste 60 gems and one of my more useful mages and achieved absolutely nothing this round.

General woe.

Sleet August 11th, 2007 11:30 AM

Re: Abysia
YES the Giants slept through their turn. Having troubles with my laptop connection.

Burnsaber August 12th, 2007 07:03 AM

Marignon has fallen
The "spider infestation" in Marignon has ended and the glorious reign of the disposable god-king of Machaka has started. Some provinces still remain "uninfested", but they will soon join our glorious nation.

Marignon fought bravely and to the bitter end, but in the end, the eternal light of our god Soforu, the Second Sun just shone more brightly than Marignon's holy flames.

We would like to take is opportunity to advertise our forging services. We have Fire, Earth, Death, Nature (and soon water) covered. Dwarven Hammers are no-brainer. Fire Brands and Charccoal Shields for your SC's. Boosters, like Earth Boots, Thistle Maces, Flame Helmets!, and Skull Staffs are also available. We can be paid by Water gems, Air boosters, Blood Stones, Crystal Coin, Ring of Wizardy/Sorcery and Staff of Elmental Mastery. Money is also fine, I want 12 gold per gem in the cost of the item.

Have to admit I got a bit lucky during our war. Those Knights couldn't have picked a worse time for you! I also assume that my Flames from Afar fried your commander ferrying your troops making your 3 Grand Masters attack alone.. That certainly was a large nail in your coffin.

I hope to see you in another battlefield.

Warhammer August 13th, 2007 10:36 AM

Re: Marignon has fallen

Burnsaber said:
The "spider infestation" in Marignon has ended and the glorious reign of the disposable god-king of Machaka has started. Some provinces still remain "uninfested", but they will soon join our glorious nation.

Marignon fought bravely and to the bitter end, but in the end, the eternal light of our god Soforu, the Second Sun just shone more brightly than Marignon's holy flames.

We would like to take is opportunity to advertise our forging services. We have Fire, Earth, Death, Nature (and soon water) covered. Dwarven Hammers are no-brainer. Fire Brands and Charccoal Shields for your SC's. Boosters, like Earth Boots, Thistle Maces, Flame Helmets!, and Skull Staffs are also available. We can be paid by Water gems, Air boosters, Blood Stones, Crystal Coin, Ring of Wizardy/Sorcery and Staff of Elmental Mastery. Money is also fine, I want 12 gold per gem in the cost of the item.

Have to admit I got a bit lucky during our war. Those Knights couldn't have picked a worse time for you! I also assume that my Flames from Afar fried your commander ferrying your troops making your 3 Grand Masters attack alone.. That certainly was a large nail in your coffin.

I hope to see you in another battlefield.

GG Burnsaber. This was my first MP game and my first real game with Marignon. It showed quite a bit. I had some bad luck with events (heck I was 3 misfortune, but I thought my 3 order would balance that), I screwed up some of my research, and I think I just had a bad matchup with Machaka (at least this early in the game). But, once I thought I had my feet solidly under me again, I had two knights events come along and those hurt bad as they were some of my better territories and one separated my empire in two.

That said, you were able to take advantage of the mistakes which is what separates the good players from the bad. Those spiders of yours were killer, and I just didn't have any mages that were capable of going after their weaknesses. I still don't know exactly what I could have done to take them down given my situation. I didn't have the diversity of magic I needed to really hurt them.

GG, it was fun playing with all of you and hopefully, I will see you guys in other games.

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